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Propagation: Plant Propagation - The Basics , continued, 5 by joeswife

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joeswife wrote:
Hay Jen, do not give up on that cutting. Just keep it in well draining soil. add little river pebbles, pea size to your potting mix or chunks of mulch. don't over water and keep it in a bright warm spot. If you ignore it it a while, and it gets warmer, it will start sending up shoots.the arial roots of that philo look like bumps when they appear.I love planting from seeds, I use a fine mix, mixed with a jar of cheap cinnamon and a dash of mikos in each pot or cup. I sprinkle cheap foot powder on top of my seed cups . I poke holes in the bottoms of styro foam cups I get from work out of the trash, and mark them. My mix is put together in a tub. I use top soil, sand, pea gravel mulch or orchid bark, and peat and spagmum, I add perlite right before I am potting . It stretches the top soil that way. some seeds have to be stratified, so I leave them in this suitcase out in the garage all winter until about now.
This oleander pod is about to pop out, so I need to clip it in a brown bag.
what is Fargesia?