The BugFiles Newsletter

Covering the events of January 11, 2013.
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Gardening Quote of the Day

"In the dooryard fronting an old farm-house near the white-wash'd palings, Stands the lilac-bush tall-growing with heart-shaped leaves of rich green, with many a pointed blossom rising delicate, with the perfume strong I love, With every leaf a miracle - and from this bush in the dooryard, With delicate-color'd blossoms and heart-shaped leaves of rich green, A sprig with its flower I break. (from When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd, 1865)"

(Walt Whitman, American poet, essayist (born 5/31/1819))

Activity Report:

No new bugs were added today. That's odd.
No new comments were added..
No new images were added.

Final Notes

Thank you for reading the BugFiles Newsletter.

Have a good day, and happy gardening!



And that's the way it was... January 11, 2013