The BugFiles Newsletter

Covering the events of July 5, 2010.
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Gardening Quote of the Day

"Dig a five dollar hole for a fifty cent plant [and you will soon have a ten dollar plant. But dig a fifty cent hole for a five dollar plant and you will soon have a dead plant.]"

(overheard on HGTV)

Activity Report:

No new bugs were added today. That's odd.
4 new comments were added.
8 new images were added.

Images added yesterday:

Image Palo Verde Root Borer (Derobrachus geminatus)
Image Lesser Vine Sphinx Moth, Banded Sphinx Moth (Eumorpha fasciatus)
Image Yellow Patch Skipper, Peck's Skipper (Polites peckius)
Image Yellow Patch Skipper, Peck's Skipper (Polites peckius)
Image Backswimmer (Notonecta irrorata)
Image Eastern Dobsonfly (Corydalus cornutus)
Image White-spotted Sable Moth (Anania funebris glomeralis)
Image Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

Comments added yesterday:

Urchin123 Squash Bug (Anasa armigera)
Urchin123 Squash Bug (Anasa tristis)
shewhoplants Common Walkingstick (Diapheromera femorata)
DDfan Linear Earwig (Doru lineare)

Final Notes

Thank you for reading the BugFiles Newsletter.

Have a good day, and happy gardening!



And that's the way it was... July 5, 2010