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Dave's Garden Newsletter for January 16, 2005
Covering the events of January 16, 2005

... in which ...

138 signed up. Our membership grew by 0.1% yesterday.
1,753 posts were made.
85 plants were added to PlantFiles.
91 comments were added to PlantFiles.
3,234 checkboxes were added to PlantFiles.
45 snapshots were added to PlantFiles.
6 entries were added to Botanary.
2 companies were added to the Garden Watchdog.
8 ratings were added to the Garden Watchdog.
6 books were added to the Garden Bookworm.
15 ratings were added to the Garden Bookworm.

"For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God..."

Gardening Quote of the Day

"Every mile is two in winter."

( -- George Herbert, English writer, clergyman)

  Forum Photo of the Day  
In reply to: CLC #4Crazy Ladies Unite!
By tazzy

DG Photo of the Day

  PlantFiles Photo of the Day  
Coleus 'Alabama Sunset'
Solenostemon scutellarioides
By julie88

PF Photo of the Day

Forum Activity

A grand total of 1,753 posts were made yesterday.

Forum Posts
Daylilies 214 posts
Lilies 177 posts
Photos 121 posts
Pets 119 posts
PF Pictures 95 posts
Irises 86 posts
Brugmansias and Friends 75 posts
Seed Trading 72 posts
Jokes and Chat 72 posts
Canadian Trading 64 posts
Cactus and Succulents 64 posts
Co-Op 44 posts
Prayer Requests 44 posts
Annuals 42 posts
Recipes 41 posts
Tomatoes 34 posts
General Discussion 32 posts
Plant Trading 28 posts
Orchids 21 posts
Health, Dieting and Beauty 21 posts
Vines and Climbers 20 posts
Wild Life 19 posts
Identification 16 posts
Texas Gardening 15 posts
Camera Talk 15 posts
Propagation 13 posts
Saving Seeds 13 posts
Fruits & Nuts 12 posts
Roses 11 posts
Garden Talk 10 posts
Market Growers 10 posts
Computer Talk 10 posts
Crafts and Decorating 10 posts
Pollbooth 10 posts
Weather 8 posts
Welcome Mat 8 posts
Tropicals 8 posts
Hostas 7 posts
Greenhouse 7 posts
Vegetable Gardening 6 posts
Shady Gardens 6 posts
Paper People 6 posts
Trees & Shrubs 5 posts
Bulbs 5 posts
Peonies 4 posts
Home Decorating 3 posts
House Plants 3 posts
Farm Life 2 posts
Test 2 posts
Wild Plants 2 posts
Dirt Cheap 2 posts
African Violets 2 posts
Handyman 2 posts
European 2 posts
Garden Foes 2 posts
Round Robin Trading 2 posts
Master Gardeners 2 posts
Water Gardens 2 posts
Organic Gardening 1 post
Stay at Home Moms 1 post
Container Gardening 1 post
Caregivers 1 post
Hoyas 1 post

New Botanary Words

Name Pronunciation Meaning
Lecythis leh-SEE-thees From the Greek lekythos (vase), in reference to the fruits
weinmannifolia wyn-man-nee-FOH-lee-uh Leaves like the ones of Weinmannia, a Cunnoniaceae
X Quesmea KWES-mee-uh A transgeneric hybrid of Quesnelia (Named for 19th century French author, François Alexandre Quesné) and Aechmea (from the Greek aikhme, meaning spear)
Herpolirion herp-oh-LIR-ee-on From the Greek: herp (to creep) and lirion (a lily) in reference to its growth habit
shirasawanum shir-ah-sa-WAN-um Named for Homi (or Miho) Shirasawa, 20th century Japanese dendrologist
shirasawana shir-ah-sa-WAN-uh Named for Homi (or Miho) Shirasawa, 20th century Japanese dendrologist

PlantFiles Activity:

85 new plants.
91 new descriptions were added.
45 new images were added.
3234 new content were checked off.

PlantFiles Additions:

