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Propagation: Plant Propagation Discussions- Jan 2020, 2 by kittriana

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In reply to: Plant Propagation Discussions- Jan 2020

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Photo of Plant Propagation Discussions- Jan 2020
kittriana wrote:
1)Carrots planted Sept 29th are finally growing. Maybe not long enough daylite length? I pulled a tiny black one and shared it - it was tender and sweet, but looks like I need to thin here as well now they are growing. 2) Basils are sets, and I am harvesting to dry the larger leaves even when I put them in ground. Hoping to avoid the downy mildew we have here. 3) Coriandrum sativum Confetti. Cilantro when green, coriander when dried. I love the ease to chop, the flavor without a soapy taste, love this plant. 4) My salad bowl bed as my daughter says, getting harder to keep harvested, chuckl. 5) Arugula or Rocket, found these 2 playing hide and seek. Squashed one of them. Now I need to go back out and drown the fireants hiding in the catnip...waiting on chances of rain this pm.