Dave's Garden Newsletter

Covering the events of February 7.

40 members joined.

Gardening Quote of the Day

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. "

( -- John Ruskin, British writer, art critic (born 2/8/1819))

Forum Activity

A grand total of 613 posts were made yesterday.

Forum Posts
Brugmansias and Friends178 posts.
General Discussion75 posts.
Photos48 posts.
Seed Trading36 posts.
Farm Life28 posts.
International Trading23 posts.
Jokes and Chat23 posts.
Dave's Garden19 posts.
Recipes16 posts.
Garden Talk15 posts.
Tropicals15 posts.
Prayer Requests14 posts.
Health12 posts.
Current Events11 posts.
Roses9 posts.
Home and Crafts9 posts.
Plant Trading7 posts.
Propagation7 posts.
Co-Op7 posts.
Identification6 posts.
Garden Events6 posts.
United Kingdom6 posts.
Mail Call!5 posts.
Succulents4 posts.
Dirt Cheap4 posts.
Tomatoes4 posts.
Pets3 posts.
Computer Talk3 posts.
Vines and Climbers3 posts.
Home Decorating3 posts.
House Plants3 posts.
Herbs2 posts.
Organic Gardening2 posts.
Market Growers1 post.
Master Gardeners1 post.
Hostas1 post.
Annuals1 post.

Journal Activity

6 new items.
7 new entries.
3 new images.

Plants Database Activity:

9 new plants.
No new descriptions were added..
74 new images were added.

