Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Algoflash

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9 positives
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1 negative


Positive millerml1430
(1 review)
On Apr 18, 2017, millerml1430 Jonesborough, TN wrote:

I have used Algoflash products for years and I swear by them. I have 30 rose bushes, and after I give them their initial feeding of slow release Algoflash (dry)in the spring, I feed them liquid Algoflash Rose every couple of weeks until Labor Day. I feed the rest of my flowers liquid Algoflash for Flowering Plants.every couple of weeks until fall. I have several butterfly bushes, which flourish with the Algoflash. My garden beds are designed to attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds, and I get lots of all. I don't have hummingbird feeders, but they come to my garden every day in summer for the flowers. I also grow plants to provide seeds for birds. Based on my experience before using Algoflash, I do not believe I would get the wonderful results I see in my garden without Algoflash.

Positive puertorico
(2 reviews)
On Jul 5, 2011, puertorico Raleigh, NC (Zone 7b) wrote:

I'm amazed by this product, I've used it on all my houseplants and many of my outside plants for a year or two now and it's great but I recently found out just how great. My son and I planted pomegranate trees at the same time and mine has grown twice as fast as his, he uses regular fertilizer and I use Algoflash. I tried the Algoflash on his and in three days he had amazing new growth tips on all his branches. We've never seen anything like it. I have to order it from the company because there isn't anyone local that caries it yet and I've never had any trouble ordering from them.


Positive sillybug5
(34 reviews)
On May 7, 2009, sillybug5 Hyannis, MA (Zone 7a) wrote:

Algoflash is the best liquid fertilizer I have ever used. Without it, my plants do not perform half as well. I have been using it for years. I especially like immersing new plants, bulbs, daylilies, bareroots, etc in a liquid bath of it to get them off to a great start. It makes my annuals stronger and better able to withstand heat and sun. I know all this because when I run out of it , my plants show it bigtime. KUDOS on a great product!!

Positive KimberlyLutz
(2 reviews)
On May 7, 2009, KimberlyLutz Kempton, PA wrote:

Algoflash and fish emulsion are the only things I ever use in my garden for the last several years. The stuff is incredible. I use it on flowers and vegetables. I usually have the biggest zinnia's you have ever seen. It is great stuff!

Positive dansdad
(1 review)
On Apr 12, 2008, dansdad Concord, CA wrote:

I planted my tomatoes too early and was about to give up as they look wilted and otherwise sickly, tried algoflash and within 1 week they are growing and looking peppier

Positive chunx
(35 reviews)
On Jun 4, 2005, chunx San Diego, CA wrote:

I bought this from Park Seed because they promoted it very heavily in their catalog. I couldn't tell much difference in my plants when I used it to water them. Once I started to do foliar sprays, they really took off. I experimented on several plants to make sure this stuff worked. I had 2 impatiens, each in pots. I only treated one. The Algoflash one doubled in size and was covered in blooms. Same with petunias and marigolds. I swear by the stuff now. It doesn't leave any spots on the plant leaves and won't burn them either. Great product.

Positive RickBear
(2 reviews)
On Jun 1, 2004, RickBear wrote:

So good so far. I've been growing tomatos in New Jersey (The Garden State) for over 30 years. This is my first year using Algoflash (for tomatos). I have never seen results like this. I planted tomato plants that I bought at a garden center three weeks ago and they are already small bushes about 2 1/2 feet tall! And it's not just green growth either. I have lots of flowers(buds).

I can't imagine how they will perform during the summer at this rate. I'll keep you informed!

Positive BobGale
(9 reviews)
On Aug 11, 2003, BobGale Belmont, MA wrote:

I had very good results with both their rose and tomato formulae. The roses have many new leads and good rebloom. The tomato plants are over 9 ft. tall (as of early August) and are covered in tomatos. Significantly better than other years! Bravo!

Positive ALConner
(1 review)
On Apr 29, 2002, ALConner wrote:

This stuff in incredible! The palm shrub in our front yard grew so fast and tall that neighbors actually stopped by to ask what our secret was. My favorite of their products is the rose formula - shortly after using the Algoflash, one of our rose bushes had over 20 blooms!

The web site was a little tricky to figure out at first, but the customer service is outstanding, very helpful, friendly and responsive.