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Propagation: Plant propagation part XXI based on my own experience, 0 by evelyn_inthegarden

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Photo of Plant propagation part XXI based on my own experience
evelyn_inthegarden wrote:
Linda ~ I think you should have great success with sweet peas, if you plant them once the weather is cool. They usually do not come up until spring, though occasionally some will pop up a bit. Still the real growth is in spring, but you have a very good start if you prepare the ground well before planting them. (They like it "rich"!) Usually if you plant them both in fall and spring, you will get the fall-planted ones come up first as they are slow to germinate in spring. I am send Mary some seeds. Do you need some too?

Sharon ~ That is wonderful news about your DH. It seems like fall is here already, doesn't it? We had two nights with a low of 55° and yesterday it only got up to 70°, while today was warmer with a high of 73°. Perfect weather for working outside. A small window of opportunity! I have been cleaning out my nursery area, as DH is going to be building a potting shed and possible cold frames. After all these years...yippee!! (I have been working on spreading organic compost on the beds, but it is a slow process for me...)

Dave ~ Sorry to hear about your feet swelling. You are right to have them could be something serious. I hope you are sticking to your pain meds schedule, and I know it is a challenge for you. I wish you all the luck on this one. For some fall and winter color - pansies, violas and maybe some stock, though they cannot take it too cold. The calendulas did well last year until the big freeze and then heavy snow. I need to get some cool-weather plants started pronto. I have the seeds...not necessarily the discipline to get them started right now as I have been feeling punky and not sleeping well. I am lucky to get any work done these days above the usual routines. I am supposed to be sorting my seeds right now, but I have missed you all. I do not want to have to end up buying plants at the nursery when I have seeds waiting to jump into some potting soil and making lovely displays. For near the house, I need to put them in color bowls under the windows and away from the deer. The ones I put in the ground have to be sprayed with repellant. (Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not...) The new "Cottage Garden" bed inside the fenced yard is still looking a bit sparse, but is beginning to fill in.

Lee ~ You are really going through a lot with the loss of your mom. My prayers are with you.

Dawn ~ So sorry to hear of your precious doggy. Our pets are such treasures. My prayers are with you as well.

Well, I had better get back to the seeds. I don't want to get anything actually started unless I can be sure it will be watered when we are away at the class reunion in October. Not sure if the cold frames will be ready by then or not....I am sure I can set something up that will work as the water in the fenced yard is now on a timer. I just need to set it up.

Have a good weekend everyone....

'California Sister' butterfly....she would not spread her wings for me.....