Photo by Melody
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Propagation: Plant Propagation - The Basics , continued, 2 by joeswife

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Photo of Plant Propagation - The Basics , continued
joeswife wrote:
planted several cups of double day lily bublets with woodland violets and orange marigolds
planted tiger lily bubils with woodland violets
planted cuttings of duranta that were rooted in the fish filter, and some more hibiscus
lots of rooted cuttings potted up of cestrum nocturnum
tons of pepper and tomato babies going, some even have blooms and tiny peppers
all my batatas rooted and are leafing, the passion vine cuttings are vining, we are not spending a dime on any plants this coming year. ( Unless I don't have "it" then we will see..
made cuttings of chocolate mints, planted all kinds of milkweed seeds.. I spent the whole weekend in the basement gardens