Photo by Melody
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Comments regarding David Austin Roses (US)

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  Feedback History and Summary  
116 positives
15 neutrals
28 negatives


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Positive aszilard
(4 reviews)
On Apr 8, 2023, aszilard Vernon Hills, IL wrote:

David Austin Roses are simply gorgeous and, sadly, quite addictive (and I definitely mean this as a compliment); Their prices are very competitive, website is good and the quality and age of shipped roses is more than adequate; one can expect a very nice display of flowers the very first flush. Looking forward to buy many more of their amazing roses, thank you!

Positive Lorenzo99
(10 reviews)
On May 2, 2021, Lorenzo99 Winchester, KY wrote:

I've had problems getting roses shipped in spring from deep South/Texas rose nurseries, so it was a pleasure to get plants from David Austin roses in good condition at an appropriate time for planting in my climate.

The three roses I ordered arrived bare root, with numerous buds just starting to develop. It seems that roses at this stage of growth (just emerging from dormancy) don't experience the shock of more developed plants when they are shipped from climates already beginning to experience summer-type warmth.

Only one minor gripe: the lack of true red roses in their catalog at the time I ordered.

Based on this experience I would do business with them again.

Positive reeve1
(59 reviews)
On Mar 31, 2019, reeve1 Plano, TX (Zone 8b) wrote:

Posted on May 3, 2018, updated March 31, 2019
Posted on April 25, 2018, updated May 3, 2018
Posted on January 28, 2012, updated April 25, 2018
Posted on January 26, 2012, updated January 28, 2012
Posted on January 25, 2012, updated January 26, 2012
Well, I dont think things have gotten back on track at DA quite yet. I live in North Texas and just received my order for 4 rose bushes today. I received all 4, they were nice sized, but they were wrapped in a single plastic bag and were dry as a bone, just the same as others have complained about for months. It's pouring rain outside and has been for a few days. I immediately put the roses in a large bucket of water for the usual overnight soak. But, I can't plant them yet because the ground is soaked (I'm sure it's raining at DA in Tyler, too (it's a little over 1 hr drive east from me)! It really would have been thoughtful to receive an email from them informing me that my order was on the way, especially during this rain, or for them to maybe hold up the order until I could actually plant these. No consideration was given in either case. So, I will try layering or potting them up until I can put them in the ground and to see how and if they respond. I am hoping that, with as much rain as we are having across the lower half of the country, that the humidty has helped them to remain hydrated enough to keep from being totally dried out. Some look fine, but it's hard to tell at this point if any are damaged. Sheesh, for what I paid for these, and when you are dealing with someone who actually created some of these roses, you kind of expect that they would have enough professionalism (or even common business sense) to care for and handle these a little better. Minimal effort was put forth in packaging these or handling my order (emailing me or keeping the customer informed, including ANY paperwork in the box, etc.). I specifically wrote "Please let me know when these ship" on the order. But I shouldn't have to. It's aggravating to spend a little extra and justifying it by convincing yourself that you are getting something more than the cheaper providers (in the way of customer care, plant care, knowledge, expertise, plant health, handling, etc.) and then to actually get less. Come on DA. Is it going to take losing all your customers to finally change this? People have complained, you responded that you acknowledged this, but nothing appears to have changed at all. I'm afraid to order anything else.

On January 26th, 2012, reeve1 changed the rating from negative to neutral and added the following:

Angie from DA called me immediately to apologize and send out immediate replacements. They indicated that they have been tracking and keeping close tabs on their packages and had received good feedback from across the country. My package had some how slipped through without the plastic bag being properly closed and sealed up, and they wanted to make it right. So, I'm changing my rating to a Neutral pending receiving the replacement plants. It does appear that they are attentive to their recent problems and are making some effort to fix this. I guess this is a good example of how sudden popularity can overwhelm and potentially ruin a business. But it does look like they are trying to do something to insure this doesn't happen. I'm giving them the benefit of any doubt and will post more if there are any more issues.
On January 28th, 2012, reeve1 changed the rating from neutral to positive and added the following:

I feel like they have made sufficient changes and effort to fix packaging and delivery issues and I really had no problems with anything else. They corrected my initial problem and made it right. For their attentiveness and willingness to accept responsibility to do what's right, I'm changing this rating to Positive. I will try additional orders with them and let you know if I have any further problems.
On April 25th, 2018, reeve1 changed the rating from positive to negative and added the following:

