Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Shady Lane Poultry

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Negative alfredlee
(2 reviews)
On Sep 9, 2012, alfredlee Hightsville, NC wrote:

Posted on June 26, 2012, updated September 9, 2012
I sent shady Shady Lane Poultry $245 for the purchase of day old Rhode Island Reds(RIR), Barred and White Rocks, and White Leghorns chicks(35). This money was sent to Matt Johnson on December 3, 2011. I called Matt on several occassions and nothing. I sent several e-mails and still no response. Finally, Matt responded at the end of May indicating that he could not put 35 eggs in his incubator at one time and that his machine finally broke. He then indicated that he could ship my chicks in the early Fall. I agreed with that. Matt e-mailed me again and stated that he may not have any RIR chicks and would I take Black Australorps? I never knew he sold Australorps. I was kind of fustrated with this ordeal and I requested a refund. I have e-mailed him 3 times already and no response about my e-mail. I don't believe he ever had any chicks to send me, just a total fraud. He claims to be a member of APA and NPIP. Why can't these organizations advocate for innocent consumers and people who wants to be part of raising quality poultry. Personally, I do not care to risk sending these people my hard earned money mail anymore.

On September 9th, 2012, alfredlee added the following:

This shady, dishonest and unscrupulous character Matt John of Shady Lane Poultry Farm is involved in projects that require him to work with young school age children. I must warn parents who may have children that reside with them in the Columbus, Indiana area that could paticipate in a poultry program that is facilitated by that criminal to really scrutinize that activity and talk to their children.