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Dave's Garden Newsletter for August 14, 2011

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Covering the events of August 14, 2011

... in which ...
1,510 posts were made.
19 plants were added to PlantFiles.
21 comments were added to PlantFiles.
59 checkboxes were added to PlantFiles.
147 snapshots were added to PlantFiles.
0 entries were added to Botanary.
0 companies were added to the Garden Watchdog.
6 ratings were added to the Garden Watchdog.
0 books were added to the Garden Bookworm.
0 ratings were added to the Garden Bookworm.

"For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God..."

Gardening Quote of the Day

"It would be worthwhile having a cultivated garden if only to see what Autumn does to it."

( -- Alfred Austin, British poet laureate)

Forum Activity

A grand total of 1,510 posts were made yesterday.

PlantFiles Pictures 222 posts
Plant Identification 109 posts
Northeast Gardening 70 posts
Games 69 posts
Daylilies 63 posts
Sewing and Quilting 53 posts
Pets 53 posts
Morning Glories 49 posts
Seed Trading 41 posts
Hummingbird and Butterfly Gardening 38 posts
Recipes 35 posts
Group Trades, Swaps and Round Robins 32 posts
Vegetable Gardening 31 posts
Bird Watching 28 posts
Perennials 26 posts
Cacti and Succulents 21 posts
Australian Gardening 21 posts
Photos 21 posts
Texas Gardening 19 posts
Trash to Treasure 18 posts
Garden Pests and Diseases 17 posts
Tropical Plants 17 posts
Central Midwest Gardening 16 posts
Poultry and Livestock 14 posts
Insect and Spider Identification 13 posts
Retirees 13 posts
Clematis 13 posts
Propagation 13 posts
Trees, Shrubs and Conifers 12 posts
Southwest Gardening 12 posts
Homesteading 12 posts
Bird Identification 11 posts
African Violets and Gesneriads 11 posts
Clean and Clutter-free 10 posts
Tropical Zone Gardening 10 posts
Dahlias 10 posts
Beginner Flowers 10 posts
Beginner Vegetables 9 posts
Upper Midwest Gardening 9 posts
Indoor Gardening and Houseplants 9 posts
Accessible Gardening 9 posts
Beginner Houseplants 8 posts
Pacific Northwest Gardening 8 posts
Irises 7 posts
Canadian Gardening 7 posts
Annuals 7 posts
Equine Forum 7 posts
Garden Talk 7 posts
Lilies 7 posts
Self-contained Box Gardens 7 posts
Carnivorous Plants 7 posts
Bloom of the Day Photos 7 posts
Herbs 6 posts
Agastaches and Salvias 6 posts
Brugmansias 6 posts
Mid-South Gardening 6 posts
Shady Gardens 6 posts
Orchids 5 posts
Container Gardening 5 posts
Hydrangeas 5 posts
Ohio River Valley Gardening 5 posts
Cameras and Photography 5 posts
Vines and Climbers 4 posts
Canning, Freezing and Drying 4 posts
Tomatoes 4 posts
Wildlife 4 posts
Weather 4 posts
Florida Gardening 4 posts
Hostas 4 posts
Voting Booth 4 posts
Mid-Atlantic Gardening 4 posts
Plant Trading 4 posts
Bulbs 4 posts
Daturas 3 posts
Orchid Cactus 3 posts
Caudiciforms 3 posts
Soil and Composting 3 posts
Fruits and Nuts 3 posts
Happy Birthday 3 posts
Rocks, Minerals and Gems 3 posts
Computer Talk 2 posts
Foliage Plants 2 posts
Garden Art 2 posts
Welcome Home 2 posts
California Gardening 2 posts
Hoyas 2 posts
Home Budgets and Finances 2 posts
Coneflowers 2 posts
Ask-a-Gardener 2 posts
Seed Germination 2 posts
Gladiolas 2 posts
BugFiles Pictures 2 posts
Hibiscus 2 posts
Coleus 1 post
Welcome Mat 1 post
Beginner Fruit 1 post
Native Plants and Wild Plants 1 post
Peppers 1 post
Cooking 1 post
Classic Threads 1 post
Roses 1 post
Outdoor Living: porches, decks, patios, pools, etc 1 post
Books, Movies, and TV 1 post
Poppies 1 post
Rhododendrons and Relatives 1 post
Garden Tool Company 1 post
Hypertufa and Concrete 1 post
Mums and Asters 1 post
Frugal Living 1 post

New Botanary Words

PlantFiles Activity:

19 new plants.
21 new descriptions were added.
147 new images were added.
59 new content were checked off.

