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Comments regarding Burpee (W. Atlee Burpee)

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You are viewing only positive comments

  Feedback History and Summary  
222 positives
81 neutrals
150 negatives


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Positive etnredclay
(5 reviews)
On Aug 1, 2012, etnredclay Spring City, TN wrote:

Ordered $50 of perennial flower seeds for winter sowing. Like the selection. Like the prices. Order arrived promptly. Can't wait to get them in the ground.

Positive parshman
(2 reviews)
On Jul 24, 2012, parshman Oxford, AL wrote:

I ordered several packets of seeds for my Fall planting, and they arrived in 3 business days. They were packed securely and I received what I ordered. I found their website to be very helpful and informative, and their prices to be reasonable. I found the transaction to be pleasant and I suggest purchasing from them.

Positive dave12122
(83 reviews)
On Jun 25, 2012, dave12122 East Haddam, CT wrote:

I have only used Burpee over the last 2 months for one item...stainless steel plant markers, which are issued in groups of 25. The markers have been delivered extremely promptly, generally 1 day, and have worked well in my garden. Burpee has also generously included $5.00 and $10.00 off your next order coupons on 3 occasions. I cannot comment on the quality of their plants/seeds, but I am impressed with how they handle their "supply" orders!

Positive TruNorth7
(2 reviews)
On Jun 24, 2012, TruNorth7 Walnut Creek, CA wrote:

I ordered 3 packets of Vigna caracalla seeds and 3 live Vigna caracalla plants from Burpee on May 8th. The seeds arrived quickly, the plants took about 2 weeks. The plants arrived very healthy and happy, despite almost a week in a box, There were multiple plants in each 4 inch pot and the roots were thick and healthy. I was very happy with the plants
However, I had a low germination rate with the seeds, despite nicking, soaking, heat mat, etc. Only 6 of the 21 germinated. Of those 6, only 2 survived. I wasn't pleased, so I contacted the company. I received a response in less than 24 hours, they honored the "Burpee Guarantee". and sent me new seeds quickly. The second set germinated better than the first. Still not what I had hoped (around 60%) but considering that this plant is notoriously hard to germinate/grow I'm not surprised.
Overall, the people at Burpee were pleasant to deal with and I'm pretty happy with my experience and would shop with Burpee again.

Positive happymommy11
(2 reviews)
On Jun 20, 2012, happymommy11 Palos Park, IL wrote:

I love Burpee

Any plant I have ordered from the company has done very well. I joke with my husband that Burpee plants are on steroids because they grow so big and fast.

On another note, the seeds on the site are overpriced as are the more common plants you can find at hardware stores. Many of these products are found at retailers and hardware stores so you are better off buying these in stores.

Positive gershwin
(1 review)
On Jun 8, 2012, gershwin Bremerton, WA wrote:

Posted on May 1, 2012, updated June 8, 2012
I placed an order on March 9, 2012 for two "Purple Wonder "Strawberry plants.
After not hearing back about delivery I called and discovered they could not find my web order even though I had a confirmation number. After they corrected the order they said they would send me the plants as soon as they were in stock. Well, I received a box from Burpees on April 30, 2012 and when opened found two
shriveled and dead strawberry plants that had been dislodged from the dirt.
The invoice said these plants were mailed April 10, 2012, although when I called Burpees they said they were mailed April 24, 2012 . The plants certainly look like they had been in transit 20 days. I called Burpees and was told they no longer had the Purple Wonder strawberries this spring and I could wait till fall for additional stock. When asked why they came in such terrible condition they informed me they are not responsible for how UPS handles their shipping. Needless to say I asked for a refund. Still would like to purchase the Purple Wonder strawberry plants only not from Burpees.


On June 8th, 2012, gershwin changed the rating from negative to positive and added the following:

I just received two new Purple Wonder strawberry replacement plants from Burpee. They arrived incredibly well packed and in wonderful condition. I appreciate that they listened to my concerns and acted promptly to resolve my problem. Top class customer service. Thanks Marsha...
Positive sandgarden
(11 reviews)
On May 18, 2012, sandgarden Millsboro, DE wrote:

I've always had good luck with their seeds and plants.
This year I ordered their gomphrena fireworks plants, which I grew from seed last year which did extremely well and wanted to try the plants. The plants arrived in beautiful condition...a little too early for our crazy spring this year but held over beautifully and are doing great. Very happy.

