Photo by Melody

Morning Glories: Morning Glories 2016 #17, 2 by joeswife

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Photo of Morning Glories 2016 #17
joeswife wrote:
Hi you guys.. sorry been MIA, I was down all weekend sick with what ever Joe had, so now we are both just sniffling and coughing together. Work is crazy, I wish I had some more blooms to show you, but I have not been out to the back yard since weekend before last. I still have three tropicals in ground and it is supposed to be 82 tomorrow and then in the 20\'s on Friday but I can\'t do anything to save them, and since I can replace those with cuttings, I\'ll just have Joe get some snippings and not worry about it. The boys did bring in the banana, it is so big it is laying sideways in the basement. I love your blooms from 2014, Jackie and the blooms on your sanseveria is so cool. Helena, hoping we see some blooms from your new vines, and hope you all keep posting for me as I go into the craziest two weeks of my whole work career. :P Glad you are home safe and sound Linda, thanks for the bread crumbs back to you all! before and after... don\'t laff LOL kings mantle and hibiscus are happy down there...