Photo by Melody

Comments regarding (BULBS4U)

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Negative marcop
(15 reviews)
On Apr 23, 2007, marcop Plover, WI wrote:

I just received my order from this company and was terribly disappointed. The six Pretoria canna tubers were all extremely small and most certainly dead! They were dried out and black. How these would grow strains credulity to the hilt! The three Journey's End canna tubers were passable, but nowhere near the quality of another company from whom I have ordered in the past. Moreover, I was notified that the Akita Dahlia tubers I ordered back in February were not available. I am now grateful they were not included in the order. It reduces my loss. I have ordered from various companies for over thirty-five years and have never been so thoroughly disgusted.

On Apr 23, 2007, (BULBS4U) responded with:


On Apr 23, 2007 6:01 PM, (BULBS4U) added:

Thank you for your feedback. I surely do wish you had attempted to resolve this issue with me. You actually had 3 dahlia varieties in your order, and I was unable to deliver any of them. Maybe that is the real reason you are so angry. It was my first season to offer so many Dahlia, and my supplier just ran out early. I did acquire a few dozen different varieties nonetheless, still available at the site, and mostly quite large. Concerning the 'Pretoria', I have no more left to offer example or replacement. They were small, but then that variety can be, and they were only advertised as flowering sized. They, like a few of my other Canna rhizomes originate overseas, and do sometimes come over a bit dessicated. If I passed on to you dead rhizomes, I was a fool, and it was in no way intentional. You could have always taken advantage, and still can, of the 110% refund policy.

Concerning the Canna I marketed from my Texas source (all of them), what may be "passable" to some, look to me like a neighbor just finished digging them up in her yard and brought them over to me for planting. The referenced links are pictures I just took this evening of 'Journey's End'.

You will have to take my word for it, I guess, but the rhizomes are anywhere from 3/4"-1 1/2" thick with several eyes and could be no more turgid.

Thanks for your kind consideration and support of small business in America."