Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Charles Alford Plants

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Negative jonnyss
(1 review)
On Jul 31, 2013, jonnyss Menlo Park, CA wrote:

charles grows some wonderful plants. though a surprising number of them have died in the first 6 months, i have continued to order because many can be obtained nowhere else. this year, however, i had a most unpleasant experience. he misread my order and added a plant. out of respect for his good work, i paid for the extra plant. when he learned of his mistake, he attacked me repeatedly in a patronizing, disparaging, most unprofessional way because i hadn't "simply told him of his error." you may read this and think, that doesn't make sense. i agree entirely.

On Jul 31, 2013, Charles Alford Plants responded with:

"On Aug 1, 2013 8:38 PM, Charles Alford Plants responded with:

The most important point I must make is that jonnyss states that he "paid for the extra plant." This statement is absolutely false. Indeed, it is clearly libelous. No money has changed hands, and no plants have been shipped.

This began when jonnyss asked about a variety of Ophioglossum pendulum. I answered that query, and he then asked me to quote on a different variety. For whatever reason, I mistakenly quoted a price for both the varieties he had mentioned. He did not question my quote, and said he would send a check. This check did not come.

A month later, he said he was going to send the check. When the check arrive,there was no information about what he wanted, and I no longer recalled the specific exchange. He also faxed an order from plants for a new offering, including one of the plants he had already ordered. I reasonably assumed this was a new order, in addition to the prior order.

Not recalling exactly what he wanted for the original payment, I asked what the payment was for. This led to increasingly blunt exchanges, and I threatened to cancel the order.

While enduring increasingly abusive responses from jonnyss, I finally stated that I would cancel his order, and return his check. After this had all blown up, he mentioned my initial error, which made it all clear. He wants everyone to believe this is my fault. He knew of my mistake, I didn't. The mistake was the cause of the confusion, the answer to all my inquiries, and the solution to this problem.

I don't know why he was reluctant to mention it.

He says many of my plants have died soon after he got them. He also mentions they are not available anywhere else. It is true I grow and sell some very challenging plants. I often discourage customers who seem to be getting in over their heads.

However, I can not fix what I do not know about. I learned in this post of his troubles with my plants. I freely give advice where I can, and gladly replace any plant which seems to perform poorly for reasons which may be my responsibility.

Indeed, he told me the plant in the original order had died. How do I do business? It was my intention to replace that plant at no charge, even though he had not asked me to do so.

Jonnyss has clearly shown he does not like me. He believes I am rude, condescending and unprofessional. Well, I will not address his opinion, but I learned some lessons about rude in my dealing with this customer."