PlantFiles Additions:

Intheswamp Comment Chinese Privet
Ligustrum sinense
habaneros Comment Tomato 'Goliath Hybrid'
Lycopersicon lycopersicum
Ezeiza Comment White Veined Dutchman's Pipe
Aristolochia fimbriata
rntx22 Comment Coneflower 'Hot Papaya'
rntx22 Comment Yellow Buttercups, Yellow Alder, Sage Rose
Turnera ulmifolia
Galina Comment Tomato 'Early Tanana'
Lycopersicon lycopersicum
Fires_in_motion Comment Squid Agave
Agave bracteosa
Bronto Comment Aloe
Aloe pubescens
Bronto Comment Aloe
Aloe cryptopoda
Bronto Comment Agave
Agave arizonica
tobydog60 Comment Coral Bells, Alumroot, Coralbells, Alum Root 'Palace Purple'
Heuchera micrantha
mkjones Comment Maidenhair Vine, Wire Vine
Muehlenbeckia complexa
lsuzuki Comment Browallia, Amethyst Flower, Bush Violet
Browallia americana
Bronto Comment Aloe
Aloe megalacantha
pniksch Comment Red Powder Puff
Calliandra haematocephala
Thientang Comment Cilantro 'Confetti'
Coriandrum sativum
Thientang Comment Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower
Strelitzia reginae
joedupont Comment Nanking Bush Cherry
Prunus tomentosa
themikesmom Comment Daylily 'Purple Avenger'
Ezeiza Comment Chinese Privet
Ligustrum sinense
palmbob Comment
Aloe argyrostachys
htop Image
Image of Rosa
Found Rose, Grandiflora, Hybrid Tea Rose 'Nacogdoches Rose'
(Rosa )
htop Image
Image of Rosa
Found Rose, Grandiflora, Hybrid Tea Rose 'Nacogdoches Rose'
(Rosa )
Kell Image
Image of Agave
Agave 'Blue Flame'
(Agave )
Kell Image
Image of Echeveria peacockii
(Echeveria peacockii)
Kell Image
Image of Agave
Agave 'Blue Glow'
(Agave )
Kell Image
Image of Agave
Agave 'Blue Glow'
(Agave )
DMersh Image
Image of Lamium galeobdolon
Yellow Archangel
(Lamium galeobdolon)
DMersh Image
Image of Lamium galeobdolon
Yellow Archangel
(Lamium galeobdolon)
DMersh Image
Image of Lamium galeobdolon
Yellow Archangel
(Lamium galeobdolon)
DMersh Image
Image of Lamium galeobdolon
Yellow Archangel
(Lamium galeobdolon)
PrettylilyMandy Image
Image of Helianthus annuus
(Helianthus annuus)
PrettylilyMandy Image
Image of Helianthus annuus
(Helianthus annuus)
PrettylilyMandy Image
Image of Helianthus annuus
(Helianthus annuus)
PrettylilyMandy Image
Image of Helianthus annuus
(Helianthus annuus)
PrettylilyMandy Image
Image of Helianthus annuus
(Helianthus annuus)
PrettylilyMandy Image
Image of Helianthus annuus
(Helianthus annuus)
PrettylilyMandy Image
Image of Helianthus annuus
(Helianthus annuus)
pixie62560 Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Westbourne Storm Cellar'
(Hemerocallis )
pixie62560 Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Westbourne Blackberry Cobbler'
(Hemerocallis )
pixie62560 Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Rue Royal'
(Hemerocallis )
pixie62560 Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Lavender Blue Baby'
(Hemerocallis )
pixie62560 Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Westbourne Birthday For Teresa'
(Hemerocallis )
pixie62560 Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Westbourne Birthday For Teresa'
(Hemerocallis )
pixie62560 Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'China Lake'
(Hemerocallis )
pixie62560 Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Lavender Stardust'
(Hemerocallis )
pixie62560 Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Westbourne Visions'
(Hemerocallis )
growin Image
Image of Tabernaemontana divaricata
Crape Jasmine, Crepe Jasmine
(Tabernaemontana divaricata)
growin Image
Image of Aglaia odorata
Chinese Perfume Plant, Chinese Rice Flower, Mock Lemon
(Aglaia odorata)
growin Image
Image of Aglaia odorata
Chinese Perfume Plant, Chinese Rice Flower, Mock Lemon
(Aglaia odorata)
growin Image
Image of Psychotria nervosa
Wild Coffee
(Psychotria nervosa)
growin Image
Image of Plectranthus comosus
Abyssinian Coleus, Woolly Plectranthus 'Variegata'
(Plectranthus comosus)
growin Image
Image of Plectranthus comosus
Abyssinian Coleus, Woolly Plectranthus 'Variegata'
(Plectranthus comosus)
growin Image
Image of Strophanthus wightianus
Indian Strophanthus
(Strophanthus wightianus)
growin Image
Image of Strophanthus wightianus
Indian Strophanthus
(Strophanthus wightianus)
growin Image
Image of Senna polyphylla
Desert Cassia
(Senna polyphylla)
growin Image
Image of Senna polyphylla
Desert Cassia
(Senna polyphylla)
growin Image
Image of Duranta erecta
Golden Dew Drop, Sky Flower, Pigeon Berry 'Sapphire Showers'
(Duranta erecta)
growin Image
Image of Psidium salutare
(Psidium salutare)
themikesmom Image
Image of Eryngium
Amethyst Sea Holly 'Sapphire Blue'
(Eryngium )
growin Image
Image of Plectranthus barbatus var. grandis
Plectranthus, False Boldo
(Plectranthus barbatus var. grandis)
growin Image
Image of Thunbergia battiscombei
Blue Boy, Blue Glory, Clock Vine
(Thunbergia battiscombei)
growin Image
Image of Brunfelsia australis
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Morning-Noon-and-Night, Paraguay Jasmine, Eternity Plant
(Brunfelsia australis)
growin Image
Image of Mussaenda macrophylla
Mussaenda, da ye yu ye jin hua
(Mussaenda macrophylla)
growin Image
Image of Mussaenda macrophylla
Mussaenda, da ye yu ye jin hua
(Mussaenda macrophylla)
growin Image
Image of Holmskioldia sanguinea
Chinese Hat, Cup and Saucer, Parasol Flower 'Aurea'
(Holmskioldia sanguinea)
growin Image
Image of Mimosa polycarpa var. spegazzinii
Touch me not
(Mimosa polycarpa var. spegazzinii)
growin Image
Image of Mimosa polycarpa var. spegazzinii
Touch me not
(Mimosa polycarpa var. spegazzinii)
growin Image
Image of Senna candolleana
(Senna candolleana)
growin Image
Image of Galphimia glauca
Golden Thryallis, Gold Shower, Shower of Gold, Rain of Gold