Positive charlenenj
(13 reviews)
On May 17, 2012, charlenenj Fanwood, NJ wrote:

Posted on May 11, 2011, updated May 17, 2012
On March 3, I ordered almost $100 worth of plants from Burpee online and relied on the published shipping dates for my area on the Burpee website (which would have all plants delivered to me before April 30, 2011). It is now May 11 and I have received nothing. I emailed the company to complain. One week ago, I received the following email response:

"Hello: I am sorry you are not happy with the delivery date. I thank your [sic] for your feedback and will be sure to pass it on to my supervisor."

Hmmn. I don't think the problem is my personal "happiness" about Burpee's delivery date. I relied on Burpee's own published date (the plants to arrive in time for Mother's Day, which they did not). Anyhow, t's now another week and I still don't have the plants, yet they're thanking me for my "feedback"? Basically....."Hey, sorry you're unhappy about getting swindled, customer, but hey we sure do thank ya for the feedback!"

On May 17th, 2012, charlenenj changed the rating from negative to positive and added the following:

Last year, I ordered lisianthus plants and the delivery date was a bit longer than originally stated and I got a bit of a "auto" response to my inquiry. However, overall I don't think this was a big deal. And wow....the lisianthus plants were showstoppers. I am ordering another 36 plants of them now and don't care that they are $80 and are only annuals. They are beautiful!
Positive virginiarose
(64 reviews)
On Apr 12, 2012, virginiarose Portsmouth, VA (Zone 8a) wrote:

I ordered some Coneflowers and received dormant plants which are doing very well.

Positive KsquaredandA
(1 review)
On Mar 4, 2012, KsquaredandA Depew, NY wrote:

I've had good luck with Burpee so far. For years I have received their catalogs, and never actually placed an order (big dreams, no time) This year was different, and I took the plunge to start some seeds indoors. I got 6 or 8 envelopes of various veg. and their XL growing system, because I am a notorious over-waterer. Everything came in a prompt manner, except for the plants I ordered for later, but what the heck can I do with them now anyhow? It's Buffalo in winter! So count me pleased. There was a lot of information available on their website, as far as advice and videos. It was a great resource. Now if my precious seeds just do their thing I'll be a happy camper.

Positive bjdelozier
(1 review)
On Feb 11, 2012, bjdelozier Seymour, TN wrote:

Placed 2 orders with Burpee for seed. Was shipped on time and arrived on time. Haven't planted anything yet, but so far all in all a good company. Good selection, as well.

Positive brooksmickey
(1 review)
On Oct 5, 2011, brooksmickey wrote:

I purchased the Seedless Tomatoes Burpee has out this year and they are wonderful. I have Diverticulosis and I cannot eat seed. ( Yes I can pick seeds out of regular tomatoes but they just aren't the same). I had my first tomato sandwich in about 15 years, what a treat. I also shared some tomatoes with my brother, cousin, and a neighbor who have the same condition ( they were a big hit) . The tomatoes and very sweet and very tasty.
Will definitely be planting more this coming year.
Brooks Pearce
Wake Forest NC

On Oct 5, 2011, Burpee (W. Atlee Burpee) responded with:

"On Oct 10, 2011 1:35 PM, Burpee (W. Atlee Burpee) responded with:

Thank you very much for your positive feedback on the Tomato, “Sweet Seedless” variety. We are glad that you were able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

We at Burpee are always striving to provide excellent products and service to our customers. We are happy that we have been able to provide you with products and service that meets your high expectations.

Positive vommarlowe
(11 reviews)
On Jul 12, 2011, vommarlowe Overland Park, KS wrote:

I usually order seeds from several companies each year as well as from the hardware store. For the past two years, I have had much better luck with Burpee seeds than other companies.

I mostly grow heirloom tomatoes, squash, lettuce, cukes, annual flowers (marigolds, zinnias, nasturtiums). The Burpee nasturtiums especially have much better germination rates than others, although the zinnias did not fare quite as well (possibly user error).

I also ordered tomato seedlings this year, which are doing very well, and some perennial flowers (echinacea) for my new house. Both groups have taken off like gangbusters. I also tried their new variety of pepper, tangerine dream, and it is coming along nicely as promised.

I always wince at the price of their seeds compared to some other mail order companies, but when I get right down to it, I'd rather pay four bucks a packet for something that grows a reliable producing variety than take my chances on poor germination rates and no fruit at all.

