Photo by Melody
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Daylilies: SPRING WEATHER IN YOUR GARDEN, 4 by gen2026

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Forum: Daylilies

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gen2026 wrote:
That variegated Weigela is absolutely breathtaking Mike! I have never seen one so loaded. I bought one back in March while I was in Louisiana - sure hope it looks like that someday! Love that purple phlox too! Mine won't be blooming for probably at least a month so that one must be a really early phlox. Do you know the name of that blue clematis? It is such a dark blue.....

Susan, I can NEVER go to Lowe's without coming home with something!! It is a good thing the closest one is an hour and a half away! :) Love that dahlia as well. My knockout roses have been loaded this spring, I guess they love all this rain. I want to add some of the smaller trailing roses in some places but haven't gotten that done. I did add a few climbers this year and hope they eventually get large enough to bloom. Right now they are tiny.

I had planned to pick up a Major Wheeler honeysuckle while in Dallas!! There was a nursery there that had it and another one that I was interested in. We found it on Saturday evening and the plan was to get back there Sunday before they closed but we didn't make it. :( No one around here carries it - Susan, does yours bloom all summer? or just in the spring? I have been told they bloom all summer which I thought would be a nice addition.

I have several DLs blooming and others about to bust...... the rain is messing up some of the blooms but here are a few I took yesterday evening.
Zinfandel FFO, New Ways to Dream, Warriors Spear FFO (and first bloom on this one for me); Web of Intrigue FFO, Harvest Sky