Photo by Melody

Comments regarding CedarCide Industries

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  Feedback History and Summary  
24 positives
6 neutrals
14 negatives


Positive Average
(1 review)
On Mar 29, 2015, Average Gresham, OR wrote:

I am not happy that the editor of Daves Garden have not pulled down negative reviews from people that have not even used the product or used the product incorrectly.

In my opinion, having purchased CedarCide Original (formerly BEST YET) more than a dozen times, this is the only thing that gets rid of a lot of pests in my house.
I have killed fleas, lice, asian bettles, and house spiders with it. We have lice in my house again (gotta love school) and Cedarcide was the first place that I turn to. But when searching for a deal, I see this crap with negative reviews from people that haven't even purchased the product. Holy Cow!

My suggestion, try it yourself. If you don't like it. Don't buy it again. But when you do like it, it will be your go-to for everything. Either way, review it. And for the love of all things natural, if you haven't bought the damn thing, don't write a negative comment about it.

Positive sarahbpyton
(1 review)
On Dec 5, 2014, sarahbpyton Lewisville, TX wrote:

Cedarcide's product Best Yet Bug Spray is a very good product for bed bugs. its really work.

Positive David8512
(1 review)
On Mar 26, 2014, David8512 Aspen Hill, MD wrote:

I run a small Exterminator Company in the Washington DC area, and have been using Best Yet from Cedarcide for about 4 years. We specialize in Bedbugs, and find this is an invaluable part of our IPM approach to eliminating Bedbugs in residential properties. We have watched this company grow, and go through some growing pains, and come out smelling like cedar(which is much better than toxic pesticides. We combine this with a very modest application of Diatomaceous Earth. I realize that it doesn't work for everyone. However, there is no resistance buildup to this product. If there was a magic solution to the pest problem, everyone else would be out of business. That said, with the proper application(do NOT water this product down) and persistence, we have a 92% success rate in eliminating this most difficult of bugs to treat. It smells good and works. What else could you want from a pesticide?

Positive clarita995
(1 review)
On May 15, 2013, clarita995 Fredericksburg, TX wrote:

I have been using cedarcide products for about 6 years now and have absolutely no complaints.
I do my orders over the phone and have never had any problems there either.

"Best Yet" has never failed me and at the present I'm playin around with their granules as I've seen a few scorpions wandering around outside and they have to go elsewhere.
What I'm not understanding is how a product is working for some and not others.
What I have learned is that there are sellers over on amazon etc selling it for less than the manufacturers "store" which makes no sense.
I'm wondering if those with negativity purchased a diluted or counterfit item ?

thank you.
moderator,please let my response to those with negative replies get out as maybe that is the problem ?

Positive VinnieG
(1 review)
On May 9, 2013, VinnieG Redwood, TX wrote:

We ordered the cedarcide granules because we had a major problem with scorpions and spiders in our house. We live out in the country, and didn't want to use anything harmful to nature. After my husband spread the granules under the house, and around the perimeter of the house, we have not seen a single scorpion or spider inside. I don't think it kills them (no dead bodies), but they definitely don't like the smell! I am not sure how long this stuff will work, but if I start seeing scorpions again - I will know what to do!

Positive Rick2012AZ
(1 review)
On Nov 21, 2012, Rick2012AZ Scottsdale, AZ wrote:

After having a guest stay with us for a few weeks we discovered he had brought with him in his luggage, bed bugs. We were very upset to read reports on the internet that bed bugs are difficult if not impossible to get of. There are just so many places for them to hide, while they can remain alive in an almost dormant stage for months, not requiring the uptake of human blood. A through exam of the house had shown that they were alive and well in different stages, larvae through adult clusters in two of the bed rooms and a major infestation on the family room sofa, the one place this guest slept.
Luckily we found the Cedarcide website and were somewhat relieved to find a product that claimed to be effective in exterminating these disgusting bugs that live on human skin and blood. I might add that the cedar oil was recommended as useful and effective also by someone I knew who had experienced an infestation in his home a few years prior. I am happy to say I ordered a gallon of the pure cedar oil, followed the recommended protocol and was completely successful in ridding my home of the bed bugs. It takes a little persistence, repeat applications, but the product works. I did not have to spend a small fortune like so many have when contracting a pest control company. Thank you Cidarcide!