When did it get so bad here??? The people on the phone (Terry) are about as rude as they can possibly be and use language that would make a sailor blush! Aside from having no proper phone etiquette and talking over you as though she knows what you are going to say, when I tried to correct her, she asked not to interrupt her! LOL So, listening to customers is not her strong suit off the bat! But, it gets worse! I attempted to place an order 2 days prior (April 23) and while the website only says that they ship until May, allows orders to be placed and will take your money, your order will be postponed until the following year without another word. Not what I wanted! I asked for special consideration to have the rose shipped 3-4 weeks outside of it's supposed planting time because the 5 roses were a Mother's Day present, and I was granted it, but I was told I would lose the 5 yr warranty and the roses will ship right away! I called to ask more about this and talk to someone because we had only exchanged emails and to ask if I could get consideration for the warranty but not for rooting the roses. After further problems talking to Terry, I asked her to cancel my order and said under my breath that this is stupid business practice. All the sudden, I hear her say "FK YOU" and hang up the phone! I called back to cancel the order and speak to a manager. Even when I spent 5 minutes to explain to the manager what happened and the profanity used on the phone to customers, she then asks why I called? Really? This is acceptable at David Austin now? Anyone using this language on the phone at a business, regardless of the situation, has lost all sense of respect for customers, themselves and is just not a respectable organization. I wonder what else is acceptable there now? I understand everyone has a bad day, but this is ridiculous to use this kind of language with anyone and under any circumstances! No apology, just business as usual. I will not be buying again and I suggest you not support this behavior either! David Austin's used to be a great and respectable business, and while some of the great people are still there, like Angie, it's not even close to the way it used to be on the front line, full of caring people who love the business and know how to communicate on the phone! You speak, I listen. I speak, you listen. No derogatory actions or comments! This person should have been fired on the spot, but instead, the customer is at fault. What an appalling development at David Austin's! I'm saying goodbye, especially to those old friends who were decent, raised properly and who still care! The rest of you can take your own advice!!
On May 3rd, 2018, reeve1 added the following:

Even the response is clueless and doesn't address the unacceptable use of profanity. This is the trouble there. They lost respect for themselves and their customers, so anything goes now! Just go to Heirloom or ANYONE ELSE if you want David Austin Roses! As the last many, many reviews reflect over and over again, they have trouble simply acting civil with customers! It's gotten rather pathetic and the parent company should step in and clean house! I won't be back until they do!!
On March 31st, 2019, reeve1 changed the rating from negative to positive and added the following:

I can't speak highly enough about the order I received from David Austin Roses this year. In over 32 years of doing business with them, and after the purchase of at least 50 rose bushes over that time for my mother and myself, this is without a doubt the most healthy and beautifully full 3 rose bushes I've ever received from anyone! There will be minimal effort to root these and the chance for success is 100%! After my problems last year, a misunderstanding about delivery times that caused me to miss receiving my order and then being cussed at and hung up on for what I learned was a misunderstanding of what I said, but receiving no apology, I was done dealing with them forever. If it had not been for a peace offering by the person in charge of online sales in the U.K., who gave me 3 rose bushes to be delivered this year, the would be a distant memory in my rear view mirror. However, since that time, the old manager left and was replaced with the most caring and responsible person, as well as other new employees that are respectful, friendly, and know how to deal with upset customers. It is literally night and day difference now and has a made a world of difference in the quality and care of roses. Day and Night!! I've never received such nice bushes from them or anyone in about 50 years of gardening. They were packed to perfection, arrived damp but not moldy, and all were showing new growth. Just beautiful and perfect health!They have absolutely renewed my faith in their product and, if you do decide to order, you will see what I mean! No more dried out sparse bushes that require significant effort and luck just to root them. No more rudeness when reporting problems or asking for help. It will require minimal effort to get these going, and I couldn't be happier! The new extended warranty is great, too! It's looks like a new beginning for them and it's just amazing what can happen with the right people in place who actually care about their job and product and don't just treat their work like another day at the grind. I am just beside myself with glee! Thanks again to all the people that helped, especially the online chat person (Shellie?) and the new manager! You are on my Christmas List! I'll definitely be back for many more to help my 5 brothers and sister and mother! Joy and happiness this Season! May God bless you people! Thank you again! I couldn't be more pleased!
Kind regards, Paul R. Lewis, Sr., Plano, TX.
On Mar 31, 2019, David Austin Roses (US) responded with:

"On Apr 27, 2018 8:12 AM, David Austin Roses (US) responded with:

I can assure you that we take our customer service very seriously and are very proud of consistently high customer rating. We always strive to maintain that level of service and it is disappointing when we fail to achieve it, regardless of how difficult the circumstances may be, and are sorry for any upset caused.

David Austin ships bare root roses at the correct time for planting based on the weather in each area, when the daytime temperatures are between 40-60F. We start shipping to the warm southern states in January and finish shipping to the New England states at the end of May. Payment has to be taken at the time every order is placed on our website as we use a third party secure site to take credit card payments. We do not guarantee specific shipping dates to each state, but guidelines of shipping dates by zone are listed on the delivery link on our website:


We check the weather forecast for all orders placed once the usual shipping time to that area has passed and if the temperatures are too warm, we call every customer to see if they wish to cancel, have the rose shipped at the correct time for planting the following season, or have it shipped the next day without our 5 year warranty. We do this to ensure that our roses are given the best possible start and ensure our customers’ satisfaction.

Positive roseselavy
(2 reviews)
On Mar 28, 2019, roseselavy Los Altos, CA wrote:

Somehow I managed to live without David Austin roses in my garden for the first 40 years of my life, but ever since I discovered The Ancient Mariner at a local nursery, I can't get enough!

I ordered a total of 8 bareroot roses from David Austin (between three separate orders) this month and have been very pleased with the results so far. Each time, I received my roses within a week of placing my order, and the roses all appear to be in good condition, with nice damp roots and green bark. They arrived dormant, so I'll have to report back on how the roses do later this season, but they appear to be healthy and high quality.

