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Propagation: Plant Propagation , The Basics ,, Continued #, 2 by joeswife

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Photo of Plant Propagation , The Basics ,, Continued #
joeswife wrote:
Your plants sound like they have a fungus. Check the pots to make sure they drain good, philos dont like to be water logged. look for slugs too. I don't like getting things from nurseries without un potting and rinsing the roots clean before re-potting, pretty sure that is how I got mealey bugs and spider mites here.

62 is the magic age for SS, for me anyway, but I work instead. Medicare is at 65. Wish it would rain.

I had two blooms on a cutting of snowqueen hibiscus, and my cestrum cuttings are blooming, so glad about that.
So glad you got some nice plants, and I am like you, waiting on that last blast of freeze temp, before I move anything else out. The hoya cutting took yippee!