Photo by Melody

Morning Glories: Morning Glories 2016 #17, 5 by joeswife

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Photo of Morning Glories 2016 #17
joeswife wrote:
hi guys, sorry, was working all weekend and Sunday was spent getting things outside cleaned up a bit ( not much) it froze here so down went the canna\'s and the castor bean, Joe loved that thing. Everything here is done done done. Glad you guys down south can cheer us up with blooms. I will be working straight thru until Wednesday, including Sunday since we are all helping with the move. Sure love seeing these photos and chat when I do hop on for a few. I am still sick, but no fever so now my poor mouth has imploded with blisters all over and I spent the day hiding in my office , hoping for my lips to quit swelling over night. I don\'t know where all this stuff comes from, no kids around me, and Dr said to be prepared for a month of symptoms. *sigh* we aren\'t putting on Thanksgiving, we are going over to Joe\'s Brother\'s place and all the kids will meet us there. I\'m making a pecan pie, Joe is making his famous dressing, and Joanna will do the taters and Rose her corn dip. Sitting here watching Joe clean off the huge 20.00 pork roast he got for 5 bucks at the store last week, he cooked it in the crock pot all day. There is enough meat to feed us until Thursday and into next week LOL. I have my seeds all packaged up, in a big bag ready to put into mailers when I have enough time to get that done, won\'t happen until after Thanksgiving , tho.
This brug was a stick when I stuck it into the ground back there, and now it is all chopped up. Please holler if ya want some of her..Joe brought the huge pot of salvias into the garage, he thinks I should keep them going, silly man.. I told him if he gets it downstairs I\'ll do the rest. 4th pic is money plant seed pods in a vase, looks like a Christmas tree sorta, if u want some they are white. Nice spring plants, from my sister. I keep them growing every year by replanting in memory of her. Last pic is a lobelia that was a late bloomer out front, Joe had to cut it back to dig out the banana, thats all for now, talk later. (hugs to you all)