The Lady of Shallot, Brother Cadfael and Desdemona roses I received had the thickiest, beefiest canes. Scepter d'Isle and Huntington have the thinnest canes among the plants from the order, but were heavier than I expected. So, so far so good! I can't wait to see these stunning roses in bloom in the garden!

Positive Scooty
(10 reviews)
On Apr 14, 2018, Scooty Peterborough,
United States wrote:

Just received 3 bare root roses, very strong root system and already budding on the canes.
When opening the package, the roots were still moist, so they did not suffer during the transportation.

Positive b_schr
(12 reviews)
On May 3, 2017, b_schr Wayne, NE (Zone 4b) wrote:

This is the first year I've ordered David Austin roses directly from David Austin. I see that on this side of the pond they're distributed out of Texas. I had gotten Austin roses before through other distributors such a J&P, Wayside, etc. I have gotten bare root roses for many years. These I got from Austin directly look just as healthy as other bare roots before have appeared when putting them into the ground. Being in zone 4, I went to own root roses for the last 20 or so years (out of *way* more years than that). I have been pleased to see more Austin roses appearing for zone 4. Before that, the Austins I bought were usually z5, but as long as I mulched well or buried them for winter, they almost always did fine. Mary Rose is one of my favorites.

Whenever I plant bare root anything, I water with a hose as I plant, making sure there's a good 'soup' in the bottom under and around the roots, and fill the rest of the hole only when I'm sure the roots are well 'souped'. Cuts down on the chance of air pockets below the roots after planting. Then I water deep the same way every 2 or 3 days the first month unless there's a good rain here. After than they're on their own unless there's a period of extreme heat or dry weather. Even then I'm afraid I should admit to depending on divine protection a bit.

These that I ordered directly from David Austin arrived well packed and still quite moist. I did put them in water for a few days because it was a rainy period when they got here.

Positive lisaaj
(20 reviews)
On Jun 3, 2016, lisaaj Columbus, OH wrote:

Posted on May 13, 2011, updated June 3, 2016
I ordered 3 bare-root Harlow Carr roses, with a first-time customer coupon that helped quite a bit! They arrived on schedule, in early to mid April. I planted the bare roots promptly; they have all broken dormancy beautifully and seem to be off to a great start. If I can find more room in my garden ) : I would love to order more roses from David Austin!

On June 3rd, 2016, lisaaj added the following:

I waited a couple of years after planting my 3 Harlow Carrs and also one Scepter'd Isle (all bare root) to see how they did; they have been fabulous, so this past March I ordered Lady Emma Hamilton, Lady of Shallot, LD Braithwaite, Susan William-Ellis, Wollerton Old Hall, and Scentimental (all bare root). They came in early April, I planted them, and I can't believe the new growth and that three of them are already blooming! They look well-established already, after just a couple of months in the ground. These are fantastic roses; I especially love their fragrance, sheer quantity of blooms, toughness, health, and the fact they intermingle well with other plants. Will absolutely order more from David Austin Roses (Texas), when I have more spots to fill in my garden.
Positive brandoncakes
(2 reviews)
On Apr 16, 2016, brandoncakes Kailua, HI wrote:

Posted on February 25, 2016, updated April 15, 2016
I ordered 4 own-root roses from David Austin a few weeks ago - Munstead Wood, Claire Austin, Charles Darwin, and Princess Alexandra of Kent. I specifically stated "absolutely substitutions" on the order form, because it took me about 3 weeks to make my final decisions. Two days after placing the order, I sent a follow-up email that the only substitutions I will allow them, is for the grafted version of the rose being substituted. I immediately got a response from customer service stating that my order will be shipped as is within a couple of days. I received my order 10 days from the order date(Texas to Hawaii). SPECTACULAR!!! The roses were carefully packed in a plastic bag, and the roots were soaking wet and healthy. Everyone has been complaining about it just being in a plastic bag, but if you think about it, the bag is containing all the moisture and it's saving you shipping cost!

The plants were soaked for a few hours, and immediately placed in the ground with an adequate amount of good compost and steer manure, plus a cup of bone meal. Today, Princess Alexandra already has shoots. I will update my review once the plants bloom, to make sure they are what they say they are.

On April 16th, 2016, brandoncakes added the following:

Munstead Wood was the first to bloom after one month in the ground(bareroot to flower). It put on quite a show with about 5 deep/dark crimson blooms with a gorgeous scent! Princess Alexandra of Kent was next, following Munstead Wood by one week. No scent in those blooms, but I'm guessing it comes with age(like my Dublin Bay and Joseph's Coat roses). Charles Darwin just spit out its first blooms yesterday, but they were peach...not the grand yellow all the sites/catalogs say. Just like Princess Alexandra, no scent. Today Claire Austin bloomed. Beautiful globular flowers with a slight scent. I'm assuming she too will get better with age. I'm thinking of pulling some of my current roses out and getting more Austin's. Don't know how they'd hold up in year-round sun here in Hawaii, but we'll see.
Positive Pinetucky
(49 reviews)
On Mar 10, 2016, Pinetucky Swainsboro, GA (Zone 8b) wrote:

The roses I have received from David Austin have always been wonderful. On my most recent order, one of the roses I received was incorrect. I contacted them about the mix-up, and Angela responded quickly to send the correct rose out. Great roses and excellent, professional customer service - cannot ask for more.