Positive CTYankeegirl
(12 reviews)
On Jun 25, 2011, CTYankeegirl Mystic, CT wrote:

Bought two separate orders of fan flowers (Scaevola) from them and they arrived well packed and in good condition. I also bought a Cranberry Crush Hibiscus and it seems to be doing well.

Positive JeniAnn
(4 reviews)
On May 28, 2011, JeniAnn Long Grove, IA wrote:

Wow! The plants that I ordered came just when they should have, and in very good shape. They are beautiful.
I am always happy with Burpee :o)

Positive unsightly
(1 review)
On May 19, 2011, unsightly Joliet, IL wrote:

I have ordered from Burpee for a few years now, and although I have also experienced plants damaged in shipping and seed packets with poor germination, overall they are a wonderful company. Their customer service reps may be a little slow getting back to you, but they always stand by their promise of a refund or replacement. They have exceeded my expectations on the customer service front whenever I have had an issue, and I will be a life long customer because of it.

Positive Scooty
(10 reviews)
On May 2, 2011, Scooty Peterborough,
United States wrote:

Posted on April 30, 2011, updated May 2, 2011
I have ordered various items from Burpee's during the last 4 years..from tomato plants to tools/seeds.

This time I also ordered 100 strawberry plants to be shipped after May 3rd. As I am abroad until the 5th I even added this information in the notes.

Much to my surprise, we received a notice from UPS that the plants would arrive on Friday the 29th of April. I send 3 emails to Burpee to ask why the plants where shipped early... no response. I then phoned from Europe to be told by a rep that it was not their problem and I should leave the plants in the shipping box until my return. According to her they would stay fresh for 2 weeks.I can't believe this,any delay will cause harm to the roots.

I then received an email from Burpee saying that if the plants would not take off I could get a replacement.
The whole idea is to start a large bed with healthy plants in spring, as it's not advisable to plant during summer!

This whole approach now will definately set me back a harvest year.

On May 2nd, 2011, Scooty changed the rating from negative to positive and added the following:

On the 2nd of May I received an email from Marsha that the manager had decided to send me a replacement shipment in two weeks, therefore giving me ample time to prepare the beds upon my return. I am very happy with this solution and want to thank Burpee for this gesture
Positive cinemary
(2 reviews)
On Apr 23, 2011, cinemary Ardmore, PA wrote:

I order from Burpee every season and was thrilled to find a new option this year, mix & match vegetable plants. This makes it possible to mix a three pack from a selection of popular plants that they offer. Instead of having to buy 3 cherry tomato plants I was able to purchase only one and then fill in the rest of the three pack with other choices like peppers, eggplant etc. Other than that, I swear by their tomato plants and have extraordinary luck with them every season like clockwork especially now that I have discovered "Sea Magic" on their website - the most successful fertilizer I've ever tried. Keep up the good work and thanks for the great service.

Positive brettl
(4 reviews)
On Feb 27, 2011, brettl Montrose, NY wrote:

Posted on February 23, 2011, updated February 28, 2011
Posted on February 18, 2011, updated February 23, 2011
For some reason every year I buy something from Burpee. Its like clock work. Usually my purchases occur at Home Depot. I always buy something including lots of seeds. A couple of years ago I bought the Burpee Ultimate Grow System. The product was passable but by no meens excellent. I liked the self watering system and germination was excellent with this system. I then this winter bought the 2 XL Ultimate Growing System. Instead of the 72 cell system on the original system Burpee developed the later XL system with 32 cells that are bigger in size. There seems to be inherent problems with the earlier system because the cells do not lay flat making the water wicking system uneven in the amount of water seedlings get. Im hoping that the bigger cells on the later system may correct this problem but it remains to be seen because I may return the later system. Also, when the pellets on the original system are put into the individual cells and water is poured over them the pellets do not expand even and easily. I had to loosen them with a sharp skewer to loosen them up to get them to expand. I rewatered again and again and finally they expanded but the soil level was uneven in each cell. The soil level was inconsistent in each cell. Long story short the pellets are not easy to work with. Burpee touts this pellet sytem as easy to use and cleaner than using seed starting soil. The company also touts the system is reuseable. Thats great but to reuse the system easily you must find the replacement pellets. Last season I could not find the pellets anywhere after exhaustingly looking for them all over the place. I ended up using seed starting soil and the selling pitch for clean easy soil system went out the window. It was diificult to fill the 72 cells in this manner. I started to think and thought without the pellets the system wasnt what I bargained for and what I was "sold." Anyway here we are again this year and I can not find the pellets again. I live in Westchester county and there are a couple of Home Depots. I have gone to both stores and neither store has had the replacement pellets. I have gone to the one store twice and the other store a half dozen times. The rep at the one store continues to tell me the Burpee rep comes in and restores the supplies regularly (on tuesdays.). I havent seen that and am dusgusted at this point. The rep from Burpee either isnt doing his job or the company is cognizantely not resupplying the pellets so they may get people to buy the whole system all over again. This situation is not giving me a warm fuzzy feeling towards Burpee. I have not started the newer XL system because I am concerned I may run into the same problem I experience with the 72 cell system, not being able to find the bigger replacement pellents for the XL system. Im fed up and think Burpee is playing games. You can buy the pellets on Burpees website but why should I pay shipping and handling when Home Depot is supposedly selling the replacement pellets. They sell the systems but NEVER have the pellets. It just doesnt make sense. Im pretty dissappointed and am probably going to return the later 2 systems I bought. I will stop buying anything from Burpee because it seems they arent addressing the issue. Again, this is the second year in a row I cant find the pellets . Its not right and I dont want to deal with a company that seemingly doesnt care about its customers, its a losing battle. At 43 I have a lot of gardening and buying left to do in the coming years. If Burpee ignores and doesnt do something for me they are going to lose me as a customer. At any company they should know losing clients is no way to keep revenue flowing. In my case I am most likely to going to return the XL systems because you esentially cant find replacement parts. Imagine buying a car but not being able to find replacement parts ? The car company wouldnt stay in business for long. Home Depot is blaming Burpee and the companies supply rep. I am interested to see if they respond to me as a customer they may lose. If I have to I will use peat pots in flats like I do in conjunction with the original system. Burpee is not making my life easier or enabling me to enjoy the process as a whole. Thats a real shame, Im seriously disappointed and Burpee may lose a good customer. I hope Burpee can make me whole if they dont I think I must move on. I called Burpee spoke to a rep and she couldnt give me any answers when I could expect the Home Depots to be restocked. I asked who I could call to find out when to expect restocking and she told me she couldnt help me. I thought great, the company Im trying to buy product from couldnt give me answers on their own product. Something is seriously wrong here. Maybe they are really not supplying the pellets so people will just buy the whole system again. Seems like the business practices at Burpee arent really above board. Its really no way to conduct business.

On February 22nd, 2011, brettl changed the rating from negative to neutral and added the following:

I recieved a response from a customer service rep at Burpee today (Feb22) by the name of MKLance (Marsha.) I found the response very quick when to be honest I didnt expect one. Being fair minded I informed her I would ammend my original comments. She offered to send me pellets free of charge which I thought was admirable and unexpected. She reassured me that the company does care about their customers although I think the retail division has been slack on replenishing supplys at Home Depot to a fault. It has been an inconvenience. Anyway, I will not return the unopened XL grow kits. As a matter of fact I opened a kit and started a tray of heirloom peppers tonight. The newer model with larger cells was much easier to use than the earlier model. All of the cell soil pellets exapanded no problem and I didnt have to coax any pellets to perform properly. The company has done the right thing by me even though the whole situation has wasted my time and caused me to question Burpees business practices. In my mind they have gone above my expectations. I hope they realize that they definately have other people out there looking for this product. I know even the employees at Home Depot were waiting on the replacement pellets just as I was. Burpee has not lost a customer. In perspective this situation wasnt on a serious level of problems that life can throw you, it was a hassle though. Going forward I will continue to do business with Burpee. When and if the replacement pellets do arrive as promised, I willl then ammend these comments again possibly changing the nuetral to a positive. Noticing the generally negative comments that have been reflected on this site, I genuinely believe Burpee is devoted to making wrongs right. I think everyone should realize that the company has displayed a fair tact with me and have a customer return policy that is customer friendly and responsible after reviewing it. I will continue to use Burpee products because of the fact they are willing to work with their customers to keep them happy. Thanks Burpee !
On February 27th, 2011, brettl changed the rating from neutral to positive and added the following:

Burpee has gone above and beyond my expectations. Marsha from Burpee sent me 144 replacement pellets free with no shipping charged. The company rep Marsha was great, she cared. I hope they take to heart issues that I and other people on the site have had. If they dont then no change risks these type of problems will continue (no change no change.). I started one tray of the XL system (32 cells) and it seems to be a lot more user friendly than the original kit. The majority of my seeds are germinated in Burpee peat pots but I do have the one 32 cell kit started and have another one to do. I find the bigger cells more user friendly and the bigger soil disks expanded very nicely. I will continue to I look forward to working with Burpee in the future. In my experience its a whole lot easier to work with a customer than to lose one. It was nice Burpee worked with me.
Positive ChuckP
(11 reviews)
On Feb 19, 2011, ChuckP Adrian, MI wrote:

My 2011 order arrived in about a week and I received what I ordered. If they don't grow well I will amend the review.

