The BugFiles Newsletter

Covering the events of January 13, 2013.
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Gardening Quote of the Day

"Old gardeners never die. They just spade away and then throw in the trowel. "

(Herbert V. Prochnow, American author)

Activity Report:

2 new bugs were added to the database.
No new comments were added..
3 new images were added.

Bugs added yesterday:

Caucasian Festoon (Allancastria caucasica)
Ladybug (Azya luteipes)

Images added yesterday:

Image Orange Tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines)
Image Caucasian Festoon (Allancastria caucasica)
Image Ladybug (Azya luteipes)

Final Notes

Thank you for reading the BugFiles Newsletter.

Have a good day, and happy gardening!



And that's the way it was... January 13, 2013