Positive pelectra
(2 reviews)
On Mar 9, 2016, pelectra Metairie, LA wrote:

I placed an order for approx 50 roses last season. The order was complex due to the number of varieties represented. I received the order at the appropriate time for planting bare root roses in my area. Most of the roses did extremely well despite our hot humid summer, and a slow start initially budding out. A few didn't survive, and Angie arranged replacement of the those quickly, without hesitation and accurately. I will do business with David Austin USA again! Very professional (and beautiful roses).

Positive Hanks_Mom
(4 reviews)
On May 7, 2015, Hanks_Mom Sherman, IL wrote:

Posted on May 3, 2015, updated May 7, 2015
On March 15, 2015 I ordered among other roses, the pink "Tess d'Urbervilles Climbing Bare Root Rose".

Instead I received "Teasing Georgia" a yellow climber.

I was very clear about contacting me before making substitutions

While the stock has always been in excellent condition this is not the first time they have sent the wrong rose.

I emailed them today to find out if they will reimburse me or send the correct rose.

On May 7th, 2015, Hanks_Mom changed the rating from negative to positive and added the following:

Angela from David Austin Roses contacted me the next day to apologize for sending the wrong rose. The correct rose was delivered the same week.
Positive JacquelynKimber
(1 review)
On May 4, 2015, JacquelynKimber Houston, TX (Zone 9a) wrote:

I had a very pleasant experience. I ordered Queen of Sweden last year for Mother's day. They were delivered on time in container with some buds which was great! This year they are FABULOUS! They make my mom very happy! ordering more for my mom's bday! Thank you!

Positive Petuniarabbit
(5 reviews)
On Apr 8, 2015, Petuniarabbit Scottsdale, AZ wrote:

I received the eight roses in February from David Austin roses. They were a mix of own root when available and grafted when own root was not available. They arrived bare root, moist and healthy.
I planted several in pots and several around the yard. The potted roses are already full of bloom. The ground planted roses are half the size of the potted ones. I am impressed with the quality I received.
I ordered several DA roses this time last year from Heirloom Roses before they raised their prices. The skinny sticks I received from them do not compare to the DA roses from David Austin. Now the prices are the same I'll continue to order from David Austin.

Positive tburgos
(2 reviews)
On Aug 27, 2014, tburgos San Diego, CA wrote:

Just came in after walking around my yard and I am so pleased with my purchase of roses from David Austin that I needed to write in. I absolutely love the catalog and I keep it all year as a staple on my coffee table as I dream of what I should purchase next... I now own 4 different David Austin roses, and decided to give the climbing variety a try this year. As they grow taller, I am getting more and more excited! I have the bush variety of The Dark Lady and it produces the most spectacular blooms I have ever seen! Cant wait for next year, I have a feeling I will be purchasing new roses each year. I never thought of myself as a "rose person" but I am so completely bowled over by the "cabbage" look that I guess I am now..though I think Im more of a "David Austin person"!

Positive Gingertia
(1 review)
On Jun 23, 2014, Gingertia BOSQUE, NM wrote:

We bought 3 roses from David Austin Roses this spring. We agonized over the catalog because it was so difficult to narrow our choice down to just three. We settled on Munstead Wood, Our Lady Of Shalott and Queen of Sweden. We live in the high desert of New Mexico and we can get pretty hot. It was starting to get hot right after they got planted. The sun is very tough here. These plants never missed a beat and 2 have already bloomed and the third is loaded with buds. We couldn't be happier with this company. The plants were shipped when they said they'd be and they arrived perfect.
Highly recommended!

Positive myrelle22
(3 reviews)
On Jan 30, 2014, myrelle22 Belton, TX wrote:

Last year February, I ordered a Darcey Bussell tree rose. I had no problem with the planting. Very detailed instructed were provided. This beautiful tree rose bloomed time and time again. I couldn't be more pleased. This rose tree grow about 1 1/2 feet. The blooms are a beautiful crimson.
I have purchased and grown David Austin roses for several years. One rose bush failed to grow and was immediately replaced. I couldn't ask for better customer service.
I have found that I really like the tree roses. I just ordered a Charlotte tree rose. I already have a Winchester Cathedral bush nearly by. I had a Shakespeare 2000 in Wisconsin that I loved, but have not been able to find another.

Positive jazzy1okc
(2 reviews)
On Jun 24, 2013, jazzy1okc Oklahoma City, OK wrote:

Posted on June 18, 2013, updated June 24, 2013
Posted on June 17, 2013, updated June 18, 2013
I work at a large, local, family-owned nursery and usually purchase all of my plants there at a very nice discount. I could have purchased any number of lovely roses where I work. However, because so many of my friends who grow roses swear by David Austen, and because I so admire the founder of the company, I poured over their lovely, well-written catalog and website and ordered three roses. When the order arrived, two of the three roses were exactly what I had requested. I was beyond thrilled. However, one, which was supposed to have been a deep red rose, bloomed apricot.

Not one to waste plants, I found a spot for the rose and, on the advice of a former DA employee with whom I work, sent a gently worded email to DA. I received a kind, timely, and businesslike response that included an invitation to order a cost-free replacement rose.

When I ordered a replacement rose, thinking that DA's stock of the variety I wanted might be depleted by mid June, I authorized DA to send me any rose from a list of several options that, having done my research, I knew would grow well in a container in my area. I even authorized DA to send me a rose that was NOT on my list IF they had one that was NOT PINK and would grow well in a container in my area.