Positive philip9170
(1 review)
On Jan 5, 2012, philip9170 wrote:

My wife and I attended the International Orchid Show in Santa Barbara in March of 2011. We stayed at one of the motels along the Pacific Coast. My wife is overly sensitive to dust, bugs...just about anything... while I could sleep in dirt up to my chest. When we first arrived at the motel we relaxed on the bed before going out to dinner and my wife got all itchy, nutsy about the bed. I had brought along a four oz. spritzer of Best Yet pesticide because of the bedbug scare that was ongoing at the time, never figuring I would ever use the stuff.
I suggested we spray the mattress, blanket and the rug around the bed and see if after dinner she would still feel so antsy. Got back - no problem. Was it in her mind? d/k, but she was pleased. So now I never travel without the stuff.

Positive pkstinn
(1 review)
On Nov 18, 2011, pkstinn Dallas, TX wrote:

My experience with CedarCide Industries has been impressive so far...and I haven't even tried their product yet! I spent over an hour on their website reading about flea prevention/protection for my dog. So, I ordered a kit from them online, then had regrets over the price. I called and left a voicemail request to cancel my order. Within an hour, they responded to my request to cancel the order and reverse the credit card charge. Then, they processed my 'revised' order which gives me the opportunity to try their product without spending $$$ on an entire kit. My order will arrive early next week (order placed on Friday). I'll report the results in a couple of weeks from now...

Positive melvikitty
(1 review)
On Aug 29, 2011, melvikitty Long Beach, CA wrote:

I live in an apartment with 2 cats. Fleas were so bad that both cats avoided walking on the carpet. If they HAD to they jumped off the table and raced in to use the litter box or quickly to eat their food. They stayed above ground as much as possible. If I walked around sometimes I would have 5 or 6 fleas that I would tweezer off my feet or legs. It was horrible. I didn't want to use anything toxic and I found this product. Had to order on line. Couldn't find a pet store nearby that sold it. Vacuumed, Sprayed every inch of carpet. managed one shot at the cats. (They hated it) Apt smelled horrible. I knew it was working because if I walked onto the portion of carpet I sprayed, the number of fleas that jumped on me doubled. They obviously wanted out of there. I sprayed and sprayed. Didn't vacuum for 3 days. During the 3 days tried to mist the cats, had to sneak it on them while they slept. Still some fleas but not as many. Vacuumed. 4th day Sprayed again , Still some fleas. 5th day spot sprayed here and there. 6th day, cats staying on carpet a bit longer. 7th day spot sprayed, vacuumed. 8th day spot sprayed again. Finally by probably around the 10th or 11th day, I realized I had no more flea bites, cats were lying on the floor. Till this day, 4 weeks later I HAVE NO MORE FLEAS! Nothing else was used.

Positive fishlegs
(1 review)
On Jun 26, 2011, fishlegs Nederland, TX wrote:

Several years ago I had a terrible flea infestation. I had spent more money than I could afford on all sorts of pest control products that did not work. I have flea bite allergies and developed a rash that covered my arms and inched incessantly. I discovered Cedarcide and bought a gallon of the cedarcide bestyet and the fumigator machine. After just one fogging, the problem was so much better. After respraying once a week for several weeks, there were no more fleas.
That was probably 4 yrs ago..yesterday I started to feel itchy and saw a flea jumping off my arm. I wasted no time..I just ordered another gallon of bestyet insect spray. A hundred dollars for a gallon of flea spray may seem expensive, but compared to the agony of being eaten alive by fleas.. it is a real bargain
Oh, and my fogger is still working just fine.. though I will warn you not to leave the cedar oil in the machine when not in use, it eventually degrades the rubber seal.

Positive gymgirlp
(1 review)
On Feb 26, 2011, gymgirlp Arlington, VA wrote:

I ordered the gallon, it works on bed bugs, just spray everything, then 2 days later do it again.

