Photo by Melody

Comments regarding Rich's Foxwillow Pines Nursery

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7 positives
1 neutral
2 negatives


Negative pammjean
(1 review)
On Aug 25, 2014, pammjean Chicago, IL wrote:

I bought a Pinus Oculus Draconis 2 years ago. I am an experienced gardener, but wasn't familiar with this cultivar.
All I was told by the nurseryman was the tree is sensitive to wind, so I had it planted accordingly. There were concerns immediately afterwards as to it's appearance, and I contacted Rich's. I followed all instructions and the tree survived although "flourish" wouldn't be a word I would use. This year's spring it was losing a lot of needles and looked as though it was in decline. I contacted the nursery, and never got a response. I assume this is because the warranty had expired. Spending over $1000 for a pine, I expected better. It has steadily declined with a few branches left that are green. I had an arborist come out and he said to give it a chance with the gator & hollytone application. I have read several posts on this type of pine, suggesting it does not to well in this zone, and not to even bother trying it. A very expensive mistake, and I would have appreciated the nursery being forthright on it's sensitivity, or at the very least a response to my SOS. Since over half of the branches are now dead & brittle, I am having the tree removed.

Negative cactimann1
(1 review)
On Feb 4, 2011, cactimann1 La Salle, IL wrote:

My complaint about Rich's Foxwillow Pines is not so much as to their plants or an order, but to a service they offered to provide. In talking to them on the phone inquiring where I could get some Spruce cuttings grafted, I was told by Susan that they provide a grafting service to customers during the winter months when their business is slow. I then mentioned to her that my Dad, who had recently passed away, had a favorite silvery blue Spruce that I would like to have grafted so I could have some identical plants for my property. Following her detailed instructions, I overnight mailed with signature required about 30 cuttings, including all my personal contact information. From that point on I heard absolutely nothing from Rich or Susan. I thought perhaps that they would have at least acknowledge receiving them but never heard anything. When I sent e-mail asking about the cuttings I was told that they could not find them. I then received a follow up call from Rich and he had checked one house and was going to check another and get back to me. After that again no calls or e-mails. I just got the feeling that they did not care or just had poor record keeping. I have never received any calls or information as to what they ever did with the cuttings. Too bad because more cuttings are no longer available. I have been at their location and they have really nice stock.