Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Karianna Perry Get Seeds (Getseeds)

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Positive iguanda
(3 reviews)
On Apr 20, 2009, iguanda Erie, PA wrote:

While I did have to wait about a month for my seeds, I have to say that it is an amazing collection for 49 dollars and worth the wait. That is 100 different kinds of seeds, only about 50 cents per variety. Sure, they arrived in little labled ziplock bags inside a mylar bag, and there aren't any frills, but what do you expect for the price. With few exceptions, the bags had a good amount of seeds, some you might even say were generous (the baggies were all the same size, so larger seeds = fewer seeds, smaller seeds = more seeds) I had also called customer service and actually talked to the owner who happened to answer the phone. He explained that the lady who managed their orders (the owner lives in Alaska and the service center is, I believe, in S. Carolina) left without notice and without filling any orders. Anyway, they are trying to fill all their orders as quickly as possible. Ordinarily I wouldn't be to happy, but you know, things happen and they are trying hard to make the situation right. Ultimately, the seeds I received were of great value. Since you don't pick the selection, I was leary because it could have been 50 kinds of lettuce but it was really a great mix and variety. I would call them before ordering to make sure they are still able to fill orders, but if they are, it is an excellent deal.