Positive nightmare_over
(1 review)
On Nov 20, 2010, nightmare_over Ashland, OR wrote:

I swear this is all true. My nearly 2 year embarrassing, humiliating nightmare began Summer 2008 with a never-ending flea infestation - multiple bombs and sprays would not touch it. After 2 months I finally killed the fleas by dumping epsom salts on the floor of my rented camper a half mile from the beach. Invisible things were still jumping from the floor (not fleas, maybe collembola springtail mites, they live on fleas). My cat had bumps on her chin but wasn't scratching but she was in distress climbing as high as possible to escape the floor jumpers.
The outdoor area: a big old messy tree overhead in an empty lot closeby with tall tall grass newly cut, hundreds of pigeons overhead sitting on power lines, the neighbors complained about pigeons on their roofs.
All of a sudden at work I was horrified to realize I had about five small bugs racing around my body. Later at home I happened to turn and in the light clearly see with my own two eyes 3 delicate mites swan diving in a row into my shoulder. I felt them racing around in my clothes and bedding. I infested my car, my workspace, everywhere. Never any itching, no visible marks, Birdmites.
Because I infested everywhere, I quit my job, moved, became nearly homeless and broke. A year into my nightmare it dawned on me that when I lived in the camper I had left the rooftop air conditioner on all day for the cat when I was at work. I read up about pigeon mites/lice/fleas and it made sense, their droppings must have covered the AC. The tall grass newly cut and the messy tree could have had collembola and pigeon mites too.
I discovered Best Yet by Cedarcide Nov 2008 and it saved my life. Dr. Ben Oldag (entymologist), Dave and Danae are all saints in my opinion. I fogged with it and used the personal sprayer (watch out it kills electronics cover air vents!!). Months later I learned that oral Ivermectin (apple horsepaste was my choice, sad but true, and cheap!) and topical Pomado de Azufre 10% sulfer cream (and the soap) and Arm and Hammer powdered laundry detergent for my laundry (wash hot hot always), and dimethicone hair products (like biosilk therapy cure or citrishine leave-in shine miracle) were the main ways to cure the bugs hatching out of my entire body. Cedarcide managed my environment. I have heard that hot shot pest strips work well inside cars. I spent THOUSANDS on useless products. Permethrin does NOT work. Birdmites can live 8 months or a year, the bugs adapt quickly and don't read the medical journals that say they live for 3 days (total crock). Doctors and nurses degraded and humiliated me. Family turned their backs. Denial is a big part of this. Sadly I never cured my cat - I could never hold her without being reinfected. PS. The birdmite tunnels in my skin were tiny tiny tiny white slivers looked like kitty scratch scars, it took me over a year to even notice them. Topix scabies forum has helpful tips. A lot of people are getting rodent or bird mites or mites from their dogs and cats. Trust me, mites love to live in human skin too. Dr. Oldag says that collembola can be airborne and we breathe them in, they end up near our capillaries and hatch. The Cedarcide fog hangs in the air for hours and cleanses it. Nontoxic. I am not affiliated in any way with the products mentioned above.

Positive nightynight
(1 review)
On Oct 25, 2010, nightynight Las Vegas, NV wrote:

Recently bought an empty and foreclosed house. Buyer Beware! It was infested with bedbugs. After searching for a solution and deciding that spending another $3,ooo for a pest control company wasn't in the budget I found Cedarcide. Am very happy with the results. Needless to say, not only are the bedbugs gone, but the place smells terrific.
The people at Cedarcide were helpful in helping me decide how much I would need, it arrived quickly, and yes, they informed me that I may need to do it again in 3- 6 mos. to make sure I've got any and all stragglers. Still not going to cost me $3,000. The pest control company told me they'd have to come back one more time also. So figure $6,000.
I own 2 old cats (15+yrs.), and so was concerned about what I would use. They stayed in the enclosed yard for the day because of the strong smell, but were also lightely sparyed (using the pump mister). They remain the same affectionate and sleepy cats they have been. Inspite of some negative comments regarding the use of this on animals I felt better using this than the commercial drops. I guess just like people though there are those who are sensitive when 98% are not. Just be careful. Do little at a time and watch for a reaction.
It's great to be bedbug free!

