Dave's Garden Newsletter

Covering the events of May 21.

52 members joined.

Gardening Quote of the Day

"My garden is an honest place. Every tree and every vine are incapable of concealment, and tell after two or three months exactly what sort of treatment they have had."

( -- Ralph Waldo Emerson, American poet, philosopher)

Forum Photo of the Day

Subject: New White Brugmansia 'Phantasm's Tears' ..opinions please!?
By Abutilon

Forum Activity

A grand total of 830 posts were made yesterday.

Forum Posts
Photos120 posts.
Brugmansias and Friends102 posts.
General Discussion76 posts.
Prayer Requests67 posts.
Tropicals56 posts.
Perennials33 posts.
Bulbs30 posts.
Roundup26 posts.
Parking Lot24 posts.
Plant Trading22 posts.
Garden Talk17 posts.
Identification17 posts.
Tomatoes17 posts.
Jokes and Chat14 posts.
Vines and Climbers14 posts.
PDB Pictures13 posts.
Health12 posts.
Water Gardens11 posts.
Dave's Garden10 posts.
Heirlooms10 posts.
Farm Life10 posts.
Hydrangeas10 posts.
Current Events10 posts.
Hostas9 posts.
Home and Crafts7 posts.
Annuals7 posts.
Shady Gardens6 posts.
Seed Trading6 posts.
Handyman6 posts.
European6 posts.
Co-Op6 posts.
Pets5 posts.
Wild Plants5 posts.
Propagation4 posts.
House Plants4 posts.
Succulents4 posts.
Saving Seeds3 posts.
Welcome Mat3 posts.
Trees & Shrubs3 posts.
Disabled Gardeners3 posts.
Day Lilies3 posts.
Organic Gardening2 posts.
Computer Talk2 posts.
Mail Call!2 posts.
Roses2 posts.
Stay at Home Moms2 posts.
Soil2 posts.
Garden Events1 post.
Recipes1 post.
Xeriscaping1 post.
Pests and Diseases1 post.

Journal Activity

36 new items.
62 new entries.
6 new images.

Plants Database Activity:

5 new plants.
6 new descriptions were added.
5 new images were added.

Member Addition Description
BaaPlantCruel Plant
(Araujia sericifera)
BaaPlantFragrant Granny's Bonnet
(Aquilegia fragrans)
BaaPlantRocky Mountain Columbine
(Aquilegia saximontana)
DAVEFORBESCommentJoseph's Coat
(Spiraea japonica)
BaaCommentHybrid Columbine 'William Guiness'
(Aquilegia vulgaris)
BaaCommentCruel Plant
(Araujia sericifera)
BaaCommentFragrant Granny's Bonnet
(Aquilegia fragrans)
BaaCommentRocky Mountain Columbine
(Aquilegia saximontana)
leoi95CommentRANGOON CREEPER 'LEOi95'
Butterfly Clerodendrum; Blue Glory Bower
(Clerodendrum ugandense)
Dogwood, Flowering Dogwood
(Cornus florida)
Red Barked Dogwood
(Cornus alba)
Red Barked Dogwood
(Cornus alba)
Japanese Blood Grass 'Rubra'
(Imperata cylindrica)

Garden Watchdog Activity:

No new companies were added to the database.
10 new ratings/comments were added to the database.

Member Addition Description
buffgardenerPositiveGreenwood Nursery Neutral rating
buffgardenerNegativeJackson and Perkins Good Rating
buffgardenerPositiveKlehm's Song Sparrow Perennial Farm Good Rating
susanmkPositivePark Seed Company Good Rating
luckyewePositivePeaceful Valley Farm Supply Good Rating
bennettNegativeGardeners' Choice Caution
plantphrequePositiveGolden Harvest Organics Good Rating
sharonharveyNegativeGardeners' Choice Caution
marcos489NegativeGardeners' Choice Caution
ltrailPositiveStark Brothers Neutral rating

Final Notes

Thank you for reading the Dave's Garden Newsletter. If you ever decide you don't wish to receive these mailings anymore, simply go to your preferences page at Dave's Garden and remove the check in the checkbox for this newsletter.

Have a good day, and happy gardening!

Dave Whitinger


And that's the way it was... May 21, 2001