Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Peony Garden

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5 positives
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2 negatives


Negative o2bcu
(1 review)
On Sep 7, 2006, o2bcu Rowley, IA wrote:

I live abot 12 minutes from the Peony Garden and must say that the previous owners were more than accomodating and wonderful! They loved what they were doing and would take the time to take you on a tour in their golf cart without notice! I purchased a $75 yellow tree peony from them and was totally dismayed that it never bloomed at all! Nothing!! I hate to complain, but when I bumped into the previous owner and mentioned it, she told me that her husband had taken over the business and she told me to contact them via email. I have tried to contact the now owner and have had no response. I am disappointed and know that I will probably never get my money back nor see my yellow tree peony.

Negative connoisseur
(26 reviews)
On Nov 26, 2005, connoisseur Indianapolis, IN wrote:

Beware! This company is in upheaval, undergoing a change in ownership, and is not resolving (or even answering) phone calls or letters about warranties (e-mails are being referred to a lawyer). In the past, a number of wrong plants were sent out, but with changes in ownership, warranties are not being honored. I repeatedly have requested reimbursement or replacement, with no response from the owner or his lawyer. This is too bad because the previous ownership was very accommodating, even though they admitted they made mistakes.