Positive pleroma02
(1 review)
On Jun 7, 2010, pleroma02 Campbell, TX wrote:

My mini-schnauzer loved to snuggle with me - until she became flea-ridden. It was horrible! All dogs have to do to get tape worms is eat ONE flea. I tried everything - much of it made Molly so sick. I felt as badly as she did. Then I found the Cedarcide company. I sprayed my house and yard - it didn't hurt anything. I sprayed her bedclothes and mine! No stains. In a few weeks - no fleas!! Now, Molly does NOT like it at all. I think it smells great. She disagrees. BUT it does not make her sick like the one-drop stuff the vet sold me; so I make her endure it, and we get rid of the fleas. I've noticed that when I work at our undeveloped farm land, using a walk -behind brush mower in high grass, I need that cedarcide on my clothing to keep ticks off me. If one does get on me, he's usually trying to crawl off.

When I get my U-Pick-It orchard up and running, I'll stock this on my shelves for resell - I love it!!

And negatives . . . well, timing is your fault - mail order takes time. We all know that. Expensive - yeah, it is. But have you noticed that everything else that really works is usually more expensive that the stuff that doesn't? I imagine that the process for getting this oil out of the heart of cedar trees is pretty costly and troublesome. Otherwise, I'd be getting the oil out of the cedar on my own land.

Positive mpj201
(2 reviews)
On May 29, 2010, mpj201 White Plains, NY wrote:

Cedarcide has helped my dog Sophia ( a Labrador retriever) immensely. I live in a wooded area in Westchester county, NY, a suburb of NYC that is one of the worst deer and dog tick infestations in the country. Lime disease is a constant threat.
I ordered Cedarcide in an attempt protect my dog, because the product prescribed by our vet (Frontline) was not keeping ticks off of her, and she was bringing in one (sometime more than one) everytime I walked her.
Last summer, I began a regular regimen of spraying my dog after every walk. This caused any ticks on her to jump off, and prevented new ones from coming on. The difference was dramatic - before Cedarcide I would find 1-3 ticks a day. Within a week of using the spray, ticks stopped coming on my dog completely. (One note to customers - I don't spray my dog with pure Cedarcide, b/c its smell is not unpleasantly, but its quite strong. I find a 1 cup Cedarcide to 3 or 4 cups water is quite effective, and more agreeable to my retriever. At the same time, I've found its important to spray my dog regularly, so that enough Cedarcide is on her coat to protect her effectively).
Its feels like a miracle to find an insect repellant / insecticide that is so effective, yet is completely natural and has no toxic side effects. I've really enjoyed using this and I hope it continues to be manufactured in the future.

Positive EthanY83
(1 review)
On Nov 10, 2009, EthanY83 Healdsburg, CA wrote:

I have a German Short-hair pointer with fleas and ticks. I tried a few name brand "spot drops" and she became sick. Found and decided to give it a try. Safe, all natural. Kills on contact! Fleas instantly, ticks take a few minutes. There is little to no residual effect after 24 hours, so I have to spray her every night. I also spray her bedding. I used the "Best Yet" formula and I just ordered a gallon more. Smell is strong but very tolerable. I have not tried spraying the yard but I don't think it would get rid of pests outside for very long. It might not work as well for pets with long hair. You might have to really work it down to the skin, where the fleas are.

I highly recommend this product! THE safest alternative to chemicals.

Positive south_yankee
(1 review)
On Sep 15, 2009, south_yankee Corpus Christi, TX wrote:

My wife found Cedarcide while browsing the web for some sort of solution for a flea problem we had been fighting that did not use harmful chemicals. We have a young boys and did not want to keep worrying about what kind of harm we were causing them from the poisons we were spraying around in our battle with the little buggers.

I ordered the BestYet Kit and the Tri-Jet fogger with a gallon of BestYet. With 2 in/out dogs and 2 cats, we fog every year so we decided to buy the fogger.

Delivery was prompt and packed very well.

I had to contact Customer Service because they had not shipped the extra gallon of BestYet that came with the fogger. I spoke with a friendly woman (do not remember her name) who shipped the 2nd gallon next day air.

For a test, I cleaned our living room, vacuumed it, and then walked around with white socks. By the time I had crossed the room, I had fleas all over my legs. I proceeded to use the canister sprayer to treat the room and my legs, lol. Within seconds the fleas on my socks were no longer moving and none appeared on my wife when she walked in the room to see how the carpet was.

My youngest son has extremely sensitive skin and anytime he got a flea bite, it would get very irritated and he would scratch to the point of causing his skin to bleed. We started spraying him and his brother on their legs and the fleas stopped jumping on them or biting them. I also use it outside on them instead of the regular bug sprays.

