Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Delmarvelous Chestnuts

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1 positive
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2 negatives


Negative elcanrab
(1 review)
On Jun 2, 2012, elcanrab Patagonia, AZ wrote:

I placed a large order with Delmarvelous last year and was charged through PayPal. The order never came. I called, wrote, emailed, countless times and never received a response to any of my attempts. I finally filed a BBB complaint, and even they were unsuccessful! Paypal eventually refunded the money but it was a horrible experience,

Negative califgenie
(1 review)
On Aug 22, 2006, califgenie Sebastopol, CA wrote:

I placed an order with Delmarvelous Chestnuts online a couple of months ago. The price of my purchase was deducted from my bank account, but I never received my order. I emailed them TWICE using the address on their website, but got no answer. I then snail-mailed a letter to the P.O. box on their website. That letter came back to me today with "Forward time exp--Rtn to send" on it. The address given on the postal sticker is 648 Oak Hill School Rd, Townsend DE 19734-9206. (I will try writing again.)