Positive rulien
(12 reviews)
On Jan 11, 2011, rulien Hagerman, ID (Zone 6a) wrote:

Posted on December 3, 2010, updated January 11, 2011
Posted on February 3, 2003, updated December 3, 2010
At one time, I believe Burpee was one of the most respected suppliers of garden seed around. I have ordered seeds (tomato seed in particular) from Burpee's for many years, and have always appreciated there breeding program and expertise.

Time and ownership has changed things somewhat. I still order seeds from them, but I believe they need to re-dedicate themselves to the introduction of new varieties. Their catalog needs to be made less commercial, and more gardener friendly (more propogation info).

Burpees has slipped from my top 5, although they remain a reputable company from whom I will continure to order SOME of my seeds...

On December 3rd, 2010, rulien changed the rating from positive to neutral and added the following:

BEWARE, if you order early...

I have been a Burpee customer for many years. I have started receiving vegetable seed catalogs in the mail, and thought I would get a jump on things and place an early order (Nov. 28, 2010).

I received my order today (Dec. 2, 2010) but much to my surprise, all the seeds are dated for sale by December 2010! I paid up to $5 a pack of tomato for seeds that were to be planted last year!

I called customer service and was told to return the seeds for a refund. Hence, the neutral rating instead of a positive. Burpee should be ashamed of themselves for shipping last year's seed at full price.

On January 11th, 2011, rulien changed the rating from neutral to positive and added the following:

Wow! As a result of posting my disappointment with Burpee on Dave’s Garden Watchdog site, I was contacted by one of Burpee’s customer service staff apologizing for my dissatisfaction.

Yesterday, I received a replacement order of seed packed for 2011 at no charge. Burpee said to keep the old seed or donate it to charity. I can’t ask for anything more than that, and obviously, Burpee won back my patronage.
Positive impska
(2 reviews)
On Jul 12, 2010, impska Lawrence, KS wrote:

I ordered garlic and shallots from last autumn, due to a lack of a local supplier. I am getting my harvest now and am happy to report a nearly 100% success rate with the garlic. The shallots didn't fare as well, but I still had some success.

I am very happy with the results. I have also enjoyed great success with Burpee seeds that I have bought at local stores. I find their website to be quite expensive though, and often find better prices for their seeds locally.

It's unfortunate that I can't expect the best prices for Burpee seeds from their website, nor even free or discounted shipping for small orders of seeds, which might make it worthwhile to pay a little extra for the convenience of ordering online.

Positive weidner
(1 review)
On Jun 20, 2010, weidner Merchantville, NJ (Zone 6a) wrote:

Posted on June 4, 2010, updated June 20, 2010
Posted on June 3, 2010, updated June 4, 2010
Posted on June 3, 2010, updated June 3, 2010
I bought two packs of nasturtium seeds (Princess of India?) for a total of approx 40 seeds. Only ONE seed of the 40 germinated, in spite of following instructions to the letter, including using a nail file to scarify each seed -- a tedious procedure to say the least! At the same time, I bought one pack of Ferry Morse nasturtium seeds. Almost every seed in the FM pack (about 20) germinated and grew into healthy plants.

Both Burpee and Ferry Morse were bought at the same time from racks at Lowes.

This is not the first time I have had poor results with Burpee seeds. Why are Burpee seeds so inferior?