Member Addition Description
ladyrowan Comment Cyclamineus Narcissus, Cyclamen Daffodil 'Jenny'
kdjoergensen Comment Darwin Hybrid Tulip 'Pink Impression'
ladyrowan Comment Trumpet Daffodil, Trumpet Narcissus 'Holland Sensation'
ladyrowan Comment Trumpet Daffodil, Trumpet Narcissus 'Honeybird'
ladyrowan Comment Cyclamineus Narcissus, Cyclamen Daffodil 'Mite'
ladyrowan Comment Triandrus Narcissus, Triandrus Daffodil 'Ice Wings'
boojum Comment Orchid 'Mtssa Charles M Fitch 'Izumi''
ladyrowan Comment Double Daffodil, Double Narcissus 'Innovator'
LilyLover_UT Comment Wild Hyssop, Hummingbird Mint, Mosquito Plant
Agastache cana
Margiempv Comment Tall Bearded Iris 'Knock 'Em Dead'
Todd_Boland Comment Thurber's Bog Orchid
Platanthera limosa
Todd_Boland Comment Purple fringeless orchid
Platanthera peramoena
Todd_Boland Comment Blunt-leaf Orchid
Platanthera obtusata
Todd_Boland Comment Sparsely-flowered Bog Orchid
Platanthera sparsiflora
Todd_Boland Comment Slender Bog Orchid
Platanthera stricta
Todd_Boland Comment Coast Piperia
Piperia maritima
Todd_Boland Comment Ehrenberg's Adder's-Mouth Orchid
Malaxis ehrenbergii
mystic Comment Petunia 'Lipstick Kisses'
Todd_Boland Comment Bayard's Adder's-Mouth Orchid
Malaxis bayardii
Todd_Boland Comment White Adder's-Mouth Orchid
Malaxis monophyllos var. brachypoda
LilyLover_UT Comment Blue Woodruff
Asperula orientalis
Todd_Boland Comment Florida Adder's-Mouth Orchid
Malaxis spicata
NativePlantFan9 Comment Ashe's Calamint, Ashe's Calamintha
Calamintha ashei
Todd_Boland Comment Green adder's mouth
Malaxis unifolia
LilyLover_UT Comment Anise Hyssop, Licorice Mint
Agastache foeniculum
Todd_Boland Comment Mountain Malaxis
Malaxis soulei
Todd_Boland Comment
Malaxis corymbosa
Todd_Boland Comment Slender-flowered Malaxis
Malaxis abieticola
Todd_Boland Comment
Malaxis wendtii
Todd_Boland Comment
Malaxis porphyrea
sugarweed Comment Coleus, Painted Nettle 'Eleanor'
Solenostemon scutellarioides
cacti_lover Comment Echinopsis Hybrid 'Volcanic Sunset'
Echinopsis hybrid
NativePlantFan9 Comment Night-scented orchid
Epidendrum nocturnum
NativePlantFan9 Comment Acuna's Star Orchid
Epidendrum blancheanum
laurawege Comment Christmas Rose
Helleborus niger
NativePlantFan9 Comment Stiff-flowered Star Orchid, Rigid Epidendrum
Epidendrum rigidum
Badseed Comment Egyptian Tree Onion, Walking Onion, Topset Onion
Allium cepa var. proliferum
LilyLover_UT Comment Scarlet Flax 'Blue Dress'
Linum grandiflorum
smiln32 Comment Canadian Hemlock, Eastern Hemlock
Tsuga canadensis
LilyLover_UT Comment China Aster
Callistephus chinensis
gowron Comment Coast Redwood
Sequoia sempervirens
LilyLover_UT Comment Pot Marigold 'Indian Prince'
Calendula officinalis
Todd_Boland Comment Large twayblade, Lily twayblade
Liparis liliifolia
LilyLover_UT Comment Pot Marigold 'Pink Surprise'
Calendula officinalis
LilyLover_UT Comment Sweet Sultan 'Dairy Maid'
Centaurea moschata
Kelli Comment Arizona Ash, Velvet Ash, Modesto Ash, Desert Ash, Leatherleaf Ash, Smooth Ash, Toumey Ash, Fresno As
Fraxinus velutina
LilyLover_UT Comment Plains Coreopsis, Calliopsis
Coreopsis tinctoria
Todd_Boland Comment Loesel's Twayblade
Liparis loeselii
Todd_Boland Comment Northern Twayblade
Listera borealis
Todd_Boland Comment Common Twayblade
Listera ovata
LilyLover_UT Comment Rose Mallow, Annual Mallow 'Pink Beauty'
Lavatera trimestris
Todd_Boland Comment Whorled Pogonia
Isotria verticillata
smiln32 Comment Canadian Hemlock, Eastern Hemlock 'Cole's Prostrate'
Tsuga canadensis
DustyEarth Comment Tomato 'Gardener's Delight'
Lycopersicon lycopersicum
LilyLover_UT Comment Daylily 'Bela Lugosi'
LilyLover_UT Comment Love-in-a-Mist 'Miss Jekyll'
Nigella damascena
LilyLover_UT Comment Texas Sage, Scarlet Sage, Tropical Sage 'Coral Nymph'
Salvia coccinea
DustyEarth Comment Tomato, Long Tom 'Long Tom'
Lycopersicon lycopersicum
LilyLover_UT Comment Mallow, French Hollyhock 'Zebrina'
Malva sylvestris
LilyLover_UT Comment Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru 'Red Glow'
Mirabilis jalapa
Todd_Boland Comment Orchid 'Mtssa Charles M Fitch 'Izumi''
Todd_Boland Comment
Cattleya harrisoniana
berrygirl Comment Canna Lily 'President'
Canna x generalis
Todd_Boland Comment 'Interglossa'
berrygirl Comment Showy Stonecrop 'Autumn Fire'
Sedum hybrid
Todd_Boland Comment 'Landate'
Todd_Boland Comment
Cattleya tigrina
berrygirl Comment Showy Stonecrop 'Neon'
Sedum hybrid
Todd_Boland Comment
Odontoglossum harryanum
mgarr Comment Japanese Rush, Japanese Sweet Flag, Grassy-leaved Sweet Flag
Acorus gramineus
mgarr Comment Gopher Spurge, Caper Spurge, Mole Plant, Myrtle Spurge
Euphorbia lathyris
NatureWalker Comment Scarlet milkvetch
Astragalus coccineus
JodyC Comment Oakleaf goosefoot
Chenopodium glaucum
LilyLover_UT Comment Canadian Columbine, Wild Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis
LilyLover_UT Comment Fan Columbine
Aquilegia flabellata
slvossler Comment Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac 'Bicolor'
Buddleja davidii
LilyLover_UT Comment Roundleaf Thorough-wax, Hare's Ear 'Green Gold'
Bupleurum rotundifolium
LilyLover_UT Comment Pot Marigold, English Marigold
Calendula officinalis
LilyLover_UT Comment Sunset Hyssop, Licorice Mint
Agastache rupestris
LilyLover_UT Comment Peach-Leafed Bellflower
Campanula persicifolia
LilyLover_UT Comment Cornflower 'Blue Carpet'
Centaurea cyanoides
JodyC Comment Peachleaf Willow
Salix amygdaloides
LilyLover_UT Comment Cornflower 'Blue Diadem'
Centaurea cyanus
LilyLover_UT Comment Cornflower 'Black Ball'
Centaurea cyanus
LilyLover_UT Comment Sweet Sultan
Centaurea moschata
LilyLover_UT Comment Bigflower Coreopsis, Largeflowered Tickseed, Tickseed Coreopsis
Coreopsis grandiflora
kdjoergensen Comment Impatiens 'Star Accents Mix'
Impatiens walleriana
kdjoergensen Comment Lilium
Lilium speciosum var. clivorum
LilyLover_UT Comment Common Cosmos, Mexican Aster
Cosmos bipinnatus
LilyLover_UT Comment Common Cosmos, Mexican Aster 'Sonata White'
Cosmos bipinnatus
melody Comment Sweet Pepper 'Antohi Romanian'
Capsicum annuum
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe castanea X vryheidensis

