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Dave's Garden Newsletter for May 1, 2011

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Covering the events of May 1, 2011

... in which ...
1,934 posts were made.
11 plants were added to PlantFiles.
12 comments were added to PlantFiles.
77 checkboxes were added to PlantFiles.
82 snapshots were added to PlantFiles.
0 entries were added to Botanary.
0 companies were added to the Garden Watchdog.
23 ratings were added to the Garden Watchdog.
0 books were added to the Garden Bookworm.
0 ratings were added to the Garden Bookworm.

"For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God..."

Gardening Quote of the Day

"...the grandeur of the trees is lost when raking leaves."

( -- Marcelene Cox, American author)

Forum Activity

A grand total of 1,934 posts were made yesterday.

Northeast Gardening 184 posts
Plant and Tree Identification 147 posts
PlantFiles Pictures 131 posts
Mid-South Gardening 77 posts
Texas Gardening 76 posts
Daylilies 63 posts
Poultry and Livestock 60 posts
Cacti and Succulents 60 posts
Pets 54 posts
Irises 42 posts
Bird Watching 40 posts
Games 40 posts
Peonies 39 posts
Australian Gardening 37 posts
Photos 34 posts
Hummingbird and Butterfly Gardening 32 posts
Clematis 29 posts
Ohio River Valley Gardening 28 posts
Caudiciforms 28 posts
Bulbs 24 posts
Mid-Atlantic Gardening 23 posts
Bird Identification 23 posts
Homesteading 23 posts
Sewing and Quilting 22 posts
Southwest Gardening 22 posts
Florida Gardening 22 posts
Plant Trading 21 posts
Pacific Northwest Gardening 21 posts
Vegetable Gardening 21 posts
Cottage Gardening 21 posts
Equine Forum 18 posts
Self-contained Box Gardens 18 posts
Water Gardens 17 posts
African Violets and Gesneriads 16 posts
Group Trades, Swaps and Round Robins 15 posts
Georgia Gardening 14 posts
Trash to Treasure 14 posts
Computer Talk 14 posts
Propagation 14 posts
Garden Talk 13 posts
Carolina Gardening 13 posts
Beginner Flowers 12 posts
Lilies 11 posts
Tropical Plants 11 posts
Morning Glories 11 posts
Roses 10 posts
Brugmansias 10 posts
Orchids 10 posts
Pottery, Clay and Ceramics 9 posts
Weather 9 posts
Winter Sowing 9 posts
Bloom of the Day Photos 8 posts
Geraniums, Pelargoniums and Erodiums 8 posts
Dahlias 8 posts
California Gardening 7 posts
Insect and Spider Identification 7 posts
Seed Trading 7 posts
Accessible Gardening 6 posts
Passifloras 6 posts
Seed Germination 6 posts
Beginner Gardening Questions 6 posts
Mosaics and Stained Glass 6 posts
Amaryllis and Hippeastrums 5 posts
Perennials 5 posts
Tomatoes 5 posts
Beginner Vegetables 5 posts
Retirees 5 posts
Central Midwest Gardening 5 posts
Clean and Clutter-free 4 posts
Hibiscus 4 posts
Hoyas 4 posts
Begonias 4 posts
Ask-a-Gardener 4 posts
Wildlife 4 posts
Voting Booth 4 posts
Needle Arts 4 posts
Poppies 4 posts
Cannas 4 posts
Upper Midwest Gardening 4 posts
Beginner Landscaping 3 posts
Trees, Shrubs and Conifers 3 posts
Canadian Gardening 3 posts
Peppers 3 posts
Soil and Composting 3 posts
Tropical Zone Gardening 3 posts
Tiny Gardens 3 posts
Hostas 3 posts
Beginner Houseplants 3 posts
Swaps, Trades and Giveaways 3 posts
Garden Design 3 posts
Happy Birthday 2 posts
Greenhouse 2 posts
Garden Art 2 posts
Hydroponic Gardening 2 posts
Gardening by the Moon 2 posts
BirdFiles Pictures 2 posts
Vines and Climbers 2 posts
Master Gardeners 2 posts
Recipes 2 posts
Palms and Cycads 1 post
Container Gardening 1 post
Frugal Living 1 post
Hypertufa and Concrete 1 post
Grass and Bamboo 1 post
Canning, Freezing and Drying 1 post
Michigan Gardening 1 post
Jokes & Humor 1 post
Garden Shed 1 post
Beginner Fruit 1 post
Coleus 1 post
High Yield Gardening 1 post
Strawbale Gardening 1 post
Annuals 1 post
Soap and Candle-making 1 post
Sustainable Alternatives 1 post
European Gardening 1 post
Hunting and Fishing 1 post
Indoor Gardening and Houseplants 1 post
Beekeeping 1 post
Garden Pests and Diseases 1 post
Healthy Living 1 post