(Galphimia glauca)
growin Image
Image of Galphimia glauca
Golden Thryallis, Gold Shower, Shower of Gold, Rain of Gold
(Galphimia glauca)
growin Image
Image of Cantua pyrifolia
(Cantua pyrifolia)
growin Image
Image of Aphelandra schiedeana
(Aphelandra schiedeana)
growin Image
Image of Aphelandra schiedeana
(Aphelandra schiedeana)
growin Image
Image of Asclepias angustifolia
Arizona Milkweed
(Asclepias angustifolia)
growin Image
Image of Asclepias angustifolia
Arizona Milkweed
(Asclepias angustifolia)
growin Image
Image of Asclepias angustifolia
Arizona Milkweed
(Asclepias angustifolia)
growin Image
Image of Jacquinia pungens
(Jacquinia pungens)
growin Image
Image of Salvia guaranitica
Blue Anise Sage, Brazilian Sage 'Argentine Skies'
(Salvia guaranitica)
growin Image
Image of Salvia greggii
Autumn Sage, Cherry Sage, Gregg's Sage, Texas Sage 'Alba'
(Salvia greggii)
growin Image
Image of Quararibea funebris
Flor de Cacao, Cacahuaxochitl, Funeral Tree, Rosita de Cacao
(Quararibea funebris)
growin Image
Image of Ugni candollei
(Ugni candollei)
growin Image
Image of Aloysia virgata
Sweet Almond Bush, Incense Bush
(Aloysia virgata)
growin Image
Image of Justicia sericea
Justicia 'Inca Queen'
(Justicia sericea)
growin Image
Image of Bauhinia x blakeana
Hong Kong Orchid Tree
(Bauhinia x blakeana)
growin Image
Image of Heteropterys glabra
Red Wing
(Heteropterys glabra)
growin Image
Image of Montanoa bipinnatifida
Tree Chrysanthemum, Pom Pom Tree, Daisy Tree
(Montanoa bipinnatifida)
growin Image
Image of Rauvolfia sumatrana
(Rauvolfia sumatrana)
growin Image
Image of Eugenia nutans
Red Guava
(Eugenia nutans)
growin Image
Image of Deppea splendens
Golden Fuchsia, Cristobal
(Deppea splendens)
growin Image
Image of Deppea splendens
Golden Fuchsia, Cristobal
(Deppea splendens)
growin Image
Image of Clerodendrum chinense
Chinese Glory Bower
(Clerodendrum chinense)
growin Image
Image of Clerodendrum chinense
Chinese Glory Bower
(Clerodendrum chinense)
growin Image
Image of Clerodendrum chinense
Chinese Glory Bower
(Clerodendrum chinense)
growin Image
Image of Tecoma fulva
(Tecoma fulva)
growin Image
Image of Tecoma fulva
(Tecoma fulva)
growin Image
Image of Delostoma integrifolium
(Delostoma integrifolium)
growin Image
Image of Delostoma integrifolium
(Delostoma integrifolium)
growin Image
Image of Eryngium serra
Sea Holly
(Eryngium serra)
growin Image
Image of Tecoma stans var. sambucifolia
Elderleaf Yellow Trumpet
(Tecoma stans var. sambucifolia)
growin Image
Image of Tecoma stans var. sambucifolia
Elderleaf Yellow Trumpet
(Tecoma stans var. sambucifolia)
growin Image
Image of Ceratostigma griffithii
Burmese Plumbago
(Ceratostigma griffithii)
growin Image
Image of Bowkeria verticillata
Natal Shellflower Bush
(Bowkeria verticillata)
growin Image
Image of Salvia chamelaeagnea
African Blue Sage
(Salvia chamelaeagnea)
growin Image
Image of Salvia chamelaeagnea
African Blue Sage
(Salvia chamelaeagnea)
growin Image
Image of Orthosiphon labiatus
Pink Sage, Pink Cat's Whiskers, Shell Bush
(Orthosiphon labiatus)
growin Image
Image of Orthosiphon labiatus
Pink Sage, Pink Cat's Whiskers, Shell Bush
(Orthosiphon labiatus)
growin Image
Image of Orthosiphon labiatus
Pink Sage, Pink Cat's Whiskers, Shell Bush
(Orthosiphon labiatus)
growin Image
Image of Markhamia lutea
Markhamia, Nile Tulip Tree
(Markhamia lutea)
growin Image
Image of Markhamia lutea
Markhamia, Nile Tulip Tree
(Markhamia lutea)
growin Image
Image of Oncoba routledgei
(Oncoba routledgei)
growin Image
Image of Oncoba routledgei
(Oncoba routledgei)
growin Image
Image of Hibiscus diplocrater
(Hibiscus diplocrater)
growin Image
Image of Dalbergia granadillo
(Dalbergia granadillo)
growin Image
Image of Dalbergia granadillo
(Dalbergia granadillo)
growin Image
Image of Tecoma stans
Yellow Elder, Trumpetbush, Ginger-Thomas, Gold Star Esperanza 'Gold Star'
(Tecoma stans)
growin Image
Image of Strophanthus divaricatus
Goat Horns
(Strophanthus divaricatus)
growin Image
Image of Strophanthus divaricatus
Goat Horns
(Strophanthus divaricatus)
growin Image
Image of Eryngium monocephalum
(Eryngium monocephalum)
growin Image
Image of Bocconia arborea
Bocconia, Palo de diablo, Chicalote
(Bocconia arborea)
growin Image
Image of Bocconia arborea
Bocconia, Palo de diablo, Chicalote
(Bocconia arborea)
growin Image
Image of Verbesina felgeri
Felger Crownbeard
(Verbesina felgeri)
growin Image
Image of Verbesina felgeri
Felger Crownbeard
(Verbesina felgeri)
growin Image
Image of Thevetia peruviana
Lucky Nut, Yellow Oleander, Mexican Oleander
(Thevetia peruviana)
growin Image
Image of Thevetia peruviana
Lucky Nut, Yellow Oleander, Mexican Oleander
(Thevetia peruviana)
growin Image
Image of Thevetia peruviana
Lucky Nut, Yellow Oleander, Mexican Oleander
(Thevetia peruviana)
themikesmom Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Moon Ladder'
(Hemerocallis )
themikesmom Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Moon Ladder'
(Hemerocallis )
themikesmom Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Moon Ladder'
(Hemerocallis )
themikesmom Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Ice Carnival'
(Hemerocallis )
themikesmom Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Ice Carnival'
(Hemerocallis )
palmbob Image
Image of Agave gentryi
Jaws Hardy Century Plant 'Jaws'
(Agave gentryi)
palmbob Image
Image of Agave petrophila
(Agave petrophila)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe aageodonta
(Aloe aageodonta)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe aageodonta
(Aloe aageodonta)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe argyrostachys

