Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Companion Plants

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82 positives
1 neutral
3 negatives


Negative ThomasAGT
(1 review)
On Apr 27, 2010, ThomasAGT wrote:

DO NOT PURCHASE PLANTS FROM THIS COMPANY! I purchased some chrysanthemum plants from them a few months ago as I was just beginning to start my vegetable seeds indoors. Stupidly, I placed their plants along side mine on my indoor seed starting shelves. A few weeks later, all of my artichokes, peppers, ground cherries, strawberries and tomatoes were infested with aphids and gnats! I've had to throw away all of my beautiful artichoke seedlings. And at the moment, I'm still battling these pests and trying to save the rest of my plants. How do know these plants were the source of my misery? - because I fail to see how these pests could have ended up in my basement in the dead of February any other way.

Because of their negligence, this company has cost me a great deal of time, money and aggravation. Purchase their plants at your own risk!

Negative mudpiegirl
(15 reviews)
On Apr 19, 2009, mudpiegirl (Zone 7a) wrote:

I ordered 4 mexican oregano (Lippia graveolens) plants from this company. I have been looking for a source for Mexican oregano for months and ended up having to pick between this company and another that would have charged me 17 dollars for shipping 2 plants. So I went with Companion Plants. When the plants arrived they were chlorotic, spindly, infested with whiteflies AND aphids, and overwatered (algae or moss was actually growing on the top soil layer--not a good environment for mexican oregano!) I should have thrown them out, and demanded my money back, but I have been desperate for Mexican oregano so I decided to try to save them. When I repotted them I found that all of them had either been recently transplanted into 4" containers from 2" containers, or maybe not so recently-- they were all so rootbound within the 2" previous container area it wouldn't have mattered how long they had been in a larger container. Except for one of the 3, which had been so overwatered that the roots had rotted. I threw that one out.
Currently I am hoping for the best, trying to coax these plants into health. I would not recommend this company.

Negative agricolarum
(2 reviews)
On Sep 4, 2007, agricolarum San Francisco, CA wrote:

I received plant materials of a quality which I deem unacceptable. Basically, I was sent a number of very spindly seedlings, two of which were nearly undiscernible, puny and mashed into the soil as they were, rather than the healthy, robust plants which I had expected to receive and have read about in other postings about this site. I contacted the vendor at once to advise him of my refusal of acceptance, after taking photos of the seedlings in their shipping box. He said that he understood why I had had the reaction I had but felt that they would do well in time. He also said he would credit the charges back on my card. While I appreciated the prompt and fair response to my complaint, i.e. no charge for unacceptable merchandise, I do not think providing grossly inferior merchandise is acceptable. And, if you yourself are aware that a customer might object to the plant quality provided, why send it in the first place? Or at least give fair warning and an opportunity to pass. So I would have to say: deserves F for plant quality, A for responsiveness to customer complaint. If I had wanted seedlings, I'd have ordered seeds, at a greatly reduced price!