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Propagation: Plant Propagation , The Basics ,, Continued #, 3 by joeswife

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Photo of Plant Propagation , The Basics ,, Continued #
joeswife wrote:
Jen, spondylolisthesis is what I have had for a couple years, previously it was diag'd as slanted crushing vertebra L4 and L5, ,caused by ostero arthirtus and scoliosis,a few bulging discs, lots of arthritis build up and mis-guided vertebra. They recently made me have a sciatica attack, and I had never had that pain. I have always had back pain since my first accident in the garden. The flying up and falling flat head back first on the ice, prolly gave me the injury adjacent to the other damaged area from a few years previous. I have three running problems. and they told me they can hold off the surgery. I am trying to wait until I am about to turn 65. then I will have insurance at work, heal time, and about to be signed up with medicare. If they operate, I am going to claim disability to do my own profession. AT work I am the hostess with the mostest . I greet folks by name most of the time. cheerfully, open the doors for them, put plastic and paper on their seats and floor borad. drive it forward if they didn't.chit chat about their grand-kids, thank them for being patient when there are 6 cars in at the same time. I offer coffee and usher people to the rental car place, or the Starbucks machine or the lounge or to the sales floor. I always try to get someone to look at cars, since I used to sell them. I offer a ride to the mall across the street , provide snacks and cold water, and the pop machined food area is Avanti. I make sure every one is comfortable, and if they want their service history, or their salesman they can't remember , I look them up in my computor and decide who is going to work with them if they don't know their salesperson name. Sometimes they need a ride to a drs office or a place to eat lunch. If they are older than me, I bring their cars up close, open the door out and hold on to them to the car. 65% of our clients are over 65. I have been showing the young kids how to do things. I work from 9 to 6 , the advisers work 7 to 6. I used to work every other Saturday, when we were open from 8 to 1. I'd leave at 1 on Friday to complete my day off. Then I asked for Saturdays off, since I thought I was going to be babysitting, but she wanted me to go to her salon, and just sit and hold the baby, which is fine, but my back can't handle it and I suffer for two weeks after a 3 hour holding session. Anyway, I have an hour for lunch, last to leave , I cover all phones in and out from 11:30 to 2;00. and sometimes I stay there and browse the allowed sites for a hour. I am in charge and paid bonus on the CSE, which is a scored standard rating of a customer experience. I was the only CRM, but the after market guy said he wanted to be presented as the customer relations manager, so people wouldn't decline his process entry to his office. He asks a few questions about their happiness with the buying experience and goes right into selling options for additional money before they go to finance. He makes a lot of money for the company, and for himself, but I call all his customers too. So now I have defined my self as Service Customer Relations period, no manager at the end. I don't get what all the male managers get, so I decided I am not a manager, but a do it all. I call or email everyone that comes in for service if any kind. If a ticket was written, I examine the hard card.. I mark it with my remarks back from the customer on my call. It's my job to turn an unhappy, never coming back kind of person, to a "wow, thanks, I will be back" kinda person. If there is a problem, I fix it. I set appointments , set radio codes, refill the Starbucks product at moments notice, I study the CSE scores and see what areas are trending that need improvement and matches my findings. We hold meetings, and train. I contact all vendors, run the postage machine, sew buttons on jackets, unplug the stools, fix the paper towel dispenser, change the soap and mouthwash bottles, write out gift certificates for chairtys, File claims for people falling, and contact 911 if I have too, I follow up on them. Disinfect and bandage older people who got their skin peeled off and bleeding from one of our doors that is too heavy when you open it.. If someone has a diabetic attack I provide a rescue snack and water. I share my extra fruit with anyone that stares at the food in the coolers and don't buy. water the plants all over the place, make sure the pet station has doggie treats and water. I have customers come in to me to bring me a plant, cookies, cinn roles, and Iranian flat bread and huge loaves of sour dough bread. We have good people and I love it there. I just can't sit for 45 minutes without getting up and then I end up on the service isle cashing people out, calling their cars up to be washed, and making sure everyone knows we appreciate their business.I also help with the Honda Owner Clinic parties, ( I do all the hard stuff) then solicitate for donations , go shop for the food, after I've called all 768 guests to verify if they are coming and with how many. we feed them, have drawings for prizes, have one on ones in groups that are interested in certain features, and the "do it yourselves" get shown how to do an oil change. Pretty dang big deal, 2 times a year, and I have to badger new management that we are late on this Springs event. I'm the Mom, and a lady upstairs is the Grandma of this place. I try to sell something all day , while talking to people who love dogs, cats, gardening, golfing, or sports. I fix the coffees and the hot chocolates for people who are not good with machines.I'm a driver when we need to pick up cars at different locations. Sorry for the ramble, this is the only alone time I have at this time of day.
Gamera is a very old female, she is around 13 years old. ..I have a different kind of tortoise, and have let go of about 8 so far that were spinning in the road. Our little brown squared patern girl about 2 inches round, she hides in the peat and then comes out to eat or drink. I drop a dozen crickets in that pool area and about 6 mealy worms, plus she has worms and beetles and roly polys if she is still hungry. She eats cherry's, banana, lettuces, greens, blue berries, chickweed, violets, sweet potato vine leaves, and tiny tomatoes. she is our organic recycle pet. I save her little drops. I drop them into the water tub I use for watering. I bring home a bag of rabbit poo and hay every week from a gal at work who has a pet bunny. I have a great position. Being out of there for over a month would be hard, no pay. I am on Salary plus bonus plus commission of any thing I sell. I'M SLEEPING TO ELEVEN AM! Here are some things I made new plants out of cuttings this winter..I'm getting ready to pot up three kinds of hibiscus and a lot of firespike and cestrum nocturnum. This crinum has been with me since right after I joined DG, and a nice lady sent me this little bulb. well 5 years later with no bloom, I told it I was going to make it get cold and dig it out and send it away. I t is like 5ft wide. Well, Now it has a blud