Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc.

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Negative happyfish
(1 review)
On Oct 22, 2012, happyfish Miami, FL wrote:

I bought a six Sweetwater regenerative blower for from another store, supposedly Aquatic-Eco manufactures Sweetwater Blowers. Two of them started making a strange noise so I called Aquatic-Eco Systems. They said I could ship them to their location for repair and that I was responsible for shipping cost. I shipped both blowers with return shipping labels. One week, two weeks, three weeks passed, it was always a different excuse. First, they were "cosmetically damaged" by UPS and the repair guy was out on vacation. Second, the repair guy was back, but he had not yet looked at them. Third, they were not under warrantee because the internal damage was due to negligence...What did I learn? SWEETWATER is just a label they stick on items bought from China. Anything Sweetwater is a SCAM. Now, I buy blowers from Gast. Made in the U.S.A