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Morning Glories: Morning Glories 2016 # 04, 2 by joeswife

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Photo of Morning Glories 2016 # 04
joeswife wrote:
I Love my one and only plumeria.. I gave a Y\'d cutting to my gardening buddy at work.. he is anxious to see it bloom. Mine is just now waking up.. it is already out on the front porch getting used to morning sunlight. I have been bringing up the things without eaves to wake them up, the oleander bush got leaf burn right off the bat from the sun, I am just going to let them blow off.. it will be okay even if it drops to 32 because of the heat from the buckets and pots they are in , it was up in the 80\'s today. I have Black King up, and my moon flower has been blooming it\'s little head off downstairs, I have two of them going. The new orchera seeds popped up.. here is hoping I see blooms from those.. I also have two setosas blooming.. so nice to see blooms Sunday. I have been feeding everything now.. and spraying for mites and mealey bugs.. don\'t want anything loose outside.. Joe moved the second arch Tuesday.. the whole back yard patio area is so .... weird right now..
my fence flower beds are all waking up fast.. this is my buck eye, and virginia bluebells and the flowering almond I got from a cutting I snuck home from Joe\'s mom\'s plant.. my bleeding heart, and my violets.. all the daffodils are done now, the tulips are coming along nicely and I have buds on my iris already. I CAN\"T wait to be off this weekend! Got the porcelain berry vine back at the base of the patio arbor, so glad, had to move the yellow rose bush, hope I didn\'t kill it.. it got ran over by a big thing that came thru the gate.. my salvia gaurantia got here today, I\'ll plant it this weekend.. Joe brought me home 6 huge green tubs to put the potatoes in as well as my glories with a trellis, he has to go back to the pot trellis\'s tho.