New Botanary Words

PlantFiles Activity:

11 new plants.
12 new descriptions were added.
82 new images were added.
77 new content were checked off.

PlantFiles Additions:

lucas13 Comment Corkscrew Flower
Strophanthus speciosus
Olwin Comment Black-Eyed Susan Vine 'Spanish Eyes'
Thunbergia alata
jugbandman Comment Yellow Elder, Trumpetbush, Ginger-Thomas, Gold Star Esperanza 'Gold Star'
Tecoma stans
John_in_Garland Comment Spider Flower, Spider Legs, Grandfather's Whiskers 'Senorita Rosalita'
jess2132000 Comment Large Flowered Climbing Rose 'Parade'
trackinsand Comment Pink Powderpuff
Calliandra emarginata
suburbanite Comment Sharp-lobed Hepatica
Anemone acutiloba
flowerqueen1960 Comment Maximillian Sunflower, Prairie Sunflower 'Santa Fe'
Helianthus maximilianii
laura10801 Comment Garlic Mustard, Hedge Garlic, Jack by the Hedge
Alliaria petiolata
laura10801 Comment Leafy Spurge
Euphorbia esula
katekatekate Comment Chinese Tallow Tree, Candleberry Tree, Chicken Tree, Popcorn Tree, Florida Aspen
Triadica sebifera
stuckinthedirt Comment Dawn Redwood
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
lincolnitess Image
Image of Iris
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris 'Lavender Lynx'
(Iris )
pixie62560 Image
Image of Vaccinium corymbosum
Highbush Blueberry 'Chippewa'
(Vaccinium corymbosum)
DMersh Image
Image of Equisetum telmateia
Giant Horsetail
(Equisetum telmateia)
JT1 Image
Image of Acer palmatum var. dissectum
Cutleaf Japanese Maple, Threadleaf Japanese Maple 'Goshiki shidare'
(Acer palmatum var. dissectum)
JT1 Image
Image of Acer palmatum var. dissectum
Cutleaf Japanese Maple, Threadleaf Japanese Maple 'Goshiki shidare'
(Acer palmatum var. dissectum)
JT1 Image
Image of Acer palmatum var. dissectum
Cutleaf Japanese Maple, Threadleaf Japanese Maple 'Goshiki shidare'
(Acer palmatum var. dissectum)
JT1 Image
Image of Acer shirasawanum
Golden Full Moon Maple, Japanese Maple 'Aureum'
(Acer shirasawanum)
PaulFan Image
Image of Rosa
Hybrid Tea Rose 'The McCartney Rose'
(Rosa )
PaulFan Image
Image of Rosa
Hybrid Tea Rose 'The McCartney Rose'
(Rosa )
weegy12 Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Sundown Saber'
(Iris )
mtilton Image
Image of Glycine max
Edamame, Edible Soy Bean 'Agate'
(Glycine max)
weegy12 Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Hostess Royale'
(Iris )
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Cordyline fruticosa
Hawaiian Ti Plant, Good Luck Plant, Ti Plant 'Mocha Latte'
(Cordyline fruticosa)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Cordyline fruticosa
Hawaiian Ti Plant, Good Luck Plant, Ti Plant 'Mocha Latte'
(Cordyline fruticosa)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Cordyline fruticosa
Hawaiian Ti Plant, Good Luck Plant, Ti Plant 'Mocha Latte'
(Cordyline fruticosa)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Cordyline fruticosa
Hawaiian Ti Plant, Good Luck Plant, Ti Plant 'Mocha Latte'
(Cordyline fruticosa)
weegy12 Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Living Right'
(Iris )
Calif_Sue Image
Image of Hippeastrum papilio
Butterfly Amaryllis
(Hippeastrum papilio)
Calif_Sue Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Bold Vision'
(Iris )
Calif_Sue Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Fiery Temper'
(Iris )
Calif_Sue Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Fiery Temper'
(Iris )
mtilton Image
Image of Phaseolus vulgaris
Dry Bean 'Dolloff'
(Phaseolus vulgaris)
Xenomorf Image
Image of Yucca baccata
Broad-leaf Yucca, Banana Yucca, Banana Yucca, Fleshy-Fruited Yucca, Datil Yucca
(Yucca baccata)
Xenomorf Image
Image of Yucca baccata
Broad-leaf Yucca, Banana Yucca, Banana Yucca, Fleshy-Fruited Yucca, Datil Yucca
(Yucca baccata)
weegy12 Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Dream Of Gold'
(Iris )
mtilton Image
Image of Pisum sativum
English pea 'Margaret McKee's Baking Pea'
(Pisum sativum)
Xenomorf Image
Image of Cupressus arizonica
Arizona Cypress, Smooth Cypress
(Cupressus arizonica)
Xenomorf Image
Image of Cupressus arizonica
Arizona Cypress, Smooth Cypress
(Cupressus arizonica)
lovemyhouse Image
Image of Clematis
Clematis 'Silmakivi'
(Clematis )
Xenomorf Image
Image of Nolina microcarpa
Small-seeded Beargrass, Basket Grass, Sawgrass, Sacahuista
(Nolina microcarpa)
JT1 Image
Image of Acer palmatum
Japanese Maple 'Willow Leaf'
(Acer palmatum)
CactusJordi Image
Image of Rebutia fidaiana
(Rebutia fidaiana)
cedar18 Image
Image of Phlomis cashmeriana
Phlomis, Kashmir Sage, Cashmere Sage
(Phlomis cashmeriana)
CactusJordi Image
Image of Rebutia fidaiana
(Rebutia fidaiana)
kasisa Image
Image of Heuchera
Coral Bells, Alumroot, Coralbells, Alum Root 'Obsidian'
(Heuchera )
ragpics Image
Image of Senna artemisioides
Silver Cassia, Feathery Cassia
(Senna artemisioides)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Lantana