I was so happy when a lovely container rose, clearly marked as the deep red variety I had originally ordered, arrived last Friday. However, when it bloomed yesterday, the rose was obviously pink. Because I no longer have space for a rose, I had planned to give this rose to a friend who had lost her home in one of the recent tornadoes. I know my friend's likes and dislikes very well and had chosen accordingly. I do not want to purchase another pot and grow this rose. I will find a home for it, but it is not a rose I want.

I have sent another email to DA, along with a photo of the rose I received, and am waiting to hear back. I understand that mistakes can happen. I truly want to continue to do business with DA and would like to be able to recommend this company to other gardeners. However, in order to do so, I need tangible proof that DA can do what they say they will do. I want them to make good on their offer to properly correct their error.

On June 18th, 2013, jazzy1okc changed the rating from negative to neutral and added the following:

I am changing this rating to neutral because the US Licensing Manager for David Austin called and emailed me today to say that she had gone to the shade house and viewed the Munstead Wood stock. All appeared, she said, to have turned bright pink, perhaps as a result of the heat. She also looked at the list of substitutions I had authorized and recommended two which, in her opinion, looked very good. I sent an email requesting that she send the best looking Carding Mill rose in stock. I will gladly change this rating to positive should the company follow through and send me the correct rose in good shape for planting.
On June 24th, 2013, jazzy1okc changed the rating from neutral to positive and added the following:

I received the Carding Mill four days after sending an email. Considering the heat, and that it could easily have ended up stuck somewhere over the weekend but did not, it looked pretty good. I have also discovered that the original "mistake rose" is most likely a Carding Mill as well! It is now on its second flush of bloom since being planted in the border so I hope the new Carding Mill will do as well in a pot. I gave the so-called Munstead away to a good friend. I will post again should the pink rose decide to turn deep read and be a real Munstead.
Positive HeidiNH
(11 reviews)
On May 6, 2013, HeidiNH Brentwood, NH (Zone 6a) wrote:

Posted on May 22, 2012, updated May 6, 2013
Posted on May 17, 2011, updated May 22, 2012
Except for the fact that I eventually got my roes and it was in good shape despite the crappy lack of packaging, I'd give a negative. Poor communication barely covers it. When you place an order, you get an acknowledgement, and that's all, no estimated ship date, nothing. I had to inquire a couple of times, one time I was told it would ship on a Friday - I said I really didn't want it sitting in a post office over a weekend, "Ok, we'll schedule it for Monday". The end of that week came and went, and no rose. I emailed again, and was told "it's going out THIS Monday". Why the heck did you say it was going last Monday then? it arrived bareroot, in a box, inside a plastic bag with nothing. No excelsior, peat moss, newspaper, NOTHING, barely damp. WTH? These people either don't have a clue or are being deliberately deceptive about when things will actually ship. I don't understand the mystery, give a ship date and stick to it, and if there is a problem SAY SO without me having to bug you. Would David Austin approve of such crap customer service and mismanagement of his brand? I shouldn't think so.... I wont' be buying from them again, I'll buy locally or do without.

On May 22nd, 2012, HeidiNH added the following:

Still a neutral, I'm afraid. I forgot my own vow, once faced with a discount coupon of 20%. I ordered a Climbing Shropshire Lad, Charlotte, and Eden Climber, in separate orders. First I emailed and asked if they could all be combined to save on shipping. No problem, I was told they would and got a refund on the shipping. At the end of April I emailed and asked when my roses would ship, I was told April 30. Never happened. Instead they shipped on 5/1 (over a weekend) and 5/4, in two separate shipments, for no apparent reason.

The roses all arrived in good shape, big canes and all had leaf buds, they had been sprayed with something that would keep them moist for ten days. All were soaked and planted are now leafing out, for which I am relieved, but I am still giving DA USA a neutral for being unable to give accurate information about ship dates and not following through on the customer's explicit wishes.
On May 6th, 2013, HeidiNH changed the rating from neutral to positive and added the following:

Credit where credit is due..... I got sucked in by another Horticulture discount coupon, so I ordered a climbing James Galway and a Munstead Wood rose. I inquired at the end of April as to the ship date, and was told they'd be shipping on Thursday. I asked if they could be shipped on a Monday instead to save them sitting somewhere over the weekend, and I was told they would ship them Monday instead. And they roses arrived on Friday, in excellent shape , got plunked in water overnight and planted the following day. The cane size is good and all are breaking bud so if they continue they'll be fine. The roses I bought last year - Shropshire Lad, Charlotte and Eden climber are all doing beautifully, miraculously survived our long and bitter winter - I'm impressed. Glad they seem to have worked the issues with deliveries and the customer service, I'm a happy customer this time.
Positive jimfrankmartin
(10 reviews)
On Mar 18, 2013, jimfrankmartin Scott, LA wrote:

Posted on March 18, 2013, updated March 18, 2013
David Austin roses shipped these antique roses to me on February 4: Roseraie d L'Hay; Mme Isaac Pereire; Comte de Champagne; Rose De Rescht; Ferdinand Pichard.
They arrived intact, moist and robust. I planted all of them after soaking them overnight in water, as per instructions. Within three days, every one had sprouted. Of course, the mild weather in South Louisiana accounts for this eagerness to burst forth and break dormancy. The stocky root systems and the massive, growthy roots impressed me powerfully.
Any time a bare root rose arrives in the mail and I find branches and stems the size of a cigar or a pencil, and roots that look like an octopus, my jaw drags the ground. These roses from David Austin made my jaw drag the ground. They have found a regular customer in Scott Louisiana. Scott is only 300 miles southeast of Tyler Texas. I strongly recommend buying antique roses from this grower.

