Photo by Melody

Morning Glories: Morning Glories 2017 #10, 5 by pmmGarak

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Photo of Morning Glories 2017 #10
pmmGarak wrote:
Hi Jackie,

lovely blooms, both the MGs and he Aloe-ish one. I don't think my purp is Jamie Lynn - i had that once as a gift, and it was white with pink eye, mine have a bluish base color - i've added another pic, close up, of which i did some color correction to get the "real world" impression on to the monitor - automated white correction in some cameras can be devastating to pale colors. Next pic is the front fence i mentioned yesterday - i would have loved some more color here, but they somehow all came white/purple. One thing I notice about your pics is that you all seem to get a lot less leafs - that can't be a purpurea vs. nil problem, because whenever i tried nils they got masses of leafs, too. Any idea what could be the reason?
One plant that doesn't do many leafs is my Quamoclit. I'm actually happy that I planted it far away from the other MGs, as it really struggles for me. Talking about that section, I'm still waiting for the I. hederifolia, of which i transplanted some volunteers, so the plants are a bit late, but they do have buds now.
Looks like I'm running out of glories to show, so there's two off-topics: Pic 4 is Calydorea amabilis, another one of my beloved Tigridieae tribe and one-day-wonders. The last one is a ceropegia, a somewhat succulent climber and more or less the proof that no shape of a flower is too absurd to evolve...

This message was edited Aug 6, 2017 8:48 AM