Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Uhlig Kakteen

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Positive Minime8484
(22 reviews)
On Jul 14, 2012, Minime8484 Chandler, AZ (Zone 9b) wrote:

I was a little reluctant to order internationally for delivery to the US from this nursery, as I'd heard about some difficulties with them in the past from another cactus enthusiast...albeit, their experience was quite a few years ago.
However, their selection for the genera I was looking for was unmatched, so I couldn't resist.
I'm SO glad I did order from them! They were VERY communicative (something I've found lacking in other European nurseries...), positive, and FAST! They obtained the CITES & Phyto permits in record time. They followed instructions for shipping to the US/USDA to the letter.
AND, when the USDA received the shipment, and I was informed the Phyto Permits to the US require an additional certification, Uhlig Kakteen was VERY responsive and had the new certification within 24 hours mailed to the USDA.
Every single plant I received was MUCH larger than I expected, and incredible healthy - despite having been in-transit for a month!
VERY impressed with their service and plants. I will definitely order from them in the future - more than any other European nursery I've dealt with, they have simplified the process and made it as close to 'enjoyable' as it can be.
Lots of well-deserved kudos to them!