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Morning Glories: Morning Glories 2014 #16, 2 by joeswife

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Photo of Morning Glories 2014 #16
joeswife wrote:
moonvine bud, on the arch purple bottom of arch white purp, closeup of one the door curtains,
Joe took the purp curtain down, they were all blue, just kept a few and bagged them. there are some seed pods on this right side curtain, I am going to ask Joe to untangle it and bring it down, he untangles my necklaces, I figure this will be easy for him, and then I can cover it up with a sheet and leaves. Joe will be digging up the big banana out front, and he will lug it downstairs and sink it into the sum-pump that we gutted out. It stayed there all last winter. We are leaving a baby in the front flower bed up against the house , I am experimenting with thie supposedly cold hardy banana. There is a house in Wichita I look at on the way to work, their banana comes back every year, and now there are three of them.That house is exactly 21 miles north of my house. . Since I have three more bananas, and not sure of the hardiness of them, I feel I can lose this young one if it doesn't make it. It is exactly in the same location and faces the sun in East like theirs does, .. we will see, we pile our leaves about two feet every fall all around the beds and the house . I like being a zone pusher. I better go to bed and try to sleep, waiting on the results of the MRI. I am miserable and mad at myself for having this happen.. a gardening accident. ugh.