(Aloe castanea X vryheidensis)
Tammy Image
Image of Primula kisoana
(Primula kisoana)
Galanthophile Image
Image of Geranium lambertii x procurrens
Cranesbill 'Salome'
(Geranium lambertii x procurrens)
palmbob Image
Image of Aloe africana
Spiny Aloe
(Aloe africana)
Xenomorf Image
Image of Cereus aethiops
(Cereus aethiops)
Xenomorf Image
Image of Echinopsis hybrid
Schick Hybrid 'Pink Diamond'
(Echinopsis hybrid)
mrporl Image
Image of Pittosporum eugenioides
Tarata, Lemonwood
(Pittosporum eugenioides)
mrporl Image
Image of Vitis coignetiae
Crimson Glory Vine, Inedible Grape
(Vitis coignetiae)
butterflybyrob Image
Image of Salvia involucrata
Rose Leaf Sage
(Salvia involucrata)
Sugarbean1 Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Color Carnival'
(Iris )
Sugarbean1 Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Cranberry Sauce'
(Iris )
Margiempv Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Sentimental Rose'
(Iris )
Margiempv Image
Image of Iris
Tall Bearded Iris 'Old Black Magic'
(Iris )
raven_locks Image
Image of Hoya eitapensis

(Hoya eitapensis)
bootandall Image
Image of Mandevilla laxa
Chilean Jasmine
(Mandevilla laxa)
Todd_Boland Image
Image of Paeonia rockii

