Photo by Melody


Dave's Garden is a member-supported community, through subscriptions, similar to a printed magazine. Dave's Garden owes its existence to the financial support of our subscribers. Subscriptions are available at an annual rate of $19.95 (US), or a bi-monthly rate of $5 (US). Purchasing a subscription is necessary to access many of the forums, the seed and plant trading tools, and some advanced features of PlantFiles.

Subscribed members of Dave's Garden will receive full access to every feature on this site.

Benefits of subscribing:

If you use Dave's Garden for more than a few minutes per week, subscribing is a necessity to maximize your experience here.

Subscription payments are processed via PayPal.

As of November 2015, all Dave's Garden payments will be processed via PayPal for increased security. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can use PayPal's guest checkout feature to pay with a credit or debit card.

» Read more about subscriptions at our Dave's Garden F.A.Q.

» To subscribe, first signup for a username and then login.