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Hostas: Let's see your pictures of hostas beginning with T, U & V, 0 by ViolaAnn

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Image Copyright ViolaAnn

Subject: Let's see your pictures of hostas beginning with T, U & V

Forum: Hostas

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Photo of Let's see your pictures of hostas beginning with T, U & V
ViolaAnn wrote:
Pictures of hostas that begin with "T", “U” and “V”. Please add yours and tell us something about them.

#1. 'Tears of Joy' - new June 2010. Very tiny hosta with upright leaves. It had a bloom this year, but all I saw was yellow. Can only conclude that something nibbled the petals off before it was open.

#2. 'Teaspoon' - new spring 2008. Small, leaves, but an enthusiastic grower. I'm not wild about this one. Divided it up and sold off most of it in 2011, but kept one small division which is growing rapidly.

#3. 'Teeny-weeny Bikini' - new spring 2006. Very small this year - more so than it has ever been. One of my tiniest at the best of times.

#4. 'The Razor's Edge' - new spring 2011. Red petioles, but I'm not so sure about its tendency to lay flat. Would like a more upright hosta.

#5. 'Tick Tock' - new August 2006. This mini grows fast and forms a dense mound. I completely divided it in 2011 and sold off much of it. Replanted in 3 groups and it looks nearly like one large mound. Would make a good ground cover hosta.