(Paeonia rockii)
Todd_Boland Image
Image of Paeonia mollis

(Paeonia mollis)
kniphofia Image
Image of Paeonia mlokosewitschii
(Paeonia mlokosewitschii)
kniphofia Image
Image of Galanthus
Snowdrop 'Viridapice'
(Galanthus )
Galanthophile Image
Image of Pulmonaria
Lungwort 'Cotton Cool'
(Pulmonaria )
kennedyh Image
Image of Verticordia plumosa
(Verticordia plumosa)
kennedyh Image
Image of Knightia excelsa
New Zealand Honeysuckle, Bucket of Water Tree, New Zealand Bottlebrush, Rewarewa
(Knightia excelsa)
ocimum_nate Image
Image of Cedrus deodara
Deodar Cedar
(Cedrus deodara)
henryr10 Image
Image of Cryptanthus bivittatus
Earth Star, Starfish Plant
(Cryptanthus bivittatus)
tinora_art Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Kimmswick'
(Hemerocallis )
tinora_art Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Kitty Patterson'
(Hemerocallis )
mosquitoflats Image
Image of Trillium erectum
Wakerobin, Stinking Benjamin
(Trillium erectum)
mosquitoflats Image
Image of Philadelphus
Mock Orange 'Innocence'
(Philadelphus )
ocimum_nate Image
Image of Malus
Crabapple 'Klehms Improved Bechtel'
(Malus )
Floridian Image
Image of Tillandsia funkiana
Air Plant
(Tillandsia funkiana)
NativePlantFan9 Image
Image of Canavalia rosea
Beach Bean
(Canavalia rosea)
scutler Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Daring Deception'
(Hemerocallis )
mgarr Image
Image of Sarracenia leucophylla X swaniana
(Sarracenia leucophylla X swaniana)
mgarr Image
Image of Salvia sinaloensis
Sapphire Salvia, Sinaloa Sage
(Salvia sinaloensis)
kivariver Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Grapeade'
(Hemerocallis )
kivariver Image
Image of Hemerocallis
Daylily 'Missouri Royalty'
(Hemerocallis )
philomel Image
Image of Pelargonium
Unique Pelargonium 'Phyllis'
(Pelargonium )
DiOhio Image
Image of Platanthera lacera
Ragged Fringed Orchid
(Platanthera lacera)
John_Benoot Image
Image of Sparrmannia africana
Cape Stock-Rose
(Sparrmannia africana)
MaryinLa Image
Image of Brugmansia
Angel's Trumpet 'Leilani'
(Brugmansia )
kayaker Image
Image of Linaria purpurea
Purple Toadflax, Perennial Toadflax
(Linaria purpurea)
daylily970 Image
Image of Lilium grayi
Gray's lily
(Lilium grayi)
kdjoergensen Image
Image of Tulipa
Darwin Hybrid Tulip 'Pink Impression'
(Tulipa )
boojum Image
Image of Miltassia
Orchid 'Mtssa Charles M Fitch 'Izumi''
(Miltassia )
Patrick_F Image
Image of Heracleum sphondylium subsp sphondylium

(Heracleum sphondylium subsp sphondylium)

Garden Watchdog Activity:

2 new companies were added to the database.
8 new ratings/comments were added to the database.

Member Addition Description
throneofyord Positive Wellspring Gardens
gardendollee Positive Coburg Planting Fields
Ahab26 Neutral Spring Hill Nurseries
Ahab26 Neutral Park Seed Company
bbc Positive Jerry Baker, America's Master Gardener
mollis Positive Forestfarm
Osteole Positive Park Seed Company
Queala Positive Lee Valley Tools, Ltd.

Garden Bookworm Activity:

6 new books were added to the database.
15 new ratings/comments were added to the database.

Member Addition Description
gordo Positive Bulbs for Warm Climates
gordo Positive Tropical Flowering Plants: A Guide to Identification and Cultivation
mdthom Positive Growing Perennials in Cold Climates
slubberdegulion Positive Slug Tossing: and Other Adventures of a Reluctant Gardener
slubberdegulion Positive From the Ground Up: The Story of a First Garden
slubberdegulion Positive Adam's Profession and Its Conquest by Eve
slubberdegulion Positive Bouquets and Bitters: A Gardener's Medley
slubberdegulion Positive The Writer in the Garden
oxenmantim77 Positive New Organic Grower: A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener
oxenmantim77 Positive All Flesh Is Grass
slubberdegulion Positive Scented Geraniums: Knowing, Growing, and Enjoying Scented Pelargoniums
slubberdegulion Positive The Backyard Orchardist: A Complete Guide to Growing Fruit Trees in the Home Garden
slubberdegulion Positive The Essential Earthman: Henry Mitchell on Gardening
slubberdegulion Positive The Little Bulbs: A Tale of Two Gardens
slubberdegulion Positive Time-Tested Plants: Thirty Years in a Four-Season Garden

Final Notes

Thank you for reading the Dave's Garden Newsletter. If you ever decide you don't wish to receive these mailings anymore, simply go to your preferences page at Dave's Garden and remove the check in the checkbox for this newsletter.

Have a good day, and happy gardening!

Dave Whitinger, StandardOut.com


And that's the way it was... January 16, 2005

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