Photo by Melody
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Mid-Atlantic Gardening: Pictures from the swap, 2 by Catbird423

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Image Copyright Catbird423

Subject: Pictures from the swap

Forum: Mid-Atlantic Gardening

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Photo of Pictures from the swap
Catbird423 wrote:
I hope I was not the only one taking pictures, I missed so many people!

Our lovely hostess, always smiling.

Sally and Paul (Terp) having what looks like a serious conversation.

Bobbin tending the table, thank you for sitting down so I didn't cut off your head
What a line up of charactors: John with his wonderful tie dyed shirt , Sally (?) with her fashionable hat, Pat who has the most beautiful hair, and Buttoneer, looks like she is delivering a plant to someone.

David and his sister (Carol?) at their table, with goodies, always wonderful plants and knowledge.