I have since fogged the house and treated the pets using the hand sprayer. Life has returned to normal and aside from an occasional treatment of the dogs before they go out or come in, we are flea free. I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a safe alternative for home flea protection.

Positive poppy123
(1 review)
On Sep 12, 2009, poppy123 Pensacola, FL wrote:

My dog had terrible fleas last summer and, since he shares my bed, I also had them. After consulting the Vet, who could only recommend pesticides, I went on the Web and found this company. I was leary of ordering out of state and was worried "it was too good to be true" since I had no idea if it was bogus. I asked a zillion questions and the very polite sales person patiently answered. When I asked something else they asked if I would like to speak to Dr----(forgot the name) and he came right on and we had a good conversation including answers to my further questions.

I then ordered the gallon Best Yet & the personal spray. It worked wonders although I had a time getting my small dog to accept the spray (probably the noise). Now he knows, when he scratches a little and I reach for the small spray bottle I keep on the nitetable, that I am doing something to help him and he's okay!

I also sprayed the bed covers, the sofa top which is his watchguard station and the carpet nearby. I also sprayed him before and after our daily walks.

I also take the small spray out for me when working in the yard to keep the mosquitos away

This is a wonderful product and it smells good, too - like a cedar closet. My only problem was pouring from the gallon jug to a smaller spray bottle. It splashed all over, thereby wasting what, for me, was some of a costly purchased. But my kitchen sure did smell good.

I could not be more pleased with this product.

Positive brightriver
(1 review)
On Sep 7, 2009, brightriver Austin, AR wrote:

Cedarcide works nicely at our Grooming & Boarding Kennel in Arkansas. Frequently clients will bring dogs with a healthy crop of fleas and ticks to our business for boarding or grooming. The fleas and ticks die as soon as I spray them with Best Yet by Cedarcide. This product is an essential part of our business, we cannot afford to spread pests to other dogs in our care. And I do not like a toxic pesticide used in our business.

Just a comment to the owner who has itchy dogs with no visible fleas... check the ingredients of your dog food or dog treats... soy, wheat, corn, gluten, coloring, msg and additives can cause dogs to itch... and it takes anywhere from 3 - 4 months to see improvement after removing the allergy from a dogs diet.

Positive PraiseB2Yah
(1 review)
On Jul 6, 2009, PraiseB2Yah Jacksonville, FL wrote:

I started using CedarCide when you could purchase it at Home Depot in Texas. Now I’m in Jacksonville, Florida and I still use their products, successfully. I place an 8”-12” barrier of granules around my home annually and never have any ants, bugs or spiders inside. Amazing! In the spring when the yard starts jumping I use the PCO and that is the end of it. It keeps the snakes away also. We apply it monthly in Florida. I use the Best Yet on our persons as well as pets. The only issue with the Best Yet is when we are in the marsh areas and the no-see-ums and mosquitoes are heavy they still get in our face but they do not land on us so we do not get bit. I highly recommend these products. I wish I could afford their sprinkler system.

Positive organicfrmr
(1 review)
On Apr 16, 2009, organicfrmr Oklahoma City, OK (Zone 7a) wrote:

I live in Oklahoma, THE Tick capitol of the World (my opinion), and every year I have a horrid time with these guys. I have one kitty, Grape, who is a tick magnet, I have seem him litterly covered with ticks of all shapes and sizes. I do not care to use the chemicals that are used in the making of the "spot" remedies, as I have been hearing a lot about the side effects, so i used to hand pick them off daily, quite a chore. So when I came across cedarcide, I was excited. I bought a quart bottle of their "BestYet" for people and pets. Well, being the sceptic that I am, I wasn't going to apply to anyone till I tested it. We have these huge (2") red wasps that you can not kill with a swatter, it only gets em' madder. One got into the house and I sprayed it one time with this stuff and that dude IMMEDIATLY fell to the floor and died! I was very amazed, as even the wasp poison doesn't do that good of a job! So my dear little Grape got all the ticks removed and sprayed him (it scared him, so I sprayed it on my hands then rubbed it in) with cedarcide. It didn't seem to make him annoyed (the smell) and although I have to reapply every other day, the ticks have FINALLY decided Grape isn't so tasty any more! I have seen no unusual side effects and I can tell Grape is a happy cat without the ticks eating him alive! So for a recommendation for ticks and big red waspsthat laugh at swatters, I give 2 thumbs up. Grape and I will continue buying and using cedarcide, as it works, and so far no adverse reactions for us personally.

