Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Green Screen

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Positive cjsteeb
(1 review)
On Apr 16, 2012, cjsteeb Harbor Springs, MI wrote:

I have used green screen for three years and love the product. I especially like it because it's not a spray and contains no chemicals. I have the bags on my 2-4 year old fruit trees and on the corner posts around my garden. I also hung them on stakes by three young hydrangeas the deer had been nibbling on. The only problem I ever had was when I hung them too low and my dog got a hold of one. We have lots of raccoons in the area and they have never touched the bags.

Positive wharrison
(3 reviews)
On Jun 4, 2006, wharrison Manistee, MI (Zone 5b) wrote:

We live on the west side of Manistee, MI - the place where "Green Screen" is manufactured. Our yard is within a short walking distance of the local golf course and a small herd of deer pass through our yard at least twice a day.

While it is very nice to see the mothers and their kids meandering/playing in our yard, I had a difficult time trying to find the means to prevent them from either a having meal of my garden plant - especially my old or David Austin Roses or having some dessert with some hosta, crocus, and a few other plants.

I have now been using Green Screen for two years and found them to be an excellent deer repellent. I tie them to short bamboo stakes and "plant" one or two of the staked bags around my plants - again especially the roses. So far so good.

It should be noted that these bags should be changed once a year. This spring, I had neglected to start changing them when the crocus were in bloom. Sure enough, the deer had "dessert" with my crocus bloom and "munched" on some Hosta leaves for an added treat.

I will also "confess" that our dachshund, Heinz, went slightly "nuts"over the bamboo/deer bag stake place in one of the planter in the front and did his best to knock it out of place and have a good long whiff of it. Stuff must be like catnip for dogs.

With regard to Racoons, our "Green Screen" deer bags have not suffered one bit; they seem to be far more interested in getting to the nectar place in our hummingbird feeders and the jelly in our Oriole feeder. Their intrusion in this area has been successfully thwarted by the hanging of our hummingbird/Oriole feeders on another Wild Birds Unlimited Advanced Pole System. Bless you WBU!!

One final comment, one of the cemetery's in the area - namely "Oak Grove" uses a large number of these bags in their heavily and much apprecated floral entrance. I have not seen any damage to any of the plants there.

Positive Plant_Geek
(3 reviews)
On Jun 26, 2005, Plant_Geek Chardon, OH wrote:

One of the best deer deternts on the market. And I have used everything! Only draw back is that dogs are attracted to the bags.