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Propagation: Plant Propagation the Basics Sept -?, 0 by Gypsi

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Photo of Plant Propagation  the Basics  Sept -?
Gypsi wrote:
I saw a coyote yesterday morning. We looked at each other, as I was walking my smallest dog. I turned back to see him still watching, our eyes met and he took off. didn\'t look skinny and Teddy weighs 37 pounds.. Garden photos when I get my camera emptied.

I had a decent number of monarchs, queens and tons of gulf frittilary butterflies this year. The asclepius tuberosa I started in the fridge last winter and the plant sale failed to sell did a nice job of attracting egglaying queen butterflies, and a couple of monarchs.

I hatched a monarch, a real one. from egg to caterpillar to a cocoon hidden on my porch that I didn\'t see til the butterfly came out last thursday. That\'s still in the phone. I think the monarch joined the rest and they were all gone by late Thursday afternoon, from here, but I saw a few in Arlington yesterday.

The smooth blue aster was the biggest nectar hit for butterflies, and now that they have mostly gone, my bees are working it. Canned pears. Volunteer marigolds in the garden.