Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Southern Seed Legacy Project (Pass Along Southern Seeds)

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Positive Erin_Mills
(1 review)
On Apr 24, 2008, Erin_Mills Athens, GA wrote:

As the above reviewer said, this is not a commercial seed company. It's a seed bank run by graduate students (Jim Veteto is one, and the woman who the reviewer listed at the top talked to likely was, too) out of a university anthropology department lab. The website is not updated frequently because they have other things to do, like dissertations, teaching and classwork of their own. No one who works there does nothing but work there, so you can't expect a perfect professional response, but they do the best they can and they are definitely honest. The woman you talked to was probably confused and either mixed your order up with someone else's or could not read the ledger properly. She was not purposely lying to you.