On April 16th, 2009, organicfrmr added the following:

by the way, I read the summons from new york, and in the last paragraph they list the active ingredents:

Based on Department staff’s civil penalty request, it can be reasonably inferred that the pesticides at issue in thisproceeding are general use pesticides. This inference is furthersupported by Staff’s stop order dated April 12, 2004, whichidentifies the active ingredients as essence of Juniperus virginiana, and refined cedar oil. These active ingredients arenot identified as restricted use pesticides at 6 NYCRR 326.2.
Positive mbmiozza
(1 review)
On Apr 26, 2008, mbmiozza Kutztown, PA wrote:

I cannot say enough about how great these products are. Last summer after an overnight trip to the vet my apartment and poor kitty were infested with fleas. I tried everything and spent close to $150 only to find that nothing worked. I searched the internet and found Best Yet. I had no idea what I was looking for to solve my problem. Being very skeptical I called the 800 number and asked a ton of questions. The staff was very patient, friendly and informative. I had no idea what it was that I needed. They helped me choose the product that fit my needs best. Best Yet! #4002 & 4003 biting insect spray for people, pets premise is the best. I got the product in the mail almost immedicately, and best of all one application solved my flea problem IMMEDIATELY. This product is safe around children & all pets, is not toxic to the environment, and smells clean and fresh. Not only are the products safe for people, pets, and environment friendly, the staff is friendly and informative. I got an answer to my email the next day and when I called to order the staff was very patient to answer all my questions. If you are not sure which products to get just call the 800 number and tell them what your problem is, the size of the area and they will tell you exactly what you need. No gimicks, no sales pitches from these folks!

Thank you Best Yet!

Positive crashbandiscoot
(4 reviews)
On Sep 12, 2007, crashbandiscoot Springfield, OH (Zone 6a) wrote:

This summer had been awful for my dog because of fleas. He is allergic to all flea and tick products used by our vet or bought over the counter, including collars. He was rashed , red and scratching to the point of sickness and hairloss. We tried home remedies of all kinds, baths and even Avon products, nothing helped. I then asked for help from members of Daves Garden.
A fine member of Dave's then pointed me in the direction of Cedar Cide Products. That was two weeks ago. I bought a bottle of Best Yet all purpose repellant , and I can't even describe how happy I am, or how much better my dog is doing. I appy to him every couple days, and rub it down into the fur and on his skin. This is the very first thing I have used that kills fleas on contact! Everything else just made them run.
It does wear off , but is safe enough to reapply when needed .His skin looks so much better, his hair is already growing back. And my dog is back to his 'ole cat chasing self! I could not be happier with this product , and would recommend to anyone to use , on people, pets, kids and everywhere! An added plus is that it smells like new cedar furniture!

Positive winterrobin
(9 reviews)
On Aug 24, 2007, winterrobin South Dennis, NJ (Zone 7b) wrote:

I was happy to add CedarCide to the Watchdog, because their products are too good to keep to myself! I ordered their all-natural personal insect repellent in a small spray bottle to take around the garden with me. But no re-application is necessary! This will repel mosquitoes and biting flies for hours. It works so DEET or other harsh chemicals, just natural cedar oil, and it smells great too.

The other product I ordered, "Best Yet" is another cedar oil formula, and multi-purpose. It can be used on people, pets, and even around the house. Spray it around baseboards, under sinks and inside cabinets (but not on floors -- it's slippery) to deter ants, crickets, moths and spiders. I was lucky enough to have some "Best Yet" spray left when we were confronted with a surprise infestation of bed bugs! I'd be embarrassed to admit this, but internet searches came back with information that the very best 5-star hotels are plagued with these pests recently! If you travel, you just might bring them home! Have "Best Yet" on hand to kill them dead. This is MUCH less expensive and MUCH safer than hiring an exterminator to spray heaven-knows-what in your house.

Any questions you have about products, applications, and pests will be answered by Dr. Ben Oldag within a day, not weeks. The woman I spoke to at their 800 number was also friendly and very helpful. I have already placed a second order.