On March 18th, 2013, jimfrankmartin added the following:

To update my previous entry, I planted the five roses from David Austin roses on February 5. On March 18 I discovered the first colored bud formed on the Rose de Rescht. It is the size and color of a red grape. The firm tight bud looks like a Tokay red grape. Fans of the University of Alabama football team would call the bud crimson. Let's just say I find myself exuberantly impressed with every one of these roses.
Positive May_Z
(9 reviews)
On Oct 12, 2012, May_Z Grass Valley, CA (Zone 9a) wrote:

My experience with DA Roses has been very very positive. I ordered 3 roses in February, Princess Alexandra of Kent, Crocus Rose, and Bishop's Castle. I received confirmation by email a week later, but due to my own email problems it went to spam. When I requested a confirmation via email, I promptly got a confirmation with a copy of my order.

I recieved my roses about 3 weeks later and was very pleased with the condition of the roses, except Princess Alexandra. But I soaked them and planted all. Crocus Rose and Bishop's Castle went crazy, grew beautifully, vigorous uniform growth and many many blooms, even now. Princess Alexandra declined, until I contacted DA regarding it in about May. They were fabulous at DA, Angela Folse (now Benson) was amazing at customer service, very helpful and quick replies to the problem, asking the right questions without any insinuation of fault. DA promised a replacement in 2013 (too hot in CA to ship after May!).

So while many have had problems, I only have very positive feedback for them. My Crocus Rose is now 3ft high and 4 ft wide, and is covered in blooms and buds. Bishop's Castle is also growing it's little heart out, at 3ft high and 3 ft wide, and also is still in bloom. The Austin bareroot Crocus Rose and Bishop's Castle out-performed 7 other floribunda roses I purchased locally at two very reputable nurseries that were in gallon and 5 gallon pots. I couldn't be happier with my purchase, and will order again. I am extremely satisfied with customer service and I'm content to get my Princess Alexandra replacement in 2013 rather than insist on shipping and planting during weather that is too hot and stresses the plant.

I would like to stress that the customer service I received from Angela Folse-Benson was top notch--she has it down to a fine art. She in genuine as well. It was a great experience. I'll order again and do myself a favor and skip the nursery roses. Any I can't get from Austin I'll get from Burlington roses as a band--another great company.

Positive rosepetal2
(11 reviews)
On Aug 17, 2012, rosepetal2 Danvers, MA wrote:

Fortunately I live near a nursery where I can purchase David Austin premium potted roses. The problem is the nursery is not stocking quite the number and selection of roses they have stocked in the past so I've ordered online occasionally. I like to plant these roses in multiples rather than single rose to really experience the heavenly fragrance. So I wanted to add one more Winchester Cathedral to a pair I had purchased locally and resorted to online. The online purchase arrived relatively as scheduled, well-packaged and in good shape. I planted the rose along with locally purchased WCs. Everyone took off and it was difficult to see a difference in the bushes - the first flush was delightful, however the online WC bloomed pink - but not pink like the Mary Rose (which I also have). This bush then flushed even pinkier and on the flush this week, the pink a weird pink and nearly no fragrance! Mind you not one blossom or a few but the entire bush. was this weird pink I contacted David Austin and had a positive experience. They are replacing the rose. Over the years I've had excellent experience with both the DA local potted roses and the online purchases. Seems they may have addressed their shipping challenges.

Positive LysmachiaMoon
(2 reviews)
On Apr 12, 2012, LysmachiaMoon Waynesboro, PA (Zone 6a) wrote:

I ordered a 'Claire Austin' rose in February and it arrived April 4 2012 in excellent condition. (Arrival was timed to our planting season in PA.) Bareroot and only wrapped in plastic, but the stems were green and the entire plant was moist, plump, and fresh. Planted it the next day; by April 9 it is in full leaf. Very pleased.

Positive melody
(41 reviews)
On Apr 6, 2012, melody Benton, KY (Zone 7a) wrote:

Posted on March 23, 2009, updated April 6, 2012
I placed my order over the phone and the staff was helpful and educated. My order arrived when they said it would and the roots are huge. These are obviously well cared for stock. Packing was great and everything arrived undamaged and healthy. I'm already planning my next year's order.

