Dave's Garden Newsletter

Covering the events of October 29.

66 members joined.

Gardening Quote of the Day

"Let us not forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of man."

( -- Daniel Webster, American statesman, orator (born 1/18/1782))

Forum Photo of the Day

Subject: Give it to me straight - I can take it ...
By poppysue

Plants Database Photo of the Day

Malope trifida
By broots

Forum Activity

A grand total of 737 posts were made yesterday.

Forum Posts
Photos150 posts.
Brugmansias and Friends125 posts.
General Discussion61 posts.
Prayer Requests51 posts.
PDB Pictures50 posts.
Co-Op33 posts.
Computer Talk31 posts.
Dave's Garden31 posts.
Gourds and Melons21 posts.
Home and Crafts15 posts.
Farm Life15 posts.
Scif Store Discussion14 posts.
Parking Lot14 posts.
Wild Life10 posts.
Health and Dieting10 posts.
Recipes10 posts.
Plant Trading10 posts.
Butterflies and Hummers9 posts.
Greenhouse8 posts.
Jokes and Chat6 posts.
Hostas6 posts.
Pollbooth6 posts.
Identification6 posts.
Bulbs6 posts.
Pets5 posts.
Tropicals5 posts.
Propagation4 posts.
Roses4 posts.
European3 posts.
Annuals3 posts.
Seed Trading3 posts.
Vines and Climbers3 posts.
Herbs2 posts.
Current Events2 posts.
Grass and Bamboo1 post.
Hybridizing1 post.
Landscaping1 post.
Collectibles1 post.
Garden Foes1 post.

Journal Activity

20 new items.
11 new entries.

Plants Database Activity:

3 new plants.
5 new descriptions were added.
16 new images were added.

Member Addition Description
Dottie38CommentGolden Shrimp Plant, Lollipop Plant
(Pachystachys lutea)
philomelCommentRose 'Blush Noisette (1817; aka Rosier de Phillipe Noisete)'
(Rosa Noisette (OGR))
peterbCommentBleeding Heart Vine
(Dicentra scandens)
Bug_GirlCommentFour O'Clock
(Mirabilis jalapa)
AbutilonCommentCanna Lily 'Torchlight'
(Canna x generalis)
Four O'Clock
(Mirabilis jalapa)
Floss Silk Tree 'Majestic Beauty'
(Chorisia speciosa)
Floss Silk Tree 'Majestic Beauty'
(Chorisia speciosa)
Firecracker Shrub, Mexican Firebush, Scarlet Bush, Hummingbird Bush
(Hamelia patens)
Hardy Red Gloxinia
(Sinningia sellovii)
Pine-Barren Goldenrod
(Solidago fistulosa)
Floating Heart, Water Snowflake
(Nymphoides indica)
Floating Heart, Water Snowflake
(Nymphoides indica)
Floating Heart, Water Snowflake
(Nymphoides indica)
Mandevilla, Dipladenia
(Mandevilla splendens)
Mandevilla, Dipladenia
(Mandevilla splendens)
King's Mantle
(Thunbergia erecta)
Rose 'Blush Noisette (1817; aka Rosier de Phillipe Noisete)'
(Rosa Noisette (OGR))
Bleeding Heart Vine
(Dicentra scandens)
Four O'Clock
(Mirabilis jalapa)
Blue Potato Bush
(Lycianthes rantonnetii)

Garden Watchdog Activity:

No new companies were added to the database.
No new ratings/comments were added to the database.

Final Notes

Thank you for reading the Dave's Garden Newsletter. If you ever decide you don't wish to receive these mailings anymore, simply go to your preferences page at Dave's Garden and remove the check in the checkbox for this newsletter.

Have a good day, and happy gardening!

Dave Whitinger


And that's the way it was... October 29, 2002