Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Gold Country Orchids

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Negative frank101
(1 review)
On Mar 1, 2013, frank101 Fairport, NY wrote:


Instead buy from respectable sources, such as Hausermann.

This an open letter to Mr. Alan Koch, Owner/General Manager, Gold Country Orchids, 390 Big Ben Rd, Lincoln, CA 95648, email address, 916.645.8600 describing my dissatisfaction with a recent purchase and your arrogant lack of customer service.

Mr. Koch, since mid-December '12, I have repeatedly attempted to reach your company and you to discuss the diseased orchid plants purchased and shipped to me in December. You have ignored my 3 emails. a telephone voice mail message, a brief telephone conversation with one of you employees and, so far, a January 25, 2013 letter personally addressed to you.

It is now March and still no response, so time has come to call "a spade, a spade."

Based on my recent purchase experience, your company, Gold Country Orchids, has nothing to offer customers short of disease and frustration. On a 1 to 10 scale, you rate a "0", and even that is generous!

Moreover, in my many years of dealing with online companies, and respectable businesses nationally and internationally, my recent dealings with Gold Country Orchids have the disgusting honor of being absolutely the worst, bar none. I realize a dropped communication is always possible, but ignoring a total of 6 customer requests can only be considered an arrogant and outrageous disregard of the customer.

My recent experience has shown Gold Country Orchids has serious business flaws, namely:

(1) You sell diseased plants, and

(2) Customer service to rectify issues is non-existent, even when attempting to deal directly with you.

(3) You have an arrogant disregard of customers.

Needless to say, I welcome your comments regarding the diseased orchid plants you sold me and your repeated (6 time) refusal to answer my inquiries and address the issues.

My December emails to your company provided descriptions of the disease and photographs were included showing the disease on the plants. I requested your assistance and input. My concerns were detailed in my emails to you and are repeated as follows:

Adding insult to injury, not only did you sell me diseased orchids plants, but, more importantly, your staff and you, totally ignored my:

· Three emails (December 16, and 23, 2012 & follow-up January 3, 2013),

· Telephone call to your company January 4, 2013 during your posted normal business hours (message left at 916.645.8600 @ 3:03PM EST), and another telephone call about 2 weeks ago,

· Letter personally addressed to you dated January 25, 2013, so far unanswered,

in which I repeatedly asked for comments and assistance.

As noted in all my correspondences to you, both orchid plants as delivered were infected with Phyllosticta, a highly contagious leaf fungus. Description and pictures of the diseased leaves were included for reference in my original emails dated December 16, and 23, 2012 . The diseased plants are currently isolated from the rest of my orchids and being treated with suitable systemic and protectant fungicides in an attempt to control the disease. However, the disease was well established when the plants were received so eradication without loss is unlikely. The plants really should be discarded.

To say I am dissatisfied with your service, or rather lack of, is an understatement.

In summary, to those potential customers who may be reviewing my comments and possibly considering a future purchase from Gold Country Orchids, I recommend they treat your company as one would deal with leprosy; namely, stay clear and buy elsewhere.