On June 3rd, 2010, weidner added the following:

Having read all the other reviewer's positive comments, I am a bit embarrassed that I am the sole negative. Where did I go wrong? Perhaps the Burpee seeds were handled improperly somewhere along the line? I checked the pkg and they are year 2010. They and the Ferry Morse seeds were planted at the same time under the same conditions, in the same soil, etc. In addition, for 10 of the 40 Burpee Nasturtium seeds, I soaked them in water overnight after scarifying. That made no difference. I did the same with Burpee Moon Flower and Morning Glory seeds. TWO of the Burpee MG seeds and only ONE of the Moon Flower seeds germinated. Most, if not all, of the FM seeds did.
Maybe the problem is with the supplier and how the seeds were stored on the rack? (All seed packs were purchased and planted in April 2010; all bore the 2010 date.)
I can't figure it out. Whatever it is, it seems isolated to Burpee products.
On June 4th, 2010, weidner changed the rating from negative to positive and added the following:

After a few helpful e-mails from Burpee's "Marsha," I'm convinced that this company tries hard to ensure customer satisfaction. They have gone out of their way to offer suggestions, not to mention a refund or replacement for the nasturtium and morning glory seeds that failed to germinate.
Let's take that negative rating I gave and make it a firm POSITIVE
On June 20th, 2010, weidner added the following:

Well, I have tried to make amends for the negative comment I had made earlier about Burpee seeds (see my addenda); now I have to go even further to add this: Burpee just sent me a $10 check to compensae me for my trouble in germinating the morning glory seeds! What a surprise and what a nice gesture! I'm sorry to see the most recent negative comments from other folks. I feel sure Burpee will respond and ameliorate the complaints, as they did with me.
Positive thatg33kgirl
(3 reviews)
On Jun 3, 2010, thatg33kgirl Fairfield, OH wrote:

Posted on May 26, 2010, updated June 3, 2010
First off, let me say that my family has used this company for mail order live plants for years and never had any problems. I also highly recommend their seeds, as I have been growing many varieties of their vegetables and flowers for years, both purchased through their website and at the local store.

This was my first time ordering live vegetables via mail order this year, and I decided to go through Burpee. Not only are they normally known for their quality, but I loved their selection and the deals on their exclusive plant collections. I decided to order a packet of seeds, which came separate from the live plants and very quickly, as well as an order of the "Best of Show Tomato" collection and the "Fresh Salsa" collection. When my live plants order did arrive, which they sent me a UPS email about (very nice), it was stated in the invoice that there were both collections in the box, although I only received the Best in Show tomatoes, and they were in poor shape (small, withered, and one was snapped at the base of the plant) . I sent an email to their customer service department asking if the salsa collection was shipping separately or whatever the deal is, and I STILL have yet to hear back from them. That was a week and a half ago. (Note: Burpee, you may want to get new staff on your customer service emails)

Anyways- so two days after I sent the email, I decided just to give them a call during their normal business hours. I asked them about it and they said they would ship the salsa collection out or refund my card if it was out of stock, which is nice. I also wanted to add about the condition of my tomato plants, which by this point one of them was completely dead, and the lady was a bit short with me and just reiterated the fact the salsa collection would be in the mail. Its not really that big of a deal since I already have a lot of tomato plants, I just wanted to let them know for future orders. The salsa collection shipped in about a week, and so far they seem in much better shape than the tomatoes were. So far I have lost 2/6 tomatoes from the Best of collection, which again is not a big deal since it has been strange weather here in zone 6.

I am making my review "neutral" since I did receive a replacement and fast shipping on seeds which was a positive, but the lack of shipping and customer service emails and on phone service was a negative. All-in-all I plan on doing future service with this company, but may err on the side of caution for the live vegetable plants.

On June 3rd, 2010, thatg33kgirl changed the rating from neutral to positive and added the following:

I'm updating my status to a positive since I did receive a very friendly mail from someone at Burpee who apologized for the inconvenience and even though it wasn't asked for, went ahead and sent me a replacement for the one plant that didn't make it. That was very nice of them. :D

Apparently they are very behind on emails, so again I suggest if anyone has any problems to CALL the company and you will get a response much, much faster.
Positive jim1961
(6 reviews)
On May 21, 2010, jim1961 Tyrone, PA wrote:

Posted on July 12, 2009, updated May 21, 2010
My first buying experience with Burpee was positive. I ordered 3 packs of Marigold seeds and sea magic. The order arrived very fast. I ordered from 2 other companies the same day and i'm still waiting for there items to arrive. If I order again in the future, i'll let you know how it went.

On May 21st, 2010, jim1961 added the following:

My second order from Burpee was live plants. 3 Perilla Fantasy. The plants came enclosed in a plastic case. The plants were stressed, maybe they got to hot inside that plastic case? I followed Burpees directions to add some luke warm water and to let them sit for 24-48 to recover from shipping. The plants are doing fine!
But, I order live rose and shrubs/plants alot from other companies and they are not stressed when they arrive. I think Burpee needs to take a second look at there plastic greenhouse case they are using for shipping live plants in and develop another better method of shipping there live plants.
Are you listening Burpee?

