Photo by Melody
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Wildlife: LITTLE BLESSINGS, 0 by blckwolf256

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Image Copyright blckwolf256


Forum: Wildlife

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blckwolf256 wrote:
Thank you both so much!! I will go tomorrow and pick up a Kitten bottle. You are so right about the dropper. The lil boy has it down pat...but the lil girl chokes all the way thru feeding, and that scares me so much. I went back to the syringe this afternoon and she is doing much better with that.
I was feeding the diluted canned milk with 2 drops of puppy lixatonic added to it. The my hubby brought me in a can of powdered dog milk, so I gave them some of that...they stopped I have gone to a tad of dog milk, a tad of water, and a tad of canned milk with 2 drops of lixatonic, and they are going poo again and eating it like crazy. So I hope I am ok and they will make it. I am using a warm wet paper towel to make them go...but I see in their lil box, that they are doing real good on their own...I have to change the bedding twice a day now. It looks like mouse poo so I believe they are doing ok.

I remembered that from hand raising puppies and kitties. Thanks!!

How neat!! That would be so cool!! But poor kitties...I can just imagine what they are saying!! LOL

What a great thing!! I plan to move them into my plant room when they start running around, and do like you did...feed them natural foods, maybe even hide the nuts and such so they will have to look for it like they would in the wild. But that is a GREAT idea about grinding heir food up a bit!! I had not thought about that...but that would be much easier for the lil guys to eat!! Thanks so much for that tip!! And a box is also another great idea!! Since I have them on old t shirts now...the rag in the box would make them feel more at home!!
Boy there are so SMART folks out there !!!! Thank you ALL for all your help!!!! I have never raised a baby squirrel before, and want so bad for them to make it and go back to the wild and have a HAPPY life!!!
Thanks again so much everyone. I will keep watching this thread if anyone else has any experience and ideas...PLEASE let me know!!!
(photo is my plant room...It has sliding glass doors to divide it from the main part of the house)