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Propagation: Angelonia Serena , 0 by JonnaSudenius

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Image Copyright JonnaSudenius

In reply to: Angelonia Serena

Forum: Propagation

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Photo of Angelonia Serena
JonnaSudenius wrote:
1. ??
2. The yellow seed inside is the 'real' seed. If you put it on your desk, 'feel' it with your fingertip. If you feel something 'thick', the seed is potential viable
3. The clear disc is not a problem, the seeds will germinate if they are viable. Only if you sow in vermiculite, I advise you to remove the clear disc, because it might give mould.

Cover the seeds very thin,or press them a bit in the soil. They are not suitable for winter sowing, they need warm temperatures to germinate (not lower than 70°F)

here is a picture of the seed