On May 21, 2010, Burpee (W. Atlee Burpee) responded with:

"On May 25, 2010 12:36 PM, Burpee (W. Atlee Burpee) responded with:

The Burpee Company is listening. We take our customers' comments and concerns very seriously.

We had tested both corrugated and recycled plastic containers. The results have shown that the corrugated containers wicked out moisture from the plants, while the recycled plastic clamshell containers helped retain the moisture in the container . The recycled plastic clamshell container also has breathing holes in the area around the foliage and is more rigid; therefore, it helps to protect the plants from being damaged while they are in route to the customer.

Another positive development of the clamshell was the snap buttons. All of us are frustrated when we buy a product that is wrapped in plastic that is very difficult to open. During the design, we selected a snap button that opens the container with minimal effort.

We do recognize that we cannot control the temperature, or any unforeseen delays with the shipping company, but we are doing our best to ensure that our plants are healthy and are packed to arrive in good condition.

Customer Service Department
W. Atlee Burpee & Co.

Positive rtucker607
(7 reviews)
On May 8, 2010, rtucker607 Covington, VA wrote:

My order was perfect and while the price on some items is a bit higher than I could find elsewhere, I have found them consistent in great service. Turn around was quick and the order was well packed.

Positive SDCA
(20 reviews)
On Apr 29, 2010, SDCA San Diego, CA wrote:

I've ordered seeds on-line from this company every year for 5 years or so now. I've never had a problem with germination or the ordering process. Recently I even went cheap and sowed some seeds from the previous year and germination was still excellent. It's great to have so many more varieties to choose from than the local nurseries offer.

Positive luv2garden2002
(1 review)
On Apr 29, 2010, luv2garden2002 Detroit, MI wrote:

I bought the Seed Starting Ultimate Growing System for the first time. I followed the directions, planted my seeds on a Sunday evening, and Tuesday morning many of the seeds had already sprouted. I could not believe it. By Thursday only a few seeds were left to come up. I look forward to transplanting the seedlings and using the system again next year.

Positive Bobbette
(7 reviews)
On Apr 10, 2010, Bobbette Las Vegas, NV wrote:

Ordered a grow light and seed heating pad. Pleased with their products and quick service. I would definitely order from them again!

Positive margaran
(5 reviews)
On Apr 9, 2010, margaran (Maggie) Jacksonville, FL (Zone 9a) wrote:

Posted on April 9, 2010, updated April 9, 2010
I've never ordered from Burpee before due to their shipping prices, my preference for smaller companies, other customers experiences and the Heronswood dismantling & relocation. However, I REALLYwanted Dianthus Chomley Farran (Inferno) and the only other source was on the west coast which would have been just as expensive and harder on the plants. I also bought Broadway Lights daisies.

My plants arrived timely and very well packed. Not the least bit squished together with plenty of head room. They hadn't had to be pruned back to fit in the box. The root systems on the daisies were so phenomenal I took pictures! I wish this app had a way to show the photos. The dianthus looked like it had been kept a bit moister than necessary over time but the plants were extremely healthy looking, there was no root rot, and each had several eyes which could have been divided if I were being stingy. I had a little bit of trouble entering the discount coupon code but they figured it out. I'm very pleased w/ my order and would order from them again.

On April 9th, 2010, margaran added the following:

See link for pic of roots
Positive baldyjr
(1 review)
On Mar 28, 2010, baldyjr Bowdon, GA wrote:

I usually don't comment on a company but Burpee amazed me. They shipped on time and every product I bought was exactly as described or better. Great company !

Positive cramsey1
(24 reviews)
On Mar 12, 2010, cramsey1 Salt Lake City, UT (Zone 6b) wrote:

Posted on December 13, 2009, updated March 12, 2010
I bought 5 Raspberry Ann plants back in May of 2009. The canes looked ok when they arrived. They had no new growth at the roots or leaf buds but I expected them to be dormant. I planted them just hours after their arrival. Not one of the plants lived or grew. I called Burpee about a month after planting the canes and told them about the lack of growth. They said give them some more time. I called back in July when the canes were brittle with no growth on them or at their base. Because Burpee's did not have any replacement plants so late in the planting year, they agreed to refund my money or replace them. I wanted the plants so they said they will send them out next year during planting time. I will just have to wait and see if those arrive and if they grow or not. I also planted 5 canes of 2 other varieties of raspberries that I obtained from 2 different internet vendors and only lost one plant each of those. At this time I am giving Bupree's a neutral rating for now until I get the replacements and to see if those plants grow or not. In defense of Burpee's customer service department, they were very helpful and courteous. I am just hoping they follow through with the promised replacements and that those are health plants. I usually buy Burpee seeds and have had good success with them. This was my first experience with buying live plants form them. I am a little disappointed that the plants were not as high a quality as I had expected.