On September 22nd, 2009, melody added the following:

My Abraham Darby's have bloomed their heads off this year. The plants have grown admirably and the gorgeous blooms are always commented on by guests. The helpful descriptions and designations in the catalog were instrumental in letting me choose the rose that would have the attributes that I desired, to thrive in the area where I planted it. I already know what I want next year...and this is from a person who thought they would never successfully grow roses!
On April 6th, 2012, melody added the following:

I just received my 2012 order and the bare root roses are robust and extremely healthy. Thanks for the wonderful service!
Positive Citro
(12 reviews)
On Apr 5, 2012, Citro Eden, MD wrote:

Posted on February 23, 2012, updated April 5, 2012
Last year I ordered 3 Claire Austin roses very early in the season. I had hoped to plant them in early march. I called in may when I hadn't received them and was told they would be shipping soon. I received them in late may. They never really took off last year, I think because it was just too hot at that point for them to get established.
I've read the reviews here and they say things are better with their new computer system, so here I go again. I ordered 4 roses yesterday, they were friendly and easy to order from. I requested a delivery the first week of April and they said no problem. I'm a little concern that the receipt mailed to me did not mention the date to be delivered. Hopefully I can update this review to positive.

On April 5th, 2012, Citro changed the rating from neutral to positive and added the following:

I received my roses on time and in great condition. The roots were still wet and the roses have broken dormancy. My only complaint is the lack of communication, I wish they had sent an email saying they had shipped. I emailed them and received a quick response that they were on there way. Much improvement over last year!
Positive AresDraco
(5 reviews)
On Mar 18, 2012, AresDraco San Francisco, CA (Zone 10a) wrote:

Posted on March 17, 2012, updated March 18, 2012
Posted on March 16, 2012, updated March 17, 2012
I ordered a "Châpeau de Napoléon" rose from DA. It arrived and I can say, the delivered plant has great roots and many canes. No complaints there.

The problem is the packing. The rose was placed in an empty plastic bag, nothing was included to keep the roots moist... No shredded newspaper, no wood shavings. The only moisture was the water left on the roots from the washing they got prior to shipping. I understand the need top reduce shipping weight, but REALLY?

Also, I was not given an e-mail notice that the plant was on its way, or when it was due here, so when it arrived and was delivered to a neighbor, as requested, it was a couple days before the package was opened.

It is raining here, has been for a week and will be for another week, so it's going to be impossible to plant anything for a while. A heads-up e-mail would have allowed me to get a big pot and some soil in advance.

I sent a message to DA a couple days ago, and so far have not gotten a reply. As I said in my message to DA, this is not the quality of service I expected from what I consider to be a generally fine company.

On March 17th, 2012, AresDraco changed the rating from neutral to negative and added the following:


I have to downgrade my "neutral" rating to "negative". I sent a message to DA and posted here. Not even the courtesy of a reply. I'm in retail, so my expectations from a company to a customer are not unrealistic. It's unfortunate when a complaint goes unattended. Customer service is the only thing that differentiates on-line transactions.

I truly LOVE the Austin roses, though this order was for a non-Austin. rose, and I will always include them in my gardens. It's unlikely I'll order them from this company. That limits my choices, but there you have it.
On March 18th, 2012, AresDraco changed the rating from negative to positive and added the following:

I'm changing my rating back to a guarded positive. Ms Caine at DA has responded to my e-mails with an explanation I find reasonable. I'm still disappointed in the lack of a note regarding the arrival of my package, but that's a UPS issue, not DA.

I will give them another try and this time prepare for unexpected deliveries.
Positive amberroses
(3 reviews)
On Feb 2, 2012, amberroses Largo, FL wrote:

I received 6 roses from David Austin this year. They were all in good shape except one and that issue was promptly addressed by the company to my satisfaction. All of the roses have broken dormancy and some even have new basal breaks on the graft. So far so good. I would order from them again. Maybe they could release Wollerton Old Hall in the US next year... hint, hint.

Positive phdler
(22 reviews)
On Jul 25, 2011, phdler Homer, NY wrote:

I ordered five own-root bare-root roses from Austin for the first time this year. I was afraid one would not survive as it was one of 3 "Crown Princess Margarets" roses and the only one that had no signs of growth at all, but once planted it caught up with the others and is blooming like crazy. What I did not expect is that the purchases from the U.S. site are converted from dollars to pounds, so I wound up having to pay currency conversion fees. My only other complaint is that I wish they offered more of their roses as own-root.

Positive bookreader451
(11 reviews)
On May 18, 2011, bookreader451 Troy, NY (Zone 5b) wrote:

Posted on May 13, 2011, updated May 18, 2011
Once again I received great looking plants. I had nine roses arrive today and I was pleased with the condition.

On May 18th, 2011, bookreader451 added the following:

I planted all the roses I received last week and all but one has already broken dormancy and has new growth. I expect this group to perform as well as my others.
Positive sunsign5
(21 reviews)
On May 12, 2011, sunsign5 Ipswich, MA wrote:

Received a great looking rose. Quick shipping. Best practical planting instructions ever from any rose company. So far so good!

Positive rowrowroe
(4 reviews)
On Mar 31, 2011, rowrowroe La Place, LA wrote:

DA puts out some of the most marvelous roses I have ever smelled in colors I am only blessed to be able to see!

Positive RuthBee
(3 reviews)
On Mar 30, 2011, RuthBee Hempstead, TX wrote:

I purchased a Climbing Heritage last Spring (2010) directly from DA online. It came perfectly and carefully packed. Our weather was so warm that my rose had started growing before I planted it. In a matter of days it had new growth everywhere and it bloomed so much during the Summer I thought it was going to exhaust itself. We had a very unusual cold spell for Texas this past Winter with several days in the 20s and my rose sailed through it without even a burned leaf! I am getting ready to order more thornless from David Austin, I highly recommend them.