Spreading Lantana 'Spreading Sunshine®'
(Lantana )
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Lantana
Spreading Lantana 'Spreading Sunshine®'
(Lantana )
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Lantana
Spreading Lantana 'Spreading Sunshine®'
(Lantana )
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Lantana
Spreading Lantana 'Spreading Sunshine®'
(Lantana )
JT1 Image
Image of Acer palmatum
Japanese Maple 'Shaina'
(Acer palmatum)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Lantana
Spreading Lantana 'Spreading Tangerine™'
(Lantana )
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Lantana
Spreading Lantana 'Spreading Tangerine™'
(Lantana )
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Lantana
Spreading Lantana 'Spreading Tangerine™'
(Lantana )
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Lantana
Spreading Lantana 'Spreading Tangerine™'
(Lantana )
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Phygelius x rectus
Cape Fuchsia 'Funfare WineTM'
(Phygelius x rectus)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Phygelius x rectus
Cape Fuchsia 'Funfare WineTM'
(Phygelius x rectus)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Phygelius x rectus
Cape Fuchsia 'Funfare WineTM'
(Phygelius x rectus)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Phygelius x rectus
Cape Fuchsia 'Funfare WineTM'
(Phygelius x rectus)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Polygonatum x hybridum
Solomon's Seal 'Valerie's Song'
(Polygonatum x hybridum)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Polygonatum x hybridum
Solomon's Seal 'Valerie's Song'
(Polygonatum x hybridum)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Polygonatum x hybridum
Solomon's Seal 'Valerie's Song'
(Polygonatum x hybridum)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Polygonatum x hybridum
Solomon's Seal 'Valerie's Song'
(Polygonatum x hybridum)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Salvia x sylvestris
Violet Sage, Ornamental Meadow Sage, Balkan Clary, Perennial Woodland Sage 'Viola Klose'
(Salvia x sylvestris)
weegy12 Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Bargello Art'
(Iris )
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Heliotropium arborescens
Heliotrope 'Marino™ White'
(Heliotropium arborescens)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Heliotropium arborescens
Heliotrope 'Marino™ White'
(Heliotropium arborescens)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Heliotropium arborescens
Heliotrope 'Marino™ White'
(Heliotropium arborescens)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Russelia equisetiformis
Firecracker Plant, Coral Plant, Coralblow, Fountain Plant
(Russelia equisetiformis)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Russelia equisetiformis
Firecracker Plant, Coral Plant, Coralblow, Fountain Plant
(Russelia equisetiformis)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Russelia equisetiformis
Firecracker Plant, Coral Plant, Coralblow, Fountain Plant
(Russelia equisetiformis)
oldroselover Image
Image of Rosa
China Rose 'Jean Bach Sisley'
(Rosa )
oldroselover Image
Image of Rosa
China Rose 'Jean Bach Sisley'
(Rosa )
oldroselover Image
Image of Rosa
Portland Rose 'Comte de Chambord'
(Rosa )
oldroselover Image
Image of Rosa
Tea Rose 'Madame Wagram'
(Rosa )
oldroselover Image
Image of Rosa
Tea Rose 'Mrs. Dudley Cross'
(Rosa )
oldroselover Image
Image of Rosa
Tea Rose 'Mrs. Dudley Cross'
(Rosa )
oldroselover Image
Image of Rosa
Old Garden Rose 'Maggie'
(Rosa )
jess2132000 Image
Image of Rosa
Large Flowered Climbing Rose 'Parade'
(Rosa )
jess2132000 Image
Image of Rosa
Large-flowered Climbing Rose 'Dream Weaver'
(Rosa )
liliesandme Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Wedding Cake'
(Iris )
liliesandme Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Wedding Cake'
(Iris )
suburbanite Image
Image of Anemone acutiloba
Sharp-lobed Hepatica
(Anemone acutiloba)
Xenomorf Image
Image of Aloe vera
Aloe Vera, Medicinal Aloe, Savila
(Aloe vera)
Xenomorf Image
Image of Aloe vera
Aloe Vera, Medicinal Aloe, Savila
(Aloe vera)
atisch Image
Image of Hoya multiflora
Shooting Star Hoya, Wax Plant, Porcelain Flower
(Hoya multiflora)
Xenomorf Image
Image of Acacia greggii var. arizonica
Catclaw Acacia
(Acacia greggii var. arizonica)
Xenomorf Image
Image of Acacia greggii var. arizonica
Catclaw Acacia
(Acacia greggii var. arizonica)
DaylilySLP Image
Image of Rhyncholaeliocattleya
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Paradise Rose
(Rhyncholaeliocattleya )
Calif_Sue Image
Image of Weigela florida
Old Fashioned Weigela
(Weigela florida)
Calif_Sue Image
Image of Weigela florida
Old Fashioned Weigela
(Weigela florida)
Calif_Sue Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Afternoon In Rio'
(Iris )