On March 12th, 2010, cramsey1 changed the rating from neutral to positive and added the following:

This is to update my previous review. I was contacted by a representative of Burpee's about a week after posting my review. She was very helpful and assured me that they would follow up with my replacement plants. I pleased with their willingness to work with me. I received an email notification last week that my items were being shipped. I was a little concerned that it was going to take 8 days to arrive to me. However when the replacement raspberry canes arrived, they looked to be in good condition, nice large roots and still moist. I soaked them in a seaweed solution prior to planting them the same day. The plants are still dormant so I am hoping that they will do well this year. Other then the shipping time, I am very pleased with Burpee. I have changed my rating from neutral to positive because they keep their word and the plants they sent appeared to be high quality.
Positive gardengirl8419
(2 reviews)
On Feb 28, 2010, gardengirl8419 Poughkeepsie, AR wrote:

Their catalogue this year was fatter than all the other seed company catalagues I received. I got online to place my seed order, and it arrived quick and complete. I would recommend to anyone for seed orders. Will post again at planting time.

Positive SuckerForCorms
(4 reviews)
On Feb 24, 2010, SuckerForCorms Spring, TX wrote:

Posted on February 23, 2010, updated February 23, 2010
The best possible seed company you can order from. I have ordered from them time and time again. This time I decided ordering onions sets and potatoes along with veggie seeds. Boy, did the onions and seeds ship fast. I planted and now about 4 weeks later new shoots and roots are growing. I love you burpee! :-)

On February 24th, 2010, SuckerForCorms added the following:

Sorry, I didn't order onion sets, I ordered Walla Walla onion bunches. Also, at my grandparents' house there is a a painting that has always been in that one spot for many years and years. I went to the house after my grandfather's funeral, and only then did I notice that it was a painting of a barn and on it was the Burpee name.
Positive boxcar_grower
(5 reviews)
On Jan 30, 2010, boxcar_grower South Hadley, MA (Zone 6a) wrote:

I have been ordering seeds and supplies from Burpee for a number of years. I have never been dissapointed. This year I did not want to risk back ordered seeds so I placed my order in early January and my order came complete in 7 days.

I have always been impressed with the quality of Burpee's

Positive toughgardengeek
(6 reviews)
On Jan 19, 2010, toughgardengeek Bethpage, NY wrote:

I have been ordering from Burpee many years. They have had some very nice and unique introductions (those white marigolds!!). Love the Sweet Tangerine tomato and will try this years introduction Tye-Dye. I never had a problem as to germination rates. But I find the prices a bit on the high side so I go else where for items that are more generally available.

Positive jonz1957
(2 reviews)
On Jan 16, 2010, jonz1957 Bountiful, UT wrote:

This is my new Seed Company. I ordered for the first time last year and got everything I ordered and they were all true. I am a Master Gardner and have been doing this for many years. Nice to find a company I can trust. Most of the troubles people seem to have with Catalog companies are when ordering plants. I only order seeds and buy plants locally. Great Seeds, Great Service, beautiful Catalog.

Positive marylanddoc
(2 reviews)
On Jan 2, 2010, marylanddoc Baltimore,
United States wrote:

Had a nice experience lately with this company. I ordered a couple small items and as with all seed companies I am appalled by the shipping charges. However, two days later I wanted to add another small packet to my order. I wrote them a note to see if they could include the packet with the first order and save the additional shipping fee. The first order had already been sent but I received a nice note that they would ship it separately without an added fee. I was pleasantly surprised.

Positive hardtimesgarden
(1 review)
On Dec 29, 2009, hardtimesgarden Valrico, FL wrote:

I have ordered from Burpee for my garden off and on for about 30 years. I grow mostly from seed and my favorite lettuce variety of theirs is the "Simpson Elite". It has performed excellently over the years. My garden is near Tampa, Florida and I grow lettuce only in the winter when it is cool enough. I sent a picture of some to Burpee. I got a very nice response the next day and would order from them anytime.

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