(Aloe argyrostachys)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe chlorantha
(Aloe chlorantha)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe confusa
(Aloe confusa)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe cooperi
Cooper's Aloe, isiPutumane
(Aloe cooperi)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe cooperi
Cooper's Aloe, isiPutumane
(Aloe cooperi)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe descoingsii
Descoings Aloe
(Aloe descoingsii)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe descoingsii
Descoings Aloe
(Aloe descoingsii)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe descoingsii
Descoings Aloe
(Aloe descoingsii)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe dichotoma
Quiver Tree, Kokerboom
(Aloe dichotoma)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe
Aloe 'Dracula's Blood'
(Aloe )
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe
Aloe 'Dragon'
(Aloe )
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe
Aloe 'Dragon'
(Aloe )
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe jucunda
(Aloe jucunda)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe kedongensis
(Aloe kedongensis)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe viridiflora
(Aloe viridiflora)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe
Aloe 'Vito'
(Aloe )
palmbob Image
Image of Airampoa picardoi
(Airampoa picardoi)
palmbob Image
Image of Anredera cordifolia
Madeira Vine
(Anredera cordifolia)
palmbob Image
Image of Ariocarpus retusus
Living Rock Cactus, Seven Stars, Chaute, Chautle, Peyote Cimarron, Tsuwin
(Ariocarpus retusus)
palmbob Image
Image of Ariocarpus fissuratus
Living Rock, Living Stone Cactus, False Peyote, Star Rock, Chaute, Chautle, Peyote Cimarron, Sunami
(Ariocarpus fissuratus)
palmbob Image
Image of Austrocylindropuntia pachypus
(Austrocylindropuntia pachypus)
palmbob Image
Image of Austrocylindropuntia floccosa
(Austrocylindropuntia floccosa)
palmbob Image
Image of Avonia buderiana
(Avonia buderiana)
palmbob Image
Image of Avonia lanigera