Member Addition Description
FlowerManiacPlant ( )
DinuPlant (Coleus aromaticus)
DinuPlantSword lily (Gladiolus )
FlowerManiacPlantBeaded Wood Fern (Dryopteris bissetiana)
FlowerManiacPlantUmbrella Plant (Cyperus Alternifoluis)
FlowerManiacPlantBanana (Musa Ornata)
FlowerManiacPlantVeronica (Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue')
FlowerManiacPlantVerbena (Verbena x hybrida "Blue Princess")
FlowerManiacPlantRain Lily (Zephyranthes candida)
FloridianImageStar Fruit (Averrhoea carambola)
FlowerManiacImagePink Wood Sorrel (Oxalis crassipes)
DinuImageChenille Plant, Red-Hot Cattail (Acalypha hispida)
DinuImageSword lily (Gladiolus )
FlowerManiacImagePink Wood Sorrel (Oxalis crassipes)
FlowerManiacImageDrumsticks, Ornamental Onion (Allium sphaerocephalon)
FlowerManiacImageDrumsticks, Ornamental Onion (Allium sphaerocephalon)
FlowerManiacImageFalse Spirea (Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila')
FlowerManiacImageBusy Lizzy (Impatiens walleriana)
FlowerManiacImageBlackfoot Daisy (Melampodium leucanthum)
FlowerManiacImageGarden Phlox (Phlox paniculata)
FlowerManiacImageFancy-Leafed Caladium (Caladium bicolor)
FlowerManiacImageFancy-Leafed Caladium (Caladium bicolor)
FlowerManiacImageCanna (Canna )
FlowerManiacImageBanana (Musa Ornata)
FlowerManiacImageBanana (Musa Ornata)
FlowerManiacImageUmbrella Plant (Cyperus Alternifoluis)
FlowerManiacImageHollyhock (Alcea rosea)
FlowerManiacImageBeaded Wood Fern (Dryopteris bissetiana)
FlowerManiacImageVeronica (Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue')
FlowerManiacImageBlack-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)
FlowerManiacImageBlanket Flower (Gaillardia grandiflora)
FlowerManiacImageAzalea (Rhododendron hybrids (Azalea))
FlowerManiacImageAzalea (Rhododendron hybrids (Azalea))
FlowerManiacImageVerbena (Verbena x hybrida "Blue Princess")
FlowerManiacImageVerbena (Verbena x hybrida "Blue Princess")
FlowerManiacImageMexican Bush Sage (Salvia leucantha)
FlowerManiacImageMexican Bush Sage (Salvia leucantha)
FlowerManiacImageCosmos (Cosmos sulphureus)
FlowerManiacImageRain Lily (Zephyranthes candida)
FlowerManiacImageRain Lily (Zephyranthes candida)
FlowerManiacImageRain Lily (Zephyranthes candida)
FlowerManiacImageCrape Myrtle, Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
FlowerManiacImageCrape Myrtle, Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
FlowerManiacImageCrape Myrtle, Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
FlowerManiacImageBlue Anise Sage, Brazilian Sage (Salvia guaranitica)
FlowerManiacImageOrange Daylily, Tawny Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva)
FlowerManiacImageOrange Daylily, Tawny Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva)
FlowerManiacImageDaylily (Hemerocallis hybrids)
FlowerManiacImageDaylily (Hemerocallis hybrids)
FlowerManiacImageDaylily (Hemerocallis hybrids)
FlowerManiacImageDaylily (Hemerocallis hybrids)
FlowerManiacImageDaylily (Hemerocallis hybrids)
FlowerManiacImageDaylily (Hemerocallis hybrids)
FlowerManiacImageDaylily (Hemerocallis hybrids)
FlowerManiacImageDaylily (Hemerocallis hybrids)
FlowerManiacImageJapanese Iris (Iris ensata)
FlowerManiacImageHardy Hibiscus, Rose Mallow, Swamp Mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos)
FlowerManiacImageHardy Hibiscus, Rose Mallow, Swamp Mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos)
FlowerManiacImageJapanese Painted Fern (Athyrium niponicum var pictum)
FlowerManiacImageBeaded Wood Fern (Dryopteris bissetiana)
FlowerManiacImageBeaded Wood Fern (Dryopteris bissetiana)
FlowerManiacImageBusy Lizzy (Impatiens walleriana)
FlowerManiacImageSnapdragon (Antirrhinum majus)
FlowerManiacImageSnapdragon (Antirrhinum majus)
FlowerManiacImageBigflower Coreopsis, Tickseed Coreopsis (Coreopsis grandiflora)
FlowerManiacImageBigflower Coreopsis, Tickseed Coreopsis (Coreopsis grandiflora)
FlowerManiacImageBlanket Flower (Gaillardia grandiflora)
FlowerManiacImageVeronica (Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue')
FlowerManiacImageVeronica (Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue')
FlowerManiacImageWhite Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea 'Alba')
FlowerManiacImageWax Begonias (Begonia semperflorens)
FlowerManiacImageWax Begonias (Begonia semperflorens)
FlowerManiacImageWax Begonias (Begonia semperflorens)
FlowerManiacImageGlobe Amaranth (Gomphrena globosa)
FlowerManiacImageDaylily (Hemerocallis hybrids)
FlowerManiacImageTexas Bluebonnet (Lupinus texensis)
FlowerManiacImageCreeping Phlox (Phlox subulata)
FlowerManiacImageNarcissus, Trumpet (Narcissus hybrids (division I))
FlowerManiacImageNarcissus, Trumpet (Narcissus hybrids (division I))
FlowerManiacImageYellow Jessamine, Carolina Yellow Jasmine, (Gelsemium sempervirens)
FlowerManiacImageTulip, Triumph Hybrids (Tulipa hybrids)
FlowerManiacImagePoppy Anemone (Anemone coronaria)
FlowerManiacImageGrape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum)

Garden Watchdog Activity:

3 new companies were added to the database.
13 new ratings/comments were added to the database.

Member Addition Description
cookie1PositiveArena Rose Company Good Rating
CindyMNegativeR.H. Shumway Seeds Good Rating
oldtoolgirlPositiveArrowhead Alpines Good Rating
deusexPositiveGardenImport Good Rating
robacameronPositiveJohnny's Selected Seeds Good Rating
VioletPositiveEvergreen Y.H. Enterprises Good Rating
DawnGNegativeMellinger's Good Rating
sunfestPositiveBovees Nursery Good Rating
LegitPositivePinetree Garden Seeds Good Rating
LegitPositivePark Seed Company Good Rating
LegitPositiveMellinger's Good Rating
LegitPositiveBluestone Perennials Good Rating
JanetRPositiveBotanus Inc. Good Rating

Final Notes

Thank you for reading the Dave's Garden Newsletter. If you ever decide you don't wish to receive these mailings anymore, simply go to your preferences page at Dave's Garden and remove the check in the checkbox for this newsletter.

Have a good day, and happy gardening!

Dave Whitinger


And that's the way it was... February 7, 2001