Photo by Melody

Propagation: Plant Propagation ,The Basics Continued Oct -Nov , 2 by Gypsi

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Photo of Plant Propagation ,The Basics Continued  Oct -Nov
Gypsi wrote:
I have yet to harvest my first full size tomato for 2015, they got in late, then it rained and rained then it droughted and droughted. Looks like I have a half dozen green 'Early Girl' tomatoes. I will harvest all tomatoes to countertop ripen and any squash or melons for the same just before first freeze.

I will harvest broccoli and swiss chard for most of the winter unless we have a super hard freeze in which case I will toss a 110 gallon stock tank on top. The long pots are stuff I am going to try to grow in the greenhouse - bell peppers and so on but germination was weak and I doubt they will do well.

Peach trees are a fall ripening variety, from fruit I tossed on the compost pile, bought the trees 4 years ago in spring and no idea what kind they were, the dogs ate one. The survivor had so much heavy fruit last year I lost the crown when the fruit was green and when it went on the compost, I had baby trees this year.

Greenhouse last winter