Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: BROMELIADS FOR EVERYONE IN 2014, 2 by ianperry

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ianperry wrote:
Hi all, Happy New year to all. I know I am late but who cares. I have gone potty, potty and more potty. I don't know how many plants I have potted this week but the pics show some of them.
Jean If you would like some Ae bromefolia seed then Dmail me your address and I can send some down to you. The plant I have is different to the ones that Nev has.
Nev commented on the cross with chantini and recurvate, in theory it would make a difference as to which way the cross was done. The seed parent ought to give the form and the pollen parent ought to give the colour. But then Mother Nature steps in with plant genetics and we get what we get. Your temperatures show how much Mother Nature is Boss. I have a Neo midnight pup hanging low in Pic 1. In Pic 5 Is Ae bromefolia flower. The plant is more open than the ones Nev has shown. You may have to wait a while to get Peter Coyles' plants as he is a Kiwi and the plants have to be imported and quarantined, often by Olive Branch Nursery. Well worth the effort though.

Theresa, I understand just how hard to find the right spot for a particular plant is. Unless I am on holidays I rely on weekends to watch the light and just when I think it suitable, the season changes the angle of sun. Back to the drawing board. Then we get overcast weather and I have to start all over again. It is a challenge.

Nev Your pics of Camelot are interesting to say the least. I have sewn seed from one of these and labelled them as Neo Camelot SP (seed parent). They could be self pollinated or natures little helpers could have been busy. The results, well what will be will be, Que Sera Sera.
I have not got Alc odorata and would like some seed when you can please.
I fould an interesting discussion on FB yesterday. Subject Neo Sun King, a cultivar of Neo Cruenta. It has no lines on the underneath of it's leaves. The plant with the lines under the leaves is Yellow Devil, Sun king X kautski. Lisa Vincent thinks the problem is that the X kautski was left off the name tag and the error has been continued. I need to change mine now.

Shirley, I have to agree that that particular Neo Grace is stunning but it has just flowered and I did not notice. I have another that is bigger and not as well coloured. Both are pups taken at the same time and grown in similar conditions. Bloody Mother Nature at work again.
Love that Apricot Nectar and the alarm clock would certainly wake mine up. He would give a few very loud MEOWWWWWs and jump on me for protection. The big sook.

Cody, how have you been goin mate. I hope you enjoyed your Xmas New year time. Your Guzzie is looking good, you must be doing something right with it. Here is a hug for you, been a long time since the last one.
Have a good one all.
Pic 1 2 3 Going potty
Pic 4 Pitcairnia seedlings
Pic 5 Aechmea bromefolia flower