Positive dawn83
(1 review)
On Mar 30, 2011, dawn83 Covington, LA wrote:

Absolutely wonderful experience with this company. Super friendly and helpful customer service. I planted my David Austins 2 weeks ago and they are already getting huge. Best quality roses I've ever bought!!!!!

(5 reviews)
On Mar 24, 2011, ATLGARDEN Atlanta, GA wrote:

I 2nd the comment from the earlier review about finding it hard to believe anyone could have a negative opinion about David Austin roses. While I have gardened for many years it was always shade gardening. I finally have a sunny yard and last year I purchased 18 roses from DA. These were my first roses ever! I received these bare root "sticks with roots" that I thought they would take a whole growing season to get established. Was I wrong! I planted them just as DA suggests and all of the roses took off like fireworks. Very very vigorous and they all bloomed well the first season and grew several feet. This year all 18 have come back more vigorous then ever and several already have buds in MArch! David Austin Roses made me a rose fan. They are a first class company and Mr. Austin is a rose patriarch in my humble opinion. I appreciate what he has done with these plants. I will definitely order again.

Positive tweeterrabbit
(1 review)
On Mar 5, 2011, tweeterrabbit San Angelo, TX wrote:

I have ordered from David Austin for several years now and have always recieved very nice roses. If ever there is a problem, they are more than happy to solve it. The roses grow very well, and are as described. I highly recommend this company!

Positive JonSchneider
(12 reviews)
On Sep 30, 2010, JonSchneider Fleming Island, FL (Zone 9b) wrote:

It is hard to imagine that there would be any negative ratings for this company. I have had nothing but complete success with both their bare root plants and their container plants. The plants are generous in size and come well packaged. The other huge plus is the excellent customer service I have had from Angela Fossie. Angie has assisted me with a special order on short notice and her concern would tell you she has genuine/ excellent skills in customer relations. I would rate my experience with David Austin "right up there' with Chamblee's (another top rose nursery)

Positive 67red1
(2 reviews)
On Aug 30, 2010, 67red1 Porterville, CA wrote:

I have had orders from several companies over the past 10 years and my experiences have been totally disappointing. But then I tried ordering from DA. I could not believe the large rose bushes I recieved from DA. They have been in the ground for over a year and I have just convinced my wife to pull about five department store roses and replace them with DA roses, because their roses were the only plants to go throughout the year without any pest or disease problems and they really look good!! I also, proved to my wife that you might spend more than you would at Target or Wal-Mart, but it is worth a lot more, too.

Positive rfsk
(1 review)
On Jun 21, 2010, rfsk Stanfordville, NY wrote:

Posted on April 19, 2010, updated June 21, 2010
Quality: The most robust roots, the thickest and healthiest stems. I planted the numerous (over 30) roses I ordered this year and most have already sprouted leaves! By contrast, the other rose bushes from other companies are struggling and I do hope they will survive. The weather has been erratic this year... in the 70's earlier this month (unheard of in zone 5) and now down in the 50's so it is comforting to see that the Austins are doing so well.

Service: Incredibly patient. As I was planning the garden, I changed my mind a few times. Each time, the representative did not flinch and continued top roll with the punches. Moreover, there was never a mix up on any of the orders. She was also incredibly responsive. By speaking virtually several times a week, we were able to precisely coordinate the shipping of the roses so that I could plan the timely completion of the plantings.

On June 21st, 2010, rfsk added the following:

It is now mid June and every David Austin I had planted earlier this season is covered in an array of beautiful blooms. I am certainly looking forward to ordering more next year.
Positive mickeyj1
(2 reviews)
On Jun 16, 2010, mickeyj1 Ringtown, PA wrote:

i just made my first purchase from DA roses and i couldn't be happier. being impatient to plant my mothers rose garden i went against the advice of the CS representative as to the correct planting time for my area. nonetheless they shipped my roses except for two of one variety that would not be ready until the spring. what follows gets even better. my roses arrived shortly after our conversation very well packed with plenty of moisture on the roots.after following all included instructions i heeled the bushes in for a week until final bed preparations were complete and then proceeded to plant. new growth on all 6 roses within two days and progressing nicely. mom stated she never saw such nice robust plants as these anywhere else. cannot wait until spring to order many more as soon as the rose bed is increased in size to accomodate many more. i am one extremely satisfied customer. i will continue to update my roses progress.

Positive MorsisX
(27 reviews)
On May 26, 2010, MorsisX Lockport, IL (Zone 5b) wrote:

Posted on June 10, 2008, updated May 26, 2010
Simply put, Superb!

The climbers I ordered are far and away the most vigorous I have ever seen. Your customer service was exemplary in assisting me. The planting guide has proven invaluable.

I will absolutely return for more of your signature English Roses!

On May 26th, 2010, MorsisX added the following:

Needed to chime in again as this company has more than impressed me with the quality of their bare root roses, their customer service, and value.

They have worked with me to find the right roses for my area (zone 4 climbers are not the most common...). And their recommendations have been spot on!

This company sticks to their product. After having a few roses fail (my zone 4 issues, my fault really), they were more than happy to replace them with roses that are more cold hardy.

When ordering, please call them, they will walk you through your selections and help you out immensely!

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