Dave's Garden Newsletter

Covering the events of February 4.

40 members joined.

Gardening Quote of the Day

"And I will make thee beds of roses And a thousand fragrant posies. The Passionate Shepherd to his Love."

( -- Christopher Marlowe, English writer (born 2/6/1564))

Forum Activity

A grand total of 740 posts were made yesterday.

Forum Posts
Brugmansias and Friends197 posts.
Photos97 posts.
General Discussion91 posts.
Prayer Requests45 posts.
Jokes and Chat36 posts.
Garden Talk27 posts.
Identification21 posts.
Home and Crafts16 posts.
Welcome Mat16 posts.
Recipes15 posts.
Seed Trading15 posts.
Farm Life15 posts.
Vines and Climbers13 posts.
Current Events12 posts.
Plant Trading11 posts.
Propagation10 posts.
Landscaping10 posts.
Co-Op10 posts.
Dave's Garden8 posts.
Succulents7 posts.
Health7 posts.
Hostas7 posts.
Dirt Cheap6 posts.
Mail Call!5 posts.
Tropicals4 posts.
Alpine Gardening4 posts.
United Kingdom4 posts.
Organic Gardening3 posts.
Day Lilies2 posts.
Water Gardens2 posts.
Pets2 posts.
Soil1 post.
Pests and Diseases1 post.
Wild Plants1 post.
Stay at Home Moms1 post.
Tomatoes1 post.
Container Gardening1 post.
Bulbs1 post.

Journal Activity

3 new items.
4 new entries.
4 new images.

Plants Database Activity:

2 new plants.
2 new descriptions were added.
13 new images were added.

Member Addition Description
FloridianPlantScarlet Milkweed, Bloodflower (Asclepias currassavica)
TonnyPlantAngel`s Trumpet (Brugmansia arborea cv. "Ida")
FloridianImageYellow Jessamine, Carolina Yellow Jasmine, (Gelsemium sempervirens)
FloridianImageYellow Jessamine, Carolina Yellow Jasmine, (Gelsemium sempervirens)
FloridianImageGerbera Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)
FloridianImageScarlet Milkweed, Bloodflower (Asclepias currassavica)
FloridianImageFlorist's Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum)
FloridianImageFlorist's Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum)
TonnyImageAngel`s Trumpet (Brugmansia arborea cv. "Ida")
TonnyImageAngel`s Trumpet (Brugmansia arborea cv. "Ida")
TonnyImageAngel`s Trumpet (Brugmansia arborea cv. "Ida")
TonnyImageAngel`s Trumpet (Brugmansia arborea cv. "Ida")
TonnyImageAngel`s Trumpet (Brugmansia arborea cv. "Ida")
TonnyImageAngel`s Trumpet (Brugmansia arborea cv. "Ida")
philomelImageMusk Mallow (Malva moschata)
FloridianGeneral DescriptionScarlet Milkweed, Bloodflower (Asclepias currassavica)
TonnyCultivar/Variety Name and DescriptionBrugmansia (Brugmansia arborea)

Garden Watchdog Activity:

3 new companies were added to the database.
5 new ratings/comments were added to the database.

Member Addition Description
HeatherVPositiveNorthwest Orchids Good Rating
craigdPositiveMusser Forests, Inc. Good Rating
slf9psueduPositiveFranklin Hill Garden Seeds Good Rating
sug65PositivePlant Ranch Good Rating
OscarsdotterPositiveManchester Wildflower Seed Company Good Rating

Final Notes

Thank you for reading the Dave's Garden Newsletter. If you ever decide you don't wish to receive these mailings anymore, simply go to your preferences page at Dave's Garden and remove the check in the checkbox for this newsletter.

Have a good day, and happy gardening!

Dave Whitinger


And that's the way it was... February 4, 2001