Photo by Melody

Clematis: 2 new clematis, 0 by pirl

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Image Copyright pirl

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Forum: Clematis

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Photo of 2 new clematis
pirl wrote:
We're at 59 now so 19 sounds really cold but without wind and with the sun, it's okay with me. My ideal winter temperature is 40 - then I'm as happy as can be.

Sherrygirl - sorry I forgot to say I hope you're feeling much better.

I've worked outside for five hours today and only planted one clematis. I was trying to figure out what takes me so long and how I obviously sabotage myself. Putting a clematis with a hydrangea on a photo program is so easy but then going outside to do it I find other plants have grown to take up the required space or there's a color conflict going on if I proceed or some other issue.

Heading out now to try for the second and third clem's of the day but know I'll face obstacles...and overcome them.

Take a look at the roots on this Rooguchi (so many spellings for one plant) that a dear friend brought me from her own garden: