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Comments regarding Rogue Valley Roses

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  Feedback History and Summary  
66 positives
7 neutrals
21 negatives


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Positive roseblood13
(1 review)
On May 20, 2012, roseblood13 Austin, TX wrote:

I have been ordering roses for years from this company. Most of my experiences have been good. Recently though I have been informed that my rose choices were in stock, but could not be sent because there was some question as to their identity. This has happened on 2 separate rose orders. It has shaken my confidence somewhat as to their methods. James has been courteous and intelligent both times I have called to try and get answers. I have spoken with a lady a few times who has sounded indifferent to my concerns. In any event I would like to know if other people are running into the same problem with misidentified roses they are waiting on. Overall my experience has been good and the people are helpful, but at some point people will expect more from a business

Negative Scooty
(10 reviews)
On May 20, 2012, Scooty Peterborough,
United States wrote:

Posted on May 17, 2012, updated May 20, 2012
I just received 5 different roses and 1 gift rose. Two roses was fine and of decent size, albeit still small for the price they charge. The third rose had one of the two main stems broken.The fourth rose was 7 inches tall, so below par for me. The gift rose was 6 inches tall.
I e-mailed the company but have not received an answer yet. Will update this comment next week with the final results.
At this moment I would not order from them again based on the very small size of half of the shipment.

On May 20th, 2012, Scooty changed the rating from neutral to negative and added the following:

I just received an email from the owner Janet. She suggested trimming the broken cane to the first bud below. This will leave me with a rose with 1 cane of about 5-6 inches and one of 8 inches.
The reason two of the roses are so small was the cold spring they had in Oregon. Paying over $100,- for 4 bands inclusive shipping is not worth the price in this case.
Positive Pegash
(1 review)
On May 17, 2012, Pegash Whitehall NY,
United States wrote:

I am restoring the garden at Skene Manor in Whitehall. I have to use heirloom everything because of the historical designation of the property. I spoke with Janet, the owner for over an hour one evening and explained my situation and she made some recommendations from the list of roses I was interested in. So, I ordered 18 roses. Because of the budget I was allocated I had to purchase mostly bands but did get 2 of the roses in gallon size.

They arrived today and I excitedly opened both boxes (which took awhile to remove the roses because of the very careful packing):)
Two of the bushes were blooming as I unwrapped them with an exquisite rose fragrance, and every other rose had multiple buds almost ready to open. They were larger plants then I expected, because in the past I have ordered from other heirloom rose places and have paid close to $80 per rose for plants smaller than these! I am more than pleased with these roses. I planted half today and I will finish planting the rest tomorrow. The root systems were perfect and the packaging was done with such care I did not lose one single leaf! I don't understand why some people expect bands to be huge and roots coming out the bottom. This company is not Walmart's or Kmart where the roses have sat in a plastic sack, waxed and dried out for a year on different root stock. Geesh....I am a historical landscaper and this is the best company for heirloom roses I have come across, ever!

Their website makes my jobs that much easier as I can look by year the rose was introduced or found. This is their busy season so you might want to cut them a break regarding communication. Just call them again.

I also, got a call to clarify my address before they shipped Tuesday.

Positive LRandolph
(1 review)
On Oct 21, 2011, LRandolph Combee Settlement, FL wrote:

I can't say enough good things about my experiences with Rogue Valley Roses. I made three orders this past growing season, all gifts for my mother's garden in KY. The first was for 12 bands, second was for 12 bands and third was for 14 bands. With their specials this year, that meant I also got to choose 12 free roses and they threw in an additional 12 unlabelled/lost tag roses. Their band prices were already competetive with other heirloom rose vendors, but the freebies made them impossible to beat.

The bands all arrived in great shape. 30-40% of them were in bloom or bud upon arrival. Most were 8"-12", but some were closer to 18", and yes, a few were smaller - but very healthy. Since planting, all have bloomed and most have bloomed several times, all have grown considerably (and the Darlow's Enigma is at least 5X its original size). We didn't lose any, in spite of many days of 100+ degree heat.

The website was easy to navigate, the selection was incredible, and all communication was excellent. I even got a phone call about the mailing address (the USPS website wants to default my mom's farm adress to East instead of West) - they just wanted to make sure the roses made to me quickly.

Positive MajiA
(6 reviews)
On Sep 28, 2011, MajiA Kenner, LA wrote:

Ordered two own root bands and they arrived on the promised date well packed and hydrated. Very good planting instructions included and hope the bands take off.

Positive phdler
(22 reviews)
On Jul 25, 2011, phdler Homer, NY wrote:

Posted on July 25, 2011, updated July 25, 2011
Posted on May 27, 2010, updated July 25, 2011
My first time ordering from this company and was very pleased. Roses arrived sooner than I hoped but were carefully packed, seem to be VERY healthy and the one gallon plant was loaded with buds - which I appreciate a lot since it only blooms once a year! Very strong root systems on all three heirloom roses. Pricey, but for HTF old garden roses, check them out.

On July 25th, 2011, phdler added the following:

2011: Still positive but not as great as last time I ordered from them. Most of the roses were in very good condition. However, I ordered two of the same variety and one plant was extraordinary but the other was less than a quarter of the size, almost leafless, and only in fair condition. We planted it and it has picked up but still not up to snuff with their other roses. Also found out this year that one of the own-root Grus un Aachens I ordered from them in the past was mislabeled as it bloomed this year and was a bright rose color.
On July 25th, 2011, phdler added the following:

2011: Still positive but not as great as last time I ordered from them. Most of the roses were in very good condition. Some were outstanding.

However, I ordered two of the same variety and one plant was extraordinary but the other was puny, almost leafless, and only in fair condition. We planted it and it has picked up but still not up to snuff with their other roses. Also found out this year that one of the own-root Grus un Aachens I ordered from them in the past was mislabeled as it bloomed this year and was a bright rose color. A pretty rose, but a bit out of place in my color scheme for that part of the garden.
Positive Logophile
(1 review)
On Jul 16, 2011, Logophile Urbana, IL (Zone 5b) wrote:

I ordered two rose bands from Rogue Valley Roses in late April of this year. The packaging was excellent: Although the outer carton was quite the worse for wear when it arrived, the inner packaging kept the plants well-protected (if a struggle to open!). Both plants were still well-hydrated and larger (one much larger) than I expected. They are doing well by midsummer.

Though the price was a little higher than I could otherwise have found, the healthy plants I received were well worth it, and the money I saved by not ordering gallons made these roses a particularly good value. I would not hesitate to order from Rogue Valley again.

Positive bungalow1056
(7 reviews)
On Jul 4, 2011, bungalow1056 Winston-Salem, NC (Zone 7b) wrote:

I've ordered 10 or so bands from RVR in the last several months. All have been healthy. All have established themselves quickly after planting. Shipping is reasonable and the staff is friendly. Their inventory of OGR's is one of the better that I've found.

Positive grownsk
(5 reviews)
On Jun 3, 2011, grownsk Star City, AR wrote:

Posted on April 14, 2011, updated June 3, 2011
I'd like to say that I had a pleasant experience with RVR....I would say that their communication on order status updates could be better but I am happy with the company and would order from them again. I ordered a band of Cardinal de Richelieu which arrived in good condition and was a nice size plant....It did have a few broken branches and few leaves but I think with a little TLC it will really take off...I would suggest anyone buy from this good company!

On June 3rd, 2011, grownsk added the following:

Just received another order in from RVR....The band was not much more than a rooted cutting...It was one stem maybe 6 inches tall that was extremely new growth although it did have a bud in place....I was in shock after seeing the difference between this band and the one I received previously. I will still order from this company again although I won't get my hopes up in expecting a nice size plant...So long as the plant lives this rating is still positive. BTW the first band I ordered is really starting to take off and has really leafed out well.
Positive dfischer
(2 reviews)
On Mar 31, 2011, dfischer Eugene, OR wrote:

I recently placed an order with Rogue Valley Nursery. Not all the plants were shipped as should have been. I contacted them and explained about the missing plants. The person that I talked to was very polite. She told me that they would check into the problem. About a week later I was notified by e-mail that the problem had been identified and they were sending out the roses the next week. While mistakes are regretable, their courtious and responsive handling of this situation have earned them a loyal customer. Oh, the roses that I received were well developed, healthy and hardy. They are in the ground now and appear to be doing well.

Positive plantingoaks
(8 reviews)
On Mar 15, 2011, plantingoaks Marysville, OH (Zone 5b) wrote:

I ordered four band size roses from rogue valley in the spring of 2010, I also received a free 'split stem' rose, as per a promotion they were running at the time.

I was very concerned when the package arrived, as I knew it had traveled cross country, and it arrived bent in the middle, on a warm day, and my husband had set it on end, unopened, in the garage (!?!) while I was at work, so things were not off to a good start.

However, the plants inside were still in excellent condition with no broken stems. Some of the soil was a bit dry, and made a mess as I tried to unwrap things, but the plants themselves were not wilted. Getting everything unpackaged was a bit of an ordeal, but given the condition of the box, and the fact that some of the plants had been literally hanging upside down, I think that is a good tradeoff. These people know how to pack their plants to survive whatever the shipping service dishes out.

On planting, the plants were quite small, with one or two spindly stems (to be expected from bands) but they all appeared to have well developed roots and survived with no additional coddling. By fall they were comparable in size to a gallon plant you might buy at a local nursery. The split stem 'freebie' plant grew as well as the others, and seemed to suffer no ill-effects from the visible split.

I am very impressed by their selection, and am pleased to have a source for small, shippable, reasonably priced specimens of some of the more obscure old garden roses. The quality of the plants received is everything that I would expect.

Positive anelson77
(4 reviews)
On Feb 9, 2011, anelson77 Seattle, WA wrote:

My order arrived promptly. The roses were extremely carefully packed and in good condition.

Neutral gennyga
(6 reviews)
On Aug 19, 2010, gennyga Decatur, GA wrote:

Yesterday I received six bands from this nursery. Let me just say that the packing of these plants was ridiculously excessive. I nearly killed them trying to get the tape off of their pots. I spent a good half hour trying to free them from this overkill of taping them to the box, each other, and the plants themselves. Invest in some reasonable form of packing, especially when you charge an inordinately high cost for shipping. (Take a clue from Santa Rosa Gardens - they have simple, quality packing and don't charge for extra for it).
The bands were reasonably healthy - especially the New Dawns - and Blossomtime had a bloom on it. However, the others are a little wilted, but I will reserve judgment as it is late in the summer. We shall see . . .

Positive mizar5
(3 reviews)
On Aug 4, 2010, mizar5 Merritt Island, FL (Zone 9b) wrote:


Very fast shipping and my roses (7 bands) were VERY well packed. Arrived in great shape. I could not be happier with my experience with this company so far.

I sent one email -- just an additional question I had -- and it was answered promptly.

They also sent a tracking email so I knew when to expect the roses.

I love that they ship all year long.

I will definitely buy from Rogue Valley Roses again.

Positive AquaEyes11010
(1 review)
On Jun 18, 2010, AquaEyes11010 Franklin Square, NY wrote:

I've become a new fan of old roses, but I didn't get to grow any of my own yet. My first chance came when I got to put together a garden for the end of my street with money from my city (Buffalo, NY). I planted four large beds of perennials, and incorporated 8 different gallica and 8 different alba roses I ordered from RVR as bands. One was sold out in that size, so I upgraded to the 1 gallon. I also received four unlabeled "mystery" bands and four labeled "split-stem" bands.

All came looking good, and were immediately potted on into 5 gallon nursery pots with a mix of 3 parts topsoil, 3 parts peat moss, 2 part composted cow manure, 1 part cedar mulch and 2 tablespoons each of organic rose food and bonemeal. All but one of the bands ordered (Great Maiden's Blush - Alba) and one of the split-stems (Souv. du Pres. Lincoln - Bourbon) quickly started showing new growth, and after two months of TLC they were planted out. The two which didn't show much new growth finally wilted and died. The others had all at least doubled in size by the time they were planted.

Before that, I was already hooked, and decided to order another 15 bands for myself, this time choosing reblooming antiques from among the bourbon, portland and hybrid perpetual classes. After the order was placed but before it arrived I called RVR to mention that one of the bands I ordered previously didn't make it (the split stem was a freebie, so I'm not concerned about replacing that) and if there was still time to include a replacement in with my new order. I found out I had just missed it, but that they'd just send another box with the replacement.

I haven't received it yet, but even still, I am amazed at the selection, quality and customer service with RVR. Even though I'm on the east coast, I believe in rewarding good behavior with business, so RVR will be my first-choice rose source from here on in. There are very few on my long "wish list" that aren't available from them. If you're looking to try growing roses from bands, and want a huge inventory from which to choose, I'd highly recommend RVR.

Neutral stone_garden
(5 reviews)
On May 6, 2010, stone_garden Burtonsville, MD wrote:

This was my first time ordering from Rogue Valley Roses so I will leave the rating neutral for now. For me, they were a pricey splurge on two favorite oldies that I once purchased at a third of the cost (sigh) - but they were the only place I could find the old miniature "Strawberry Swirl" and I ordered an old favorite "Medallion" as well. Did appreciate the VERY careful packing - these are bands and the miniature seems like what I typically receive, a healthy cutting with buds and new growth that (hope) will fill a pot by summer's end. The hybrid tea was smaller than I would have expected (10" or so) but seems healthy enough. Will carefully grow these on in pots as per enclosed detailed instructions. The price (for me) was high but at least there are nurseries preserving old varieties in a world swamped with "Knockout" shrub roses. Will change rating when I have more information as to the amount of roots, for now these are resting after a long trip - but yes, for now I would say feel confident if purchasing from these growers.

Positive EffieH
(4 reviews)
On May 5, 2010, EffieH Amston, CT (Zone 6b) wrote:

I had a GREAT experience with this company -- so glad to be able to give them a good review here! They confirmed my order quickly via email -- received my rose (rosa hugonis) within a week and it was large and very healthy! I am very impressed and will definitely order from them again!

Positive princesskatja
(5 reviews)
On Apr 4, 2010, princesskatja Puyallup, WA wrote:

I have ordered dozens of roses from Rogue Valley Roses over the past 5 years. Gallons and bands both. At this point, they are definitely the first on my list for roses.

In terms of winter survival, I've had more success with their bands than I've had with grafted roses from local nurseries or bands from other mail-order providers. Bands seem to vary a lot in terms of vigor in their first few years and definitely take some patience! Roses are individuals - your mileage will vary! If you want more instant results, then bands are not for you.

I've always had excellent customer service and outstandingly healthy roses from Rogue Valley. I'm surprised to hear someone report small roots - mine have always had reasonably robust roots for their size. Mislabeling is very rare, which is more than I can say from others I've patronized.

Negative salt1light
(1 review)
On Mar 11, 2010, salt1light Puyallup, WA wrote:

Website stated "$2 off gallons". I ordered 2 - 1 gal roses, online 2/17/10. The website did not allow for the $2 reduction. I telephoned before completing my order and was told that their online system does not allow for the $2 reduction, but that upon receiving my order, they would manually make the 2 x $2 ($4) adjustment.
The adjustment never came. I emailed them 3/3/10 regarding my $4 adjustment. I did not receive a response. I will not follow-up another time. Will not order from them again.

Neutral Lucy11
(3 reviews)
On Sep 24, 2009, Lucy11 Encino, CA wrote:

First time buyer. I ordered 4 bands. Packaging-great, shipping-fast, customer service-superb, merchandise-not so much...Cuttings is a better phrase than bands to describe them. I could overlook the size but the invisible "presence" of root system is a more serious issue. I'm crossing my fingers...I'm hoping that their class strength (Alba, Gallica and Damask) will pull them thru.

Positive sunnynparadise
(4 reviews)
On Jul 9, 2009, sunnynparadise Tacoma, WA (Zone 8b) wrote:

I ordered my first order from Rogue Valley Roses in June and the order was received promptly. Unfortunately everything was sold out so I was only able to order bands instead of gallons. The prices were very reasonable. I am creating a thornless rose area because I have a little boy and I want him to enjoy them without the danger of getting scratched as much. The roses were packed nicely and one was too small to ship but they gave me the option to substitute so I am just waiting to place another order. I will definitely order from them again. I would love to visit this nursery. I thought their customer service was excellent.

Positive floria
(27 reviews)
On Jun 4, 2009, floria Athens, GA (Zone 8a) wrote:

This is the first time I ordered from Rogue Valley Roses. The order was somewhat large- more than 20 roses. Generally, I agree with the posting by vossner: I received small plants, but they were very healthy and grew fast (I re-potted all of them). They do carry a lot of special roses. Upon receipt, most roses had the soil strewn around in the box, but this did not prevent them from recovering quickly. Two roses dried out during the first week and one was mislabeled. While it took some time (over a month of messages), they were in the end replaced at no cost to me. Janet Inada (the owner) responded promptly and graciously to my concerns - she had to go away for personal reasons, which explained the delay. I will most order again from this company.

Positive wrenhill
(7 reviews)
On May 23, 2009, wrenhill Decorah, IA wrote:

This was my first order with Roque Valley Roses and I am very happy with the well packaged, healthy roses I received. I am pushing the hardiness zone with a few of my selections, but that is between me and mother nature--I am always willing to give it a try if it is something I really want. I will surely do business with this company again and will think of them when the scent of roses fills the air in my yard.

Positive garyt
(4 reviews)
On May 15, 2009, garyt Presque Isle, MI (Zone 5a) wrote:

I received 5 band roses, all were excellent quality, two of the roses had buds on them. Excellent packing.


Positive MaryAnn_VA
(3 reviews)
On Apr 28, 2009, MaryAnn_VA Charlottesville, VA wrote:

I recently ordered 3 bands; they were sent quickly and were very well packaged and very healthy. One of the bands was incorrect; I emailed the company and they immediately sent me the correct plant and told me to keep the incorrect one. I was very pleased with the quality of the roses I received and with the excellent customer service. I can definitely recommend them.

Positive loveblossoms
(14 reviews)
On Mar 12, 2009, loveblossoms CA,
United States (Zone 8b) wrote:

Wonderful! Beautiful! Excellent! This was my first rose purchase from Rogue Valley Roses and I could not be more delighted. I ordered four rose plats from them with great expectations and they delivered. Their customer service is spectacular. Personable, helpful and prompt communication. Exceptionally packaged plants--very secure! Healthy plants and great selection of roses. Teena and Heidi, thanks so much ladies! I'll be sure to check back with you for more lovely roses in the future! God bless!

On March 12th, 2009, loveblossoms added the following:

that's "plants," not "plats." i don't believe their in the business of "plat" sales!
Positive vossner
(118 reviews)
On Feb 16, 2009, vossner East Texas,
United States (Zone 8a) wrote:

I bought some bands because the prices are very reasonable but was a little concerned because I received sticks. They were healthy and in less than 1 month I have full healthy plants. Their website is very user friendly and they carry a lot of special roses.

Positive Marisa_K
(2 reviews)
On Jan 8, 2009, Marisa_K Lincoln, CA (Zone 8b) wrote:

I had an all-around great experience ordering from Rogue Valley Roses. They grow all the old garden roses I was looking for. Janet was very nice, very helpful, and when I had questions she responded right away. My nine roses arrived today, two days after they were shipped, fresh and perky and covered in buds, not a thorn out of place. I will absolutely order from RVR again.

Positive chicochi3
(20 reviews)
On Dec 11, 2008, chicochi3 Fayetteville, AR (Zone 6b) wrote:

My first time doing business with this company, and so far I am quite pleased. Everything excellent!

Positive timbers
(11 reviews)
On Oct 29, 2008, timbers Vallejo, CA wrote:

My plants arrived in record time, and were so securely packed that I had trouble getting them unpacked. As an added bonus, Perfume Delight had a beautiful very fragrant bloom.

Positive rosesnpots
(8 reviews)
On Oct 24, 2008, rosesnpots Virginia Beach, VA wrote:

Living on the east coast, I usually do not purchase roses from the other side of the country because of length of shipping and costs. However, since Rogue Valley Roses was the only vendor where I could purchase the 2 Paul Barden roses I have been wanting for a long time I took the chance and was very pleased. The 2 roses arrived on time as promised in wonderfull condition. They responded all my emails quickly and answered all questions truthfully. I will do business with them again.

Positive trospero
(20 reviews)
On Jun 2, 2008, trospero Corvallis, OR wrote:

I received my plant of 'Old Port' (hard to find McGredy rose!) from Rogue Valley about 6 weeks ago. It was a five gallon specimen and was far larger than I expected to receive. It was very carefully packaged and arrived with no damage whatsoever, even with loads of tender new growth on it. Clearly the people who pack the plants for shipping care a great deal about their work.

That plant is now almost 4 feet tall and has a dozen glorious blooms on it with many more to come. I am very pleased with my rose and would recommend Rogue Valley without hesitation. Clearly Janet and her staff care deeply about the plants and service they provide. Thank you!

Positive cfarres
(12 reviews)
On May 12, 2008, cfarres Deering, NH (Zone 4b) wrote:

I ordered 8 bands last fall for spring delivery. I got the notification of shipment on 5/5, and received them on 5/7 (from the West Coast to the East Coast - not bad!).

The were packaged very well; nothing was ever going to shift or get broken unless someone ran over the whole package. In fact, they were so well packaged that I grumbled to my husband that I would never get the plants set free.

All the roses were in wonderfull shape when I finally got them unwrapped.

I will definitely buy from RVR again!

Neutral michelleyk
(3 reviews)
On May 4, 2008, michelleyk Whittier, CA wrote:

This was my first experience with band roses( and ordering plants online), and honestly, I was pleasantly surprised!
The roses came healthy, happy, and even blooming (i nipped that in the bud...haha).
The communication from Rogue Valley Roses was friendly and helpful, the website has a great search feature to find the exact rose you're looking for, and their prices are very reasonable!
I look forward to ordering from them again!

On April 9th, 2009, michelleyk changed the rating from positive to neutral and added the following:

Well, after a year, my band roses are slightly stunted and 3 have simply died. My other roses (including some bare roots purchased a month ago) are flourishing happily under the exact same conditions.

I don't think that I'm cut out for growing band roses. While I was very excited to find Paul Barden cultivars, but unfortunately since they're so delicate and small they simply don't do well for me.

If they ever make the Paul Barden roses available in bare root or 5 gallons I may make another attempt, but not at this time! :)
Positive Zuzu
(38 reviews)
On Mar 25, 2008, Zuzu Sebastopol, CA (Zone 9a) wrote:

I've bought dozens of roses from Rogue Valley in the last couple of years and I've never been disappointed. Every single rose has been healthy and viable. The one rose that had been mislabeled was replaced without delay and with sincere apologies.

I've always bought bands, but my order this year included six one-gallon plants. I'm puzzled by the recent reviews complaining about the size of the gallon plants. In my case, two of the one-gallon roses were not shipped with the rest of the order, because, as they told me in an e-mail, they "did not meet our standards for shipping out." The four that were shipped were nothing short of magnificent. The roots filled the container and trailed out through the drainage holes in the bottom. I planted them in the ground as soon as they arrived in the third week of January, and they are now enormous -- just two months later.

The other two gallons, which were too small to ship, are being tended for me at Rogue Valley and will be shipped when they've reached the proper size.

Rogue Valley Roses is distinguished by reasonable prices and shipping rates, a good assortment, including many roses that are exceptionally difficult to find in commerce, wonderful specials, great quality control, excellent packing and shipping practices, and superb customer service. I hope they stay in business forever.

Negative mtnqueen
(19 reviews)
On Mar 22, 2008, mtnqueen Ellijay, GA wrote:

March 22 2008

My first (and will be only) order was placed October 2007. 2 roses (5 gal Baroness Rothschild and a band Joyce Barden)Yes, I paid the extra for the 5 gal and it didn't look the best when it arrived. In all honesty I must say it survived the winter and is now looking completely healthy. The band did not survive and I e-mailed them with a question about their guarantee. Since they did not want to hear my comments, of course I received no response to my e-mail. There are too many other reputable rose vendors to bother dealing with them again.

On Mar 22, 2008, Rogue Valley Roses responded with:


On Mar 22, 2008 3:27 PM, Rogue Valley Roses added:

On Thursday, November 1, 2007, at 7:28 a.m. Rogue Valley Roses received the following email from this customer:

I received my order Wednesday---2 roses Baroness Rothschild (5 gal)
and Joyce Barden (band). The band arrived just perfect and looks
great but the Baroness has nothing but yellow leaves. The plant is
large and well-branched, etc but should I be concerned about the
yellow leaves.

On Thursday, November 1, 2007 at 11:18 a.m. Rogue Valley Roses replied to this customer:

Hello Jean,

Your rose is fine. It is not diseased or damaged. Cool, wet weather came early this year to our area. The leaves on deciduous roses change color before dropping, just like the trees. The leaves turn yellow before falling off for the winter. You will notice a tiny, tight dormant leaf bud where each leaf was attached. Many of our roses now have completely bare canes. This is normal as our roses are grown outdoors after being propagated in greenhouses. I believe your area is USDA Zone 8, as is ours. Normally, dormancy would not come this early, but it sure did this year! Your rose is acting normally and is a healthy and strong plant. If your weather is still warm, the Baroness may start leafing out again. Not to worry. We have had that happen here when we have had early cold followed by a warm dry December and January with lots of sunshine. In very warm winters here, our roses act like they do in Zone 9, and some top growth is evident. Sometimes new canes even shoot up on the Hybrid Teas. These canes are usually lost in our typical wham bam March weather, but again, we go out and cut these canes below the blackened freeze area and the roses, being the briars that they are, come through just fine. Zone 7 and 8 winters vary a lot!

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have other questions.

Janet Inada, owner

We have had no further contact from this customer in regard to her order. However, we can determine, from her negative review and from her November email, that she received two healthy roses in November. Our website clearly states on the Shipping and Ordering Page under our Guarantees heading that we cannot guarantee our roses for winter survival. The fact that the healthy band that she received died over the winter hardly seems grounds for the negative review we have received here; this is coupled with the fact that we have not received any further communication from this customer since her email in November.

We fully recognize that our business rests on the satisfaction of our customers and are committed to the resolution of customer concerns at all times. Our business also rests on the goodwill of our customers and their willingness to pursue resolution of their concerns with us.

Janet Inada, owner, Rogue Valley Roses

Postscript: I decided to telephone this customer after writing the above rebuttal. The customer claims that she emailed us in March, asking about our guarantees. We have no record anywhere of having received her email. Despite the fact that she received two healthy roses from us and acknowledges that our guarantees are clearly stated on our website, including a statement that "we do not guarantee winter survival", she is, apparently, unwilling to alter her negative comment and questions our truthfulness in saying that we did not receive a March email. All in all, I wonder if some folks will stop to think about the responsibility and seriousness involved in trashing a nursery without first making sure that the nursery is not going to respond to their concerns.


Positive vasue
(2 reviews)
On Mar 21, 2008, vasue Charlottesville, VA wrote:

My first order from Rogue Valley arrived today (auspiciously) on the first day of Spring. The roses - all climbers - are beautiful & healthy. The gallons are well-grown "teenager" plants ready to go in the dirt. The pots are thick with fibrous roots that have grown through the drain holes. Each of the pillar types (8' when mature) has at least two multi-branched 18" canes growing from the roots. The canes of tall (20'+) Jaune Desprez rise 40"+. She had to ride in her own carton to accommodate all 5(!) canes with their side branches and the longest were curled in the box.

These are vibrant roses raring to grow!

Packing was so good it was a chore to get them out of their cartons. Each pot was plastic bagged, tied & taped at the soil line to keep the dirt in & custom-fitted into a box taped at the top to keep the tabs from shifting. This box was slipped into the end of the 3' long by 6" square carton with each cane supported & separated by folded layers of newspaper as it lay toward the center of the long carton. The box enclosing the pot within the carton was then copper-stapled from the outside of the carton to immobilize it. The second rose took its place at the other end of the carton in the same manner, so two shipped together. The care & concentration taken to accomplish this with each individual rose required equal attention to dismantle layer by layer.

When finally freed from their confinement, the roses looked as if they'd just been carried across the street - when they'd traveled cross-country nearly coast-to-coast! Not a budding leaf broken or a thorn caught. Impressive! The Click-N-Ship mailing labels show the actual cost to ship each carton with delivery confirmation. Compared to another lone potted gallon I have coming from a well-regarded East coast source (I opted out of “potless” shipping & there was no surcharge for only ordering one rose), the dollar difference to ship the single rose (Juane Desprez) from the West coast was $1. I understand USPS will not insure live plants.

The website is informative & easy to navigate. Many of the rose descriptions include a photo portrait of the entire rosebush along with a mugshot of the bloom.

Communication about my order via emails with support staff was timely & excellent. Every aspect of my experience shows these people love their roses.

I've grown roses for 30+ years now & Rogue Valley Roses has earned a new friend in me for their outstanding delivery on a dream.

Their roses are all I wished for when dreaming of gardens in bloom at the peak of rose fever back in January!

Positive kevinofyardley
(1 review)
On Feb 20, 2008, kevinofyardley Morrisville, PA wrote:

I've been dealing with Rogue Valley Roses for more than a year now and I've been extremely pleased with their knowledge, service and their gorgeous healthy roses. All has been as advertised and more. I've lost track of all I've bought for them -- easily into the thousands of dollars -- and yet they were just as responsive and helpful to me when I was buying my first rose from them as they are now. I think of all the roses I've bought from them I've only had one not work out. I didn't ask for a refund -- just happened to mention in passing that died soon after arrival -- and they insisted on sending me a replacement. I didn't think anyone provided that type of service anymore. The folks at Rogue Valley seem to genuinely want to my garden to thrive and to share their knowledge -- almost as if the sale was an afterthought. Janet, the owner, has spent much time mentoring me over the phone and teaching me about rose culture and helping me make the best choices for my zone and my taste. I know so much more and have such a beautiful garden thanks to the wonderful people at Rogue Valley Roses. You can't go wrong with them. Simply outstanding!

Negative Ice_Angel
(3 reviews)
On Feb 10, 2008, Ice_Angel wrote:

I have done business with this company a few times, ordering both bands and gallons. The first time, the bands were tiny sticks. 4 bands in particular were barely rooted cuttings, not even filling out the band pot with roots. When the cutting was removed from the band, the roots were about 2 inches long and there were 5 roots on one, 4 roots on the other and not many more on the rest of them. I carefully repotted them in a better pot and put them in my greenhouse to grow. The following year, I potted them up to 1 gal. pots and grew them out some more. I had also ordered some 1 gal. roses. None of them had their roots filled out in their pots either and had looked like they were recently planted from bands. I did call the company and left a message with a woman. I explained to her what I wrote above and gave her my telephone number. She said she would have the owner call. I work but have an answering machine and a caller I.D., I never heard from them. Based on the ratings, I thought it may have been a mistake of what I had received so I called back again and explained again and the guy I spoke with on the phone said some grow slow and the description I gave sounded right. Even the 3 inch roots on the gal.'s I asked ? And he said yes.
The following year I called to ask what the roots were like on their roses that year because I had a few more I wanted to aquire that no one else carried and I did not want to recieve anymore barely rooted sticks. I was told that they filled the pots out and were of good size so I got off the phone, got an order together and called it in. A few months later I recieved my order and was really excited. When I opened the boxes and unwrapped each rose, I carefully removed each one from the pot to look at the roots, I became sick to my stomach thinking about how much money I had spent on these under-developed sick looking things and thought not AGAIN... Only 1 gal. rose had looked wonderful. The others were the same size as the bands and had the same size roots as the bands which weren't much better from the year before. I was lied to or they ran short and didn't want to lose out any money so they threw bands in 1 gal. pots and shipped them. The bands were a little better rooted this time, but like I said, not much better. By this time I had had enough, and said never again!
This year, I was on their website looking at pictues of roses that another rose vendor I am ordering from, did not have pictures of. While on Rogues website, I noticed they are now selling some of their bands for 15.00 Their 1 gal.'s sell for 14.50 and their bands 12.50 and now they are charging on some of their bands, which are not hard-to-find-roses, more than their 1 gal.'s.... Now that's unbelieveable and a great way to rip us off even more!! Must be how they make up for the specials they have. The 2 that I remember off the top of my head are Jerri Jennings and Jeanie LaJoie. Jeanie LaJoie is available in a 31/2 inch pot at for 7.95. Gee, you can get 2 for about the price of 1 and the shipping is a little over 11.00 for up to 6 roses, priority! They also have alot of other mini climbers.
I am really disappointed in Rogues. Here's something else, they charge 8.00 extra for their 5 gal.s for the extra time it takes. They don't even say since they keep the pot, they will be nice enough and deduct the price of the pot, since by keeping it, it saves them money from buying more. They say it saves in the cost of shipping to remove it, I know because I asked details over the phone about their 5 gal.'s but decided it was way over the top on the price. The pots don't weigh but a few ounces.
They also claim that their 1 gal. potted roses weigh a little over 7 lbs. each, at least that's the way the website calculates the shipping cost's. On my second order I recieved, I re-wrapped everything and I took the boxes up to the post office for specific weights and also took the 1 gal.'s potted roses out for them to weigh seperately, along with the wrapping and they weighed out at 2.2 lbs., 2.5 lbs.,2.5 lbs., 2.5 lbs. and 3.5 lbs and a few weights right below 3.5 lbs. Now I would say that they are really cleaning up as far as the shipping goes. All in all, the lady at the post office said they are over-charging by 2 to 3 times or more. They also DO NOT INSURE what they ship.
I also found out recently that my friend was going to put in an order with them for over 400.00 based on their ratings here so I told her of my experience and she decided to go somewhere else.
Seriously folks, why pay these outragious prices when so many other vendors are honest.
I am sure they will not appreciate this negative rating but, people have a right to know, especially since they are price gouging on some of their bands... More than the cost of their 1gallons. I wonder if they did the price hikes to see if they could get away selling them at that price and if it works out, raise all the prices on all the pot sizes. I learned my lesson and want nothing further to do with them.

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