(Avonia lanigera)
palmbob Image
Image of Beaucarnea recurvata
Pony Tail Palm, Bottle Palm, Monja, Palma culona
(Beaucarnea recurvata)
palmbob Image
Image of Boophane disticha
(Boophane disticha)
palmbob Image
Image of Coleocephalocereus aureus var. brevicylindricus
(Coleocephalocereus aureus var. brevicylindricus)
palmbob Image
Image of Bursera arida

(Bursera arida)
palmbob Image
Image of Bursera fagaroides
Elephant Tree, Fragrant Bursera
(Bursera fagaroides)
palmbob Image
Image of Cibirhiza albersiana
(Cibirhiza albersiana)
palmbob Image
Image of Commiphora sessiliflora
(Commiphora sessiliflora)
palmbob Image
Image of Conophytum maughanii subsp. armeniacum
(Conophytum maughanii subsp. armeniacum)
palmbob Image
Image of Conophytum minimum
Conophytum 'Wittebergense'
(Conophytum minimum)

Garden Watchdog Activity:

No new companies were added to the database.
6 new ratings/comments were added to the database.

ladyisle Positive Bluestone Perennials
itsahobby Positive Dowdeswell's Delphiniums Ltd
oheaven Positive River's Source Botanicals
dmularz Positive Dimeo Blueberry Farms
peacerose45 Negative KT Botanicals
shepherdlady Positive Johnny's Selected Seeds

Garden Bookworm Activity:

No new books were added to the database.
No new ratings/comments were added to the database.

Final Notes

Thank you for reading the Dave's Garden Newsletter. If you ever decide you don't wish to receive these mailings anymore, simply go to your preferences page at Dave's Garden and remove the check in the checkbox for this newsletter.

Have a good day, and happy gardening!



And that's the way it was... August 14, 2011

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