Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #12, 0 by wind

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Photo of Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #12
wind wrote:
Fairy, I just planted the Spanish Flag seeds I got from you in the swap, thank you very much :) I put 5 seeds in one hanging basket, I hope that is not going to over do it. I couldn't remember how many seeds Suzy used in her basket???

The poppy seedlings I planted from the ws container went into a sort of 'shock' period. I wasn't sure if they were going to make it; they got pale looking, but now I can see a few coming around and looking much better...slowly adjusting to their new spot :)

In one of Critters recent articles she called the planting technique I used, which was basically breaking a clump of seedlings off and planting them; the HOS method, for hunk-of-seedlings, I believe. I had never heard that before and thought it was a perfect description. Hey Critter did you make that up?

Suzy, don't know if you had a chance to look at the Longwood posts...they had these at Longwood Gardens :) They also had alot of snaps, which were so pretty.