Garden Watchdog Activity:

No new companies were added to the database.
23 new ratings/comments were added to the database.

Chills Positive Trans-Pacific Nursery (WorldPlants.com)
dspirits Negative Jung Seed
gardenchik Positive Wayside Gardens
keoc Negative Gurney's Seed & Nursery
BlueberryPlants Positive Hartmann's Plant Company
vbmacias Positive Classy Groundcovers
bhennon Positive Zoysia Farm Nurseries
Astrogarden Positive High Country Gardens
alilqtinvegas Positive Dimeo Blueberry Farms
sarahattx Negative House of Wesley
connoisseur Negative Van Bourgondien Dutch Bulbs
dtpforu Positive Dancing Oaks Nursery
LOVIE2 Positive Thyme After Thyme
LOVIE2 Positive Garden Crossings LLC
oldroselover Positive Sooner Plant Farm (Shop Smarter Shop Sooner)
ALNY Positive Nourse Farms Inc.
patriciakeen Negative Gardener's Choice
madeinusa Positive Dimeo Blueberry Farms
Ruth_MI Positive Silver Star Vinery
DexterMIgrower Positive Abbott's Landscape Nursery
akanana1 Negative Burgess Seed
kar120c Negative Absolutely Amish.com (Gardencraft LLC)

Garden Bookworm Activity:

No new books were added to the database.
No new ratings/comments were added to the database.

Final Notes

Thank you for reading the Dave's Garden Newsletter. If you ever decide you don't wish to receive these mailings anymore, simply go to your preferences page at Dave's Garden and remove the check in the checkbox for this newsletter.

Have a good day, and happy gardening!